

On this Easter morning we mark the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. In the dictionary we read the definition of resurrection: the act of causing something that had ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again, to be used again. In the telling of the life of Jesus, it is the physical ending of his life when crucified upon a wooden cross, and then his miraculous rising back to life.

Resurrection from death is an event that occurs in the vast majority of the world’s religions, and it has deep significance for all of us. In a worldly sense someone may have his career, marriage, or a friendship resurrected after, to all appearances, it had ended or died. Emotionally and psychologically we may have resurrection when we recover from a trauma, and subsequently died to a meaningful part of ourselves, only to have it come alive once again.

Spiritually speaking, which is the primary purpose of Easter and the story of Jesus, resurrection takes on an even greater meaning. While the above mentioned resurrections are deeply significant to a person’s life, they pale in comparison to the spiritual dimension for you and for me.

We know from the scriptures that Jesus went through many profound experiences before he came to the crucifixion. He was baptized by John the Baptist, and God’s voice proclaimed him His son and a Light broke over him; he was tempted in the desert and overcame all obstacles; he selflessly served humanity through healings, teachings, and on many occasions working to the point of exhaustion, then finding renewal in isolation on a mountain top. These are just a few of the glimpses we have of the Master from the writings that have been preserved.

All of these experiences are leading to a kind of grand finale; a moment of great transformation. From the time Jesus consciously and voluntarily puts himself into harm’s way by returning to Jerusalem, through the moving events of the last supper and his total surrender to God in the Garden of Gethsemane, we follow the Master step by step finally leading to his crucifixion. Through Mother and Master we know that this description is the symbolic story of every aspirant as he or she seeks transformation from the human to the Divine.

Thus the inner or Mystical Crucifixion is a specific set of experiences everyone can expect to go through in their own spiritual ascent when the time is right. Resurrection occurs after the soul has gone through the crucifixion experiences necessary to purify body, mind and soul.

From death in the heart center a blocking stone is rolled away leading to a resurrection in which Divine Love now flows through the heart from an unending Source. Death in the fifth chakra, the throat center, purifies the Astral/electrical body of all impurities and now truth and radiance shines from the inner soul. Ascending to the Causal sixth center, the Christ Center, a resurrection of the pure intelligence of God now flows through the brain, bringing Light, Truth and Love from sacred Omniscience, God the Father. And finally, complete death, not just of the body, but of the all human sense of a separate self, leads to the  ascendancy of a son of man to becoming a Son of God; nay, more than that, the resurrection of God-hood.

This resurrection, as you will surmise, is not just for one man who lived two thousand years ago, but is the story of every individual making this ascendancy. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; he leads you in the Way that completely transforms your life. It may come as a comfort for some to think that Jesus did all the heavy lifting and they can just ride along on his coattails. However, for the intrepid soul who recognizes the truth, resurrection must be a deeply meaningful transformation in his or her own life. The life of Jesus is a road map for the resurrection of Divine Consciousness in the sincere aspirant.

There has been something that has been forgotten, it is God-experience. There is something that has been lost, it is the realization of your eternal Self that is ever-conscious and is bliss itself. The resurrection of this state of Being means that it once again exists in your life in all of its fullness and glory, and for you to use it to help others achieve that same risen state. Easter is here to remind each one of us of this great and central Truth.


Unbounded Freedom


For those with eagle-hearts confinement to a limited body consciousness is too imprisoning, too suffocating to endure. Fortunately, we may learn to soar in spiritual skies and experience unbounded freedom, even as we yet remain living in the body.

Last night in our Kriya Class we explored that endless freedom. It starts with the mind’s power to create images, or imagination. Imagination is often derided as a false reality. And, it is a fact some can imagine many things, both true and false, and call it all true. But that should not take away from the reality that imagination can create a doorway to higher Reality; imagination is not that higher Reality, but it can trigger a true experience.

We started with what we were aware of in our normal conscious experience, ourselves in our bodies. Then closing our eyes we were aware of our breathing, for breathing is a vital part of our body-mind-Spirit connection. As we breathed, we inwardly saw our spirits expand beyond just the body and felt ourselves to grow out to the auric field, about arm’s length out, all around the body (imagine this for yourself even as you read this). We felt that we were expanded to that degree and we experienced the vitality, the peace and the Light of our Being was now larger.

Then we expanded out to the size of the room we were in, and all the people in that room. Gradually we continued to grow, and identified with the community we were in, and that the spirit of light, love, peace and bliss was permeating all that we encompassed. Then we saw ourselves beholding this world as if looking at it from a distance, and that Satchidananda (pure being, conscious awareness and bliss) was saturating the earth and all its beings.

We continued further to expand out to encompass the solar system, then the galaxy, and island galaxies, even out to this entire universe, and island universes, and the vast Astral Realm beyond material creation, then (if we dared!), to encompass the much more expanded field of the Causal Realm, and finally into the unlimited Spirit of God. And then to remember what it was like to be limited to the little body, how tiny and cramped this was in comparison to the vast expansion of Spirit.

No wonder we balk at the notion that the body and the material world are all that we are. And it also makes it understandable why souls get lost along the way and use drugs and alcohol in a vain attempt to experience that great freedom (and what a poor and dangerous imitation that attempt is!).

Afterward, even while driving the car home I continued in that expanded state of mind, and I told those in the car, “Not bad driving for one who is still out amongst the stars!” I had only a toehold on the body, enough to operate safely here on earth. And now, in the early morning hours, my Spirit continues to soar in the freedom of endless expansion and bliss.

We all can merge thinking into Being with practice and purification; and oh what we may be as we explore our true Being! Can you not sense the call of freedom tugging at you, an open breeze that seeks to fill the sails of your Spirit and take you into unending Bliss? It can start with your imagining this reality unfurling those closed tight sails, but then entering the doorway, finding yourself moving into the Reality of freedom loving Divinity within you, and all about you. Even now, do you not hear the call?

Health update: With practice one can move from oceanic consciousness to the little pond of body consciousness, without losing the freedom of the eternal Self. So, to shift subjects, this body continues to feel perfect recovery. Blood tests show that I am on the cusp of no longer being anemic; I do not notice any current signs of fatigue from the previous very low blood numbers.

I received my first vaccine injection that only contains my own cells, a combination of sterile tumor cells along with concentrated white blood cells. Other than some tiredness in the afternoon since the injection was received, I have had no other reaction. The idea is to target the immune system onto those cancerous cells in the early stages of formation. This is the second phase of the study for this vaccination. In the first phase (a test of a fewer number of participants), the three or four participants who had stage 4 cancer and had these injections have not had a recurrence of tumors. The few numbers of people in this category is not conclusive, but encouraging.

Also I have consulted one of the nation’s best oncological naturopaths and he said that melanoma is the top cancer for being responsive to naturopathic treatment. He took blood samples and I will meet with him again in a couple of weeks. In the meantime he recommends eating large servings of vegetables, half of a plate of food are vegetables, a palm size amount of protein, and a half to a cup of complex carbohydrates (such as quinoa). Use the Vitamix daily to liquefy an apple, a carrot, and a mixture of green vegetables, whatever is in the frig such as kale. Also he has prescribed large doses of curcumin in capsule form, some other supplements, and to drink Sei Mee green tea, whose ground leaves are equal to 20 cups of ordinary green tea in antioxidant power. He will have other recommendations after he gets the results from the blood tests.

In the meantime I feel the vitality of perfect health, and most of all, of course, God and Gurus grace continues to fill me with the unbounded freedom of the Divine Presence.


Following In the Footsteps of the Great Ones


Picture: Jesus in complete surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane

There are layers to the brain that we can trace from the most primitive to the most sophisticated. The amygdala in the limbic system is involved with instinctual, core reactions and emotions. The limbic system controls basic emotions such as fear, anger and pleasure, and drives hunger, sex, dominance and care of offspring. These deep, instinctual emotions and drives are part of body consciousness and can operate completely separate from, and in opposition to, higher emotions and thought process; they are what is called in yoga, “animal consciousness.”

As aspiring yogis we often come up against the operation of these lower parts of the brain and it drives us to action that runs contrary to our goals as yogis; and over which we must become masters. If we are driven by these basic impulses we will be ignorant of higher brain reasoning and the intuition of Divine Consciousness.

There are two basic ways for attaining mastery over these lower forces, and they may be used in tandem. The first is through strong mental will and keeping the mind on God, and the second is through dispassionate observation. James said, “Submit yourself, and then to God, and resist the devil and he shall flee from you, come near to God and he will come near you.” [James 4:7] Then Jesus said, “But I tell you, resist not an evil person.” [Matt 5:39] One may interpret these two sayings to say, “Firmly turn your mind away from evil, putting your full attention on God (and the contrary impulses will leave you), and the second is to be the dispassionate observer, giving no power to evil.

There are two instances that have recently come to me. One happened earlier this week and the other occurred a week and a half after I had the operation. After I had the tumors removed and was in recovery I experienced three days of a deep grief welling up inside of me. It was the body grieving for what it had recently undergone. I observed the grief flowing through me, moving moving through until it finally expended itself. My mind was clear as the emotions came up, and it felt itself watching the grief, like a river flowing through me.

The second occurrence happened this past week. I had traveled back to the Northwest and received the vaccination that had been prepared for me. The vaccination had nothing but my own cells; tumor cells that had been sterilized and my own white blood cells. But body consciousness was triggered by the vaccination that included tumor cells (even though they were sterilized), a strong feeling of not wanting tumors to grow again came bubbling up from someplace deep inside of me. When I told Carla of this reaction she said the vaccination had not only tumor cells, but also the white blood cells, the good guys. She thought of the white blood cells as Hanuman and the millions of monkeys and bears that fought for Rama! This thought made me smile, and a good feeling spread over me; however this good feeling coexisted with the feeling of dread by the body for the next day and a half. Eventually the dread left and only the feeling of Hanuman and the millions of monkey-white-blood-cell-warriors continued afterward.

Jesus faced a great trial on the eve of his crucifixion. He knew what was to come, and everything inside of him was demanding, “Oh my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” Then turning his mind to God in complete surrender, he said, “Nevertheless, not as I will but as Thou wilt.” [Matt 26:39] It is at this point of total surrender that the story comes full circle. It all began when Adam and Eve went against Divine Will, giving into the serpent force for their own pleasure and the promise that they should not die. [Genesis 3:4] This error by Adam and Eve (reason and feeling) is rectified when the son of man totally gives himself to Divine Will for certain suffering and death; as well as eventual resurrection and glory.   

We can trace our own journey going out from God when we to chose to go against God’s inner direction and became subject to the primitive components of the brain; no longer living by Higher Consciousness alone. Once those lower impulses came alive they dominated our thinking and we entered into the great ignorance: maya and avidya.

Our way back is through dispassion toward the lower impulses, keeping our full attention upon God, and being in complete surrender to His will. Jesus demonstrated this in his own life, as do all the fully-realized spiritual masters. We follow in the great ones footsteps and are flawlessly led to our eternal oneness with our Divine Mother and Heavenly Father.


A Test of Love

20160311_102304-1-1Picture: A beautiful desert bloom: today is, and tomorrow is gone. 

Two days ago God put me through a most interesting test, for what purpose only He knows.

I was residing in Him when He lifted me up and put me into a very specific state of mind. In this state He asked me, “If you have no afterlife when you die, will you still live the life you do?”

My mind went to the very powerful and intimate experiences God has given me in knowing my past lives, my life beyond this body, my eternal Self. For the purposes of this test God put all those experiences at a great distance, a veil dropped down in my consciousness that made these profound awarenesses null and void. I knew this is what He wanted, so I accepted this limitation.

So I asked God, “My experience of You in this life remains the same, You are as immediate, intimate, intelligent, loving and blissful as You ever have been, only there is no afterlife for me?” “Yes.” “And You are eternal, You will carry the memory of me, but I will cease to exist other than that memory?” “Yes.”

I was made to see death as a final curtain in which all individual awareness ceased; I no longer existed. Then I thought of living my life now, with this immediate awareness of God within me, the very source of my Being; an intimate intelligence weaving itself effortlessly through my thoughts; the loving Presence as my constant Beloved; the peace and bliss He gives me, all of that remains the same. Only, in the end, it is the end, for me nothing more. Would I regret or change my mode of living; being, having God as my all and all?

The thought that came to me is that I would be a fool not to have God with me, right up until my last breath. I went with the thought experiment that felt real in the moment, and that God was obviously orchestrating. I reflected on the paradox that I would remain in God’s consciousness, that He is eternal, therefore I am eternal, however, although He remembered me, my “I” awareness was gone. I accepted this condition. And given this condition, I would in no way live my life differently, I would never wish that He was not part and parcel of my existence, moment to moment until that final end. Of this I was absolutely certain. And with this answer I felt an indescribable freedom come over me.

After some little time, the same paradoxical thought came back to me, “If I exist in God’s awareness eternally, then I am eternal, even if I cease to exist,” and in that thought God removed the veil He had placed in my mind and He laughed, like a child playing a game. It was obvious that in Him I am eternal, we all are; we could be nothing else.

I remember reading about an early Jewish sect, the Sadducees, who believed in God, lived according to His law, but they did not believe in an afterlife because it was never mentioned in the Torah. Their virtue of living according to God’s law was that their adherence to that life, the goodness of it was passed down for ten generations; they lived according to the law for their children and their children’s children. It had struck me as strange that these people believed in God but had no thought of an afterlife.

But God’s test for me was even different from that, for He gave me no thought that in living the life I do I would have any good effect down the line for anyone else; there was nothing at the end, just the finality of nothingness. And my love for Him was absolutely the same. I would, and do, want nothing else but Him. He is the best of life in everything I see, touch, taste, smell, hear, think and do; He is the cream of existence in everything that is. It is truly sufficient to have Him here, and now. And with that thought in my mind He laughs at the game He has played; an eternal joy rolls and rolls throughout all creation!  


Impossible Tasks


Picture: tiny white dot is our RV in expansive Mother Nature.

Impossible tasks seem to be ahead of me; things to be accomplished before I am to leave this body. However, what seems to be impossible to me, is easily accomplished by an all-powerful God.

When I survey what needs to be done it looks to be an unconquerable mountain. But that is just me, my localized view. I would be a fool to rely on my own resources as a human being.

God one time gave me an apt simile: He made me think of when I first had a computer, a commodore 64, more of a plaything compared to a full scale personal computer of today. Later, when I had moved up to a larger scale computer Larry was trying to talk me into accessing something called the internet. I was not sure how that would be useful to me at the time. I will remind you this was the early 1990s and in order to access the internet you had to dial it up, if you were fortunate it gave all the appropriate beep and bop noises that made you know you had made connection, then you had to type in the exact address filled with backslashes and dots in order to go to a specific internet address. I finally gave it a try and moved into a much larger computing world.

A while later a close friend needed a pharmaceutical drug that was available in England but not here. Amazingly I was able to order it for her and a great positive result came about. Of course the internet has evolved leaps and bounds since then and billions of people could not imagine their lives without it today. In a similar way we hear about the inner-net, our connection with God. It can seem distant and perhaps non-relevant; something more for those “church-going-folks” than something really practical, even essential.

We simply don’t see it, and as a result we miss the greatest, most powerful tool available to us in life; in a similar way that I did not see how my little computer would one day be connected to the collective computing power of servers and data banks from around the world through the internet. The inner-net also evolves; the more we use it, the more connected we become. What seems perhaps cumbersome in the beginning, the occasional “hits” we get through meditation and prayer, becomes more refined, smoother, and wide ranging as we make the connection again and again.

I know that the tasks I have to do in the world are really God’s tasks. He has demonstrated in this past year that this body is not to be here forever, and the question naturally comes, will I be able to do all that He has given me to do? This is an important question. But if I am insulated in my humanness, the answer is intimidating. When I open myself to the inner-net, the answer is illuminating. This is God’s Work. I am but a cog in His machine, and if He finds this cog unusable, He will toss it aside and find another that meets His needs!

Is this a cold and unnerving answer? No, it is actually a relief. While it is my part to strive to accomplish all that He has given me, and believe me it is the utmost importance to me that I do so, still it is according to His will. Through his Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence He will accomplish all that He has set out to do; of that there is no doubt. My part is to willingly, full heartedly, and mindfully live each day as His instrument. That is all I can do, that is what He needs from me, and He will to see the rest.

Already I have new helpers who are working daily to do a part of what He has set out for me to do. In this I can take perfect repose; it is unfolding according to His will. I am to remain connected to the all-important inner-net; the power and intelligence of Divine Consciousness. With this connection streams His peace, joy and direction. There is nothing more that I want or need. So, for what God has given me to do, for what He has given you to do, Victory to God! Victory to the Light! For all sentient beings, everywhere!


Desert Purity


Picture: Our current “backyard.”

The desert has been the haunt of God-seeking souls since earliest recorded history. Certainly there is room for seclusion in the desert, few others wish the extremes that it brings; from hot to cold, from a distance it is seemingly lifeless and barren, but when close-up it displays an amazing amount and variety of life-forms. Truly, the desert is a place of extremes.

However, extremes and even lonely existence does not completely explain why aspirants have sought out desert’s refuge. The reason is clear enough when you are in its midst; the desert has purity. Even though it has dust on the ground, the air is pure, the vibration is clean, and there is room to think and to be. While such purity is not unique to the desert, still it has it in abundance.

We are currently boondocking on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land near Wickenburg AZ; that means we have traveled on rustic roads to slightly prepared camp spots that are oftentimes spread out so that we can see our neighbors in a distance or not at all; all for no cost. We have to be self-contained, that is have our own water, bathroom, holding tanks etc. Generally there is no one around to regulate things; we are expected to be on good behavior and treat the land well.

Participating in these lonely retreats is a large part of what I anticipated when starting this pilgrimage: this feeling of purity, the air, the expanded space, the quiet vibration, and even the desert’s beauty. I grew up in the desert, but it was not particularly beautiful. Here the rock formations and the surprising variety of cactus makes the landscape interestingly beautiful.

The birds calling with complex songs, five cows passing by (making Carla think of India), little rabbits scampering, and soaring hawks above all make up our neighbors. But most of all, it is the expansiveness and purity of Mother Nature that makes my soul merge with Spirit in a timeless and effortless fashion.

Saint Anthony lived his adult years as a monk and recluse in the desert of Egypt; living to be 105. He came to peace with himself  after encountering the demons he found lurking in the darkness of ancient burial caves. Anthony had been born to wealth (in the 3rd century A.D.), but one day he heard the Christ’s teachings to sell all you have and give it to the poor; he took the words literally and did just that, after providing for his sister since their parents had both died. When, as an old man, he walked out of the desert and onto the bustling streets of Alexandria he may as well be Jesus come again for all the stir he made. Anthony, in his simpleness and reclusiveness was a major influence upon early Christianity.

While we have the luxury of a modern RV, unthought of by brave Anthony, we too are able to enjoy this desert retreat. The stars emblazon the nightly sky, Orions Belt and the Big Dipper adorn their respective quadrants, and the resouding Om–Amen attunes the mind to infinite Spirit. A vibrational quiet insulates the receptive soul from the constant restlessness of modern life.

One of those opposites of desert: it is in silent reclusiveness that my consciousness effortlessly merges into all-consciousness, and through that to you. For, in touching the fabric of God, one must be connected to all that God is, including His creation.

Ram’s Fun: going for a hike we walked by Mark’s RV, a beautifully painted pickup and compact horse trailer; the trailer has been converted by this cabinet maker into a home for he and his two dogs. One of several signs tastefully painted on his trailer said yeti. Since we are in a Bigfoot RV, I ask him if he has seen any yetis  today (yeti being the Big Foot of the Himilayas)? He said not today, but he went on to explain yeti coolers are a sponsor for his trip; the coolers he tells us sell from four hundred to three thousand dollars! He assures us that on two occassions the coolers have saved his life during his travels. Once when the temperatures soared to 140 degrees and the cooler kept ice cold for a week, and once when the temperatures dropped to nine degrees and it kept his food from freezing.

He said that he was writing a book about the horse’s influence on the West. He had planned to write the book in four years while he travelled exclusively in his horse trailer, but since that time was now up he realized that he needed two more years to complete it. Mark contracts for cabinet work along the way to pay his expenses; “I earn my way!” He had been recently photographing wild mustangs and a wild burro. For the finale of his book and his six years of travel he plans on living for a year with a horse, and his two dogs, in his trailer; in fact he has the horse already lined up for the privilege! Ram has no end of fun entertaining us with His “special edition” manifestations.

Honoring This Amazing Temple


Picture: Birthday Cake made by Judy based on the recipe From the Master’s Kitchen, a recipe from Master, adapted & described by Angela in the latest C & L Journal. We substituded Grape Seed Oil and used 70% chocolate. It was delicious.

Carla and I attended a nutrition class at the hospital and a nutritionist came to my room to talk to me about supporting this body in recovery. I have also been reading about ways to help the body maintain optimum health. There are some take away lessons that I think everyone can benefit from.

Of course it is good when you have a pithy saying that sticks with you and actually leads to a positive change of behavior. One of those was what the nutritionist said when she came to my hosptital room. She said that most people only chew their food just enough to keep themselves from choking to death! That is quite an image. The fact is that an important part of digestion occurs from mastication (chewing) and the mixing saliva with the food.

Some years ago I started to discipline myself to chew completely what I had in my mouth and swallow before taking another bite. I actually laid my fork down between bites to support my doing this. I was amazed at how difficult this was in the beginning. I was used to taking another load full of food before I had chewed and swallowed the previous mouthful. Amazing! I found several benefits from eating this way: I enjoyed the flavor of food and noticed subtlties as never before, it slowed my eating and improved digestion, and I was more tuned into when I was actually full and therefore could choose to stop eating, even if I had more food on my plate.

In the class the nutritionist made a point; eat food that looks like it comes from a farm. “You do not see poptarts growing on stalks in the fields,” she said. Eat whole grained foods, eat foods that you can recognize from the farm, not overly processed foods that adds loads of sugar and unpronouncable named ingrediants (if you cannot pronounce it you probably should not be eating it).

There are a lot of foods that have sepecific effects on the body, some fight free radicals that can cause cancer, some are anti-inflammatory and so on. However simply eating more fruits and a rainbow color of vegetables (fresh or frozen) would cover a lot of healthy territory. One source said that if you eliminate french fries, potato chips, and the lettuce and tomatoe from a hambuger, over 50 percent of Americans would not even have one serving (usually a half  cup or a cup) of vegetables  and fruit a day. Isn’t that astounding, not even one serving! Remember, food is not only the fuel your body needs, but it is also the original pharmacy for healing and keeping your body well.

It is amazing how much abuse this body can take. Perhaps that is not always to our benefit, because we start to think it doesn’t make any difference how we treat it. However, unhealthy patterns tend to have a cumlative effect and when our body gives us trouble we feel betrayed; the real betrayal usually occured many years before by how we fed and treated the body.

No discussion on natural health can be complete without mentioning exercise being a vital component. Getting up from your chair and going for a good walk everyday would be huge step in the right direction for most people. Practice the yoga postures Briana describes so well; I have asked her to adapt some of the poses so that you can do them at your desk and she has started this in the most recent C & L Journal. You will find you will feel better, have more energy and sleep better, plus if you can walk in a nice environment, you will enjoy yourself immensely; chanting is a wonderful occupation for the mind while you walk, think of Papa walking from one end of India to the other!

I know that none of these principles are new to you. However, as I said in the beginning, if something sticks with you and actually changes your behavior, then it will truly have value. Perhaps reading these words will get you refocused and really treating your body as the magnificent bio-organism it is. Chew your food thoroughly, eat foods that look like they come from a farm, and go for a good walk everyday.

When you investigate the marvelous ways the body has been constructed, I mean truly amazing intelligence that has gone into its design, and then how little thought you give to feeding it high quality fuel and providing what it needs for optimum living, it is really the height of ingratitude you show your Creator for the miraculous gift He has bestowed upon you. If you are not doing so now, then it is high time to show that appreciation, starting today, by living with healthy habits and honoring this amazing Temple.

