Picture by Carla: Sunset from Willard Bay: overlooking the Great Salt Lake
This writing is sent to you on the anniversary of the birthday of our treasured Lahiri Baba.
A Blood Moon one night and a full moon next to it helped mark the anniversary of the mahasamadhi of Lahiri Mahasaya. On each of these powerful nights the internal wakeup call comes in what I think of as Sri Yukteswarji’s hour, 2 a.m. I open myself to what God would have for me on these nocturnal events, always awake in eager anticipation for fulfilling His will.
My awareness moved out over a vast expanse, like light catapulting from a sun out into vast space. Only this “photon of light” expands and merges into the space into which it is moving, and this “photon” knows unparalleled joy in so doing.
Individuals known to me come to mind, a thousand thousand psychological patterns come into my awareness, clear and distinct. From the Vedas and from Master’s own lips comes the idea, “I am the wave, make me the sea.” In the past I have had a mental image of an ocean, waves rising and falling in natural rhythm, but now it comes as a visionary experience, the sea is a living consciousness. Waves as individual souls emerge from the vast sea of consciousness, each express their unique pattern, then they submerge once again into vastness of Spirit. This living sea has a number of qualities that defy description: it is full of life, it is smooth and all-powerful; the words are there but they somehow lack sufficient power to convey what it really is.
This great sea is the “I Am,” the great I Am. This I Am knows no qualification, it brooks no variance. Anything that needs qualification or change is not the I Am. Individual waves are always looking for qualifications to creation, not accepting the perfection of it all. Each one has access to the great I Am, even as the wave stems from the sea, but his or her insistence on qualifications keeps him from merging into the sea.
The perfectness of the great I Am cannot be compared to anything; for it is unique perfection itself. These are the writings of a madman; mad for God, mad of God-experience. I have had to break the tethers of the known in order to chart these waters of the unknown. Having done so, I am now commanded by the same Intelligence that guides this exploration to write down these notes from beyond the Beyond.
I can tell you beloved friend, the great I Am answers all of the heart’s desires, it fulfills the soul and its constant restless tides, and it is easily accessible by all. Oh my dear one, simply make no qualification upon God or His creation, humbly accept everything in its perfection, merge into the great I Am, and join Lahiri Baba and the great ones in knowing this fathomless Truth of your Being.
I am now emptied of what I held within from this experience, giving it all to you, and I merge into the great I Am, merging into what I never left and what will always be mine, even as it is yours.