I sit next to a rushing river, freshly melted snows feeding the frenzy of snow white rapids as the water rolls and thunders to an unseen end. As I take in this scene of nature that repeats itself yearly, I also listen to the inner sound of Aum/Amen. There are some distinct parallels between the two sounds, one I hear auricularly with the physical ears, the second comes from a hidden source and is heard with a more subtle receptor.
Both sounds have multiple tones and frequencies. The river initially comes as a roar, then I pick out many high and low tones; like a symphonic orchestra when the sound of all the instruments play at once making for a loud crescendo, but with practice one can selectively pick out the sounds of individual instruments even when all are playing at once. The inner sound comes as a high pitched sound, and has every other sound embedded in it; highs, lows, tiny variations and wide ranges.
The first sound comes from the river, a physical source. The second sound, the Aum/Amen has quite a different source. The Aum emanates from the creative principle from which all manifestation comes. The Amen originates from the Divine Consciousness, the Source of all that is. Listening to the Aum takes the mind back to its Source when deeply meditated upon. This Aum/Amen is the Word, the Name of God. It is said that the Name of God and God are one. That is, by meditating upon this Name/Word, this inner sound, the mind dissolves and merges into the Divine Consciousness. Thus, it is worthy to meditate upon the Word of Aum/Amen, the Name of God.
Note: When I was physically weakened with anemia, then in recovery from an operation God continued to flow through this form, however the overwhelming power of His Word was gracefully reduced during this time. Since my physical recovery He has poured the Name once again through this form. The way that He works through this form is that He fills me to overflowing and He directs the uplifting power out to all creation, or to certain people or situations; He definitely directs my mind as to what it should be focused on. If I think on something He is not willing, He makes it impossible to go further with it. He demands complete and total surrender for this Work—the surrender which I gave to Him long ago. In this way, many times I cannot be with you physically in the way I would like to be, for He has me working for Him in this inner fashion. Know always, I am with you in Spirit. Concentrate on the heart center or the ajna, and we may commune in that beatific Spirit.