Dedicated to the Realization of God and Service to Him in All Forms

Welcome to The Cross and The Lotus website. It was created in partnership with The Cross and The Lotus Publishing to present and bring forth the teachings of Yogacharya Mother Hamilton and her successor, Yogacharya David Hickenbottom. We are dedicated to the Realization of the Universal Vision of God and to the propagation of published works that point us to that goal.

On this website we feature content about our guru lineage, which flows from Paramhansa Yogananda and the Kriya Yoga lineage of Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya and Swami Sri Yukteswar. It also contains the works of Swami Ramdas, for whom we feel great reverence. Swami Ramdas helped Mother Hamilton gain her complete Realization of God after her Master’s Mahasamadhi.

The Cross and The Lotus is not an organization. Mother Hamilton did not form one, nor did she have a name for the group of spiritual aspirants who followed her. Yogacharya David continued in this tradition. This path is universal and these teachings are given freely to all. The symbol of The Cross and The Lotus was designed by Mother Hamilton and is now used for the distribution of all publications.

We are a non-sectarian, non-affiliated group of souls who are sincerely working to manifest the will of these great Masters of Yoga: Union with God. The four ordained ministers, Rev. Larry Koler, Rev. Jill Hough, Rev. Peter Schultz, and Rev. Zachary Abbey, continue this work with the help and support of many sincere devotees. We ask for the blessings and grace of Jesus Christ, Krishna and saints and sages of all religions. May you find inspiration in your own God-ward path at this site.

This Path

The Reverend Mother Yogacharya M. Hamilton met her guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, in the year 1925. Mother Hamilton described her first meeting with Master (Paramhansa Yogananda): “He took my hand, looked into my eyes, and I felt an electric shock go from my toes to the top of my head. From that moment to this, I was his!”

With that fateful meeting in Seattle, Washington, Mother began her ascent from the human to the divine, following her guru with loyalty, faith, and a pure heart. In the 1940s, Master appointed Mother as center leader for Seattle. He later ordained Mother as a minister in 1950, and in 1951, gave her the title Yogacharya, one of six in the world organization and the only woman. He asked Mother to initiate others into Kriya Yoga, a rare permission from the great master. Mother continued to teach and carry on the sacred guru-disciple relationship as requested by her guru. She attained Mahasamadhi (conscious exit from the body) on January 31, 1991.

View a short video about Mother’s life, narrated by David here.

“Each one who picks up his cross to follow the Christ can accomplish this Purpose if he is willing to go through what is necessary to pay the necessary price for that priceless pearl of God-realization. But who, if he has once tasted of this glory, is not willing to pay that price? Certainly Christ was, and he has become the inspiration, the pattern, the example for all men everywhere, regardless of whether or not they call themselves Christians. What they call themselves is not important. What is in a name? It is the fact that every single human being must go this path by whatever name he calls it—by whatever name he calls the Savior, or the Christ—in order that he may attain his oneness with God. We are put here on this earth but for that purpose.” – Mother Hamilton

Reverend Yogacharya David R. Hickenbottom continued the Kriya Yoga lineage. He first met his beloved guru in March of 1974 and was initiated into Kriya Yoga in June of that year. Mother Hamilton ordained David as a minister in 1984 and later gave him the title Yogacharya, meaning teacher or master of yoga. Mother passed on her spiritual mantle to Yogacharya David and asked him to continue to serve all sincere souls. This David did for the rest of his life, as spiritual teacher and guru, initiating a number of devotees into Kriya Yoga and inspiring them through Mother’s teachings as well as from his own state of Realization. He attained Mahasamadhi on August 12, 2019.

“This spiritual evolution is the greatest hope for a strained world that is too often filled with conflict, intolerance and separation. Only through individuals gaining their realization of this spiritual Reality will this world come to know its full glory of the Light of the Infinite Divine. May we all put our shoulders to the wheel of this great Work: the upliftment and spiritual evolution of the individual soul and of this beautifully created world.” – Yogacharya David

Our Guru Lineage

We are devoted to all great Masters of our Guru Lineage who have served the multitudes with God’s guidance: Jesus Christ, Babaji Maharaj, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, Swami Paramhansa Yogananda, Reverend Yogacharya Mother Hamilton, and Reverend Yogacharya David Hickenbottom. Mother Hamilton, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, who herself attained full Self-Realization after decades of Kriya Yoga meditation, said, “These Masters work for us. They work for us on other planes… working together to bring tremendous changes in this world.”


We honor the Saints and Sages of all religions.


The Cross and The Lotus Publishing has produced a number of books by Mother Hamilton and Yogacharya David. We also have a calendar and DVDs and CDs.
We also sell and distribute books from Anandashram, the ashram of Swami Ramdas in Kerala, India.

The Cross and The Lotus Journal
Latest Talks

The Purity of God in All in All (David, June 15, 1997)


The Holy Science Class 06 (Larry, October 9, 2024)


Will You be Chosen When You are Called? (Mother, May 28, 1971)


The Guru Banishes All Fears (Larry, October 2, 2024)


Direct God Perception (David, June 6, 1997)


The Holy Science Class 05 (Larry, September 25, 2024)


The Richest Man in Babylon (Mother, May 5, 1967)
