My Birthday Wish


Picture: My two greatest gifts of God in my life.

A birthday gives pause to view a lifetime much in the way as the turning of the New Year, only it is more personal in that it is the first day this physical body functioned independent of my mother’s womb. In part it is a reflection, “What have I done in this journey so far?” And in part a projection, “What do I yet want to accomplish?”

Gratitude wells up in me as to what I have been given in this life: a supremely qualified Satguru, a sincere desire to make spiritual progress, kindred souls who inspire and support me in this goal, and a job to do for God to expand His Light in aspiring souls and in the world at large.  

In addition to my Guru, I also have had my second “spiritual mother,” in the form of blessed Swami Satchidananda, as well as the inspiration of countless saints and realized souls, both past and present. So many gifts, so many opportunities to do the one thing that truly matters, to make spiritual progress in this lifetime. Somehow, souls of lofty spiritual stature have found it in themselves to love me and have extended themselves to such a degree as not to be believed. There are not enough fingers and toes in this entire world upon which to count all these blessings–my heart simply flows out in humble gratitude.

This is what stands out to me thus far in this lifetime, and there are of course other things for which to feel thankfulness, but all of these seem to fall under one category, God’s Grace–and it grinds me into dust thinking of the millions of kindnesses that have come my way in this life.

With this in mind I think of the future and what should these days be filled with to give true soul satisfaction for a life well lived. Mother once asked me, “How will you pay for the air that you breathe?” Oh Mother, not an easy question to answer! What can this mudball of a body (inflated with the sacred breath of God) do that can be deemed of any worth? What a precious gift life is, and what can I possibly give in return?

I can do what my Guru asks of me, “Keep your mind on God.” I can love Him, serve Him, open myself to Him totally and completely do what He directs me to do! God and Guru ask me to teach, to minister and serve all striving souls; and this I do according to His will. To serve as an example, and this I strive for with all of my heart. To surrender myself to Him, no matter what anyone else thinks (including myself!)–in short, to please Him alone–and this I do daily.

I make no claims to be a superman, to be anyone extraordinary, or to be anything other than what I am; for I strive to be transparent in what I say, do and write to you. Somebody once wrote that either nothing is a miracle, or everything is a miracle. I come down on the side of the later. Everything is a miracle, every breath, the rise of the sun, the ability to move, think and have my being, it is all a miracle in the making!

Perhaps one passes an age in which birthday gifts are something expected or needed. I am receiving birthday cards and messages of such love and generosity of spirit that it flattens me into a nothing. A fun gift of God came in the form of entering a State Park the other day and when I claimed my senior discount she did not believe I was of that age and “carded” me, asked me what year I was born! She had to admit I qualified. In addition, the one gift God gives daily and that I treasure first and foremost is His Presence–that is a constant in my life. This Presence fills my heart to overflowing to such a degree that it spontaneously flows out to you–there is no greater gift than this–it is never ending, never slackening, always increasing and bursting the banks of every limitation. Oh what Bliss is mine! And all I wish to do is spend my life in awakening this same gift in you, and in all.

There is nothing I love more than to see the unfolding of the lotus-life of a God-expanding soul. I know that it is not an easy journey: there are lofty peaks and darkly chasms, there are fair winds at your back and slamming storms that shudders you stem to stern, and there is the guiding Eastern Star and the Sirens who seductively call you to destruction. It is the greatest hero’s journey ever told, and therefore dangerous and uncertain, but also impregnated with Grace-filled synchronicities, tender mercies of Divine Mother, and lightning flashes of wisdom from heavenly Father. There is truly nothing more thrilling to me than to be a participant/witness in this greatest of odysseys with you.

And this brings me to my birthday wish as I blow out a candle of one, standing for the One eternal Being. With this expended breath I project my prayerful wish for you: that you melt in His Spirit, swim in His ocean of Bliss, for His mind to mingle in your own, and for you to see and serve Him in all creation. “Oh Lord, it is You, Yourself who has thought this birthday wish into my mind, therefore it is Your wish and You must fulfill it for all your sincere lovers. For there is nothing, nothing greater in all the three worlds than to stand in Your Presence–This I wish and pray with all my heart for all of my and Your dear ones–and all are near and dear to You!

The Silken Road


Picture: Travellers upon the Silk Route

In ancient days there was a Silk Road Route between China all the way to Italy. Silk, symbol of refinement, and horses, symbol of power, were highly sought after and traded, in addition to spices such a pepper (at one time saffron was about the same cost per ounce as gold); it made for lucrative trade between East and West.

Deep within each of us lies a route of surpassing refinement and power, a rare gift that gives savor to life. This inner route is to be found in the spine and the brain in multiple layers. These routes run north and south, for the base of the spine is the south pole, the top of the head is the north; behind the back is west, in front is east. After running north from the base of the spine to the base of the skull, the route turns east and travels through the brain to the “Star of the East,” at the point between the eyebrows. Then, it turns north once again and travels to the top of the head. A circuit is created along this route and thus there is an exchange as life-force moves round and round.

There is both power (life-energy) and refinement (bliss) in this movement. While a value could be placed upon goods traded in days of yore on the Silk Road, the experience of God in the Silken Road of the spine and brain are beyond compare and thus invaluable. This Silken Road is the pathway to the gold of the spirit, and in our restless search for lasting happiness it alone is the fulfillment of our heart’s desire.

As one can be a connoisseur of fine foods, drink or music, so may one become an aficionado of blissful God-experience. There are no limits to the varied expressions of bliss and the presence of God. The Silken Road of the spine and brain becomes a never ending variation upon a single theme, and thus is bliss a definite experience, identifiable from every other sensory or subtle pleasure, still it is a constantly new exploration of blissful vibrational notes.

This morning I sit watching the sun slowly lighten darkness into a rosy aura. The Aum sings its song of many notes, the eyes close and bliss plays along the spine. The thought of the Silken Road arises in the mind to describe the smooth flow of bliss in the spine and brain. The desire to share this with one and with all wells up inside me; to describe in order to awaken, to think upon others in order to convey this experience, to collapse time and space so that no barriers exist between I and Thou and His blessed children. The curse of leaving the Garden of God is lifted, the redemption of the Soul is at hand, baptized in Living Waters and barren no more–a prayer spontaneously erupts in my mind as a picture of Living Waters flowing into, and lifting all creation into native Spirit; separation but a dream once dreamed long ago.

At one time in life, getting up from meditation would mean the end of this blissful music of the Infinite, but now all life are varied parts of the Creator’s composition–an orchestrated explosion of the Holy Ghost. Oh stalwart brothers and sisters, followers of the Silken Road, know the kingdom of heaven that is only to be found within, experience the bliss supreme of life within and without as an unending symphony of His glorious presence.

One God, One Power


Picture: American White Pelican swimming on placid Lake Cahuilla with a promise of sun.

We have returned from the open desert of Borrego Springs to placid Lake Cahuilla near Palm Springs. There has been more rain in California this winter than for many years, breaking the long drought here but also causing some problems in the north with flooding. After several days of cool, cloudy, rainy weather it shows promise this morning for the return of the sun. A morning thought came streaming through with the sun, hammering away the walls of darkness and separation; a powerful tool for breaking dualities hold on the mind.

God, being the sole power in all the three worlds, must be behind every thought, word and action we can conceive, and that which is beyond what we can comprehend. The good, the bad and the ugly must all be powered by a single source, for how can there be another when God created all there is?

“But,” you may say, “there is so much in me and in the world that is not of God, there must be two powers!” In a relative, human sense, that is true, duality is by definition bi-polar. However, in an absolute, divine reality there can be only one power, one creator. Even the power for sensual attractions, to do evil, to go against the light of God must be admitted to come from one ultimate source.

You look inside and you say, “I feel so weak, no life-energy or light at all,” and yet, that powerful feeling of weakness must come from the One. You say, “I am drawn to so many temptations, those things that take me further away from God,” and that too must come from God Himself, for there is no other.

On a human level we definitely experience being on the battleground between good and evil. Each day is a test of our attraction and love for God, versus our mind’s tendency for being seduced into a world of separation from the One. And here is a great secret, once you trace the power for separation back to God, really trace it (not just a half-hearted weak thought), you break the power of separateness–all that which is negative in every thought, word or action. Darkness hates the light, and cannot co-exist with it. Once you bring the light of God into the picture as the one, true source of all, darkness must depart.

Keep your mind on God means just that, keep your attention focused on Him no matter the content of your thoughts or feelings. There is only one power, keep affirming this fact, feeling that all comes from Him; you purify the mind even as you practice this and cure its addiction for separateness. God is the power behind every thought, word and action, this is the absolute truth; it cannot not be! Never let go of it and you will be brought into His holy Presence, where no darkness or evil abides. All is He, all is He; blessed Spirit, all is He!  

Master’s Delight



Picture: Paramhansa: Supreme Swan-swims in worldly waters but is unaffected by delusion. Fresco near entrance to Encinites Hermitage.

We happy pilgrims set off from the desert wilds and motor over a 3,000 foot peak and wend out way to the beautiful Pacifica shores at Encinitas–home of Master’s seaside retreat. For a long time Master had taken trips up and down the coast of southern California looking for just the right spot for a hermitage. It was not until he left for India that Rajasi Janakananda discovered this excellent site for Master, purchased it and made the buildings ready for his beloved Guru’s return as a surprise gift.

And what a gift! acreage upon a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, charming seaside housing, and delightful gardens complete with ponds filled with koi; a peaceful setting where Master eventually penned his spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. Master designed and built a lovely chapel on the cliffside, but nature broke under its weight and it had to be dismantled. God told Master that he was too attached to this beautiful ornament of worship and so took it away from him. Even on a human level a great master has a thin veil of ignorance in order to play his role upon earth.

We once again looked upon the bright golden lotuses on towers of the hermitage that face the street. Entering the grounds we are told that Master’s rooms, normally open on Sunday afternoons are closed due to renovations. The guard standing near the gate said that some devotees were escorted into those rooms, so we might ask for permission. I do so and a sweet natured lady enquired as to who we were, whether we were connected with the Seattle SRF Group, etc. and then went in to make enquiry for us. She came back to say that none could enter, “there are no exceptions.” This prevarication was not necessary; in total surrender I acknowledged to her that, “All is in Master’s keeping.”

We climbed the stairs through shadowy lush gardens and emerged into bright sunlit vistas of shore, waves and ocean. Below is  “Swami’s Beach” and is a favorite where dozens of surfers below are waiting to ride that perfect wave. The eye is naturally drawn out to the distant horizon where ocean meets sky–creating Nature’s altar for our infinite Creator. The intense sun made us seek out a bench under shade where we felt drawn to spend time with God alone.

My prayer to Master was that all in our group feel his presence as powerfully in his garden as we had in previous years experienced him in his rooms; now that those doors to that sacred site are shut. One sign of a spiritually charged environment is the ease for feeling God. Upon sitting down and closing my eyes, my spine straight, eyes pointed to the ajna, and instantly the inner and outer expansiveness merge into blissful awareness. Time is suspended and God and dear Param-Guru pervades the vast inner/outer experience. “Oh Master, your presence in your garden is equal to your powerfully charged rooms; your grace exceeds kindness and delivers us to your lotus feet.”


Ponds filled with colorful Koi

Sometime later my attention is once again drawn to the outer world. We stroll amongst the gardens, gaze at the large koi in the ponds, meditate under that tree that has a picture of St. Francis upon it, and although there are many people wandering through this Garden of Eden there is no hurry, all speak quietly and feel the reverential awe of being in Master’s kingdom.

Now we are taking our leave, gratitude fills our hearts for Master’s blessings. May this hermitage, built by Rajasi for Master with such loving thoughtfulness, fulfill its purpose, to be a refuge for devotees from a hectic world, and to always be a home for Master’s delight. Jai Gurus, Jai Master!

Picture: St. Francis upon a “cross” in Master’s Garden



The Wind Blows Where it Wishes


Picture: Fiery morning sky from desert floor

We continue “boondocking” near Borrego Springs. Rick and Judy, Jerry and Lois are all here nearby, as we are able to spread out on these federal lands that have rustic roads and primitive campsites (really you just pick a spot and set up camp within the defined acreage). Carla is going through some spiritual experiences in which her nervous system is highly electrified, so the desert expanse is perfect for us.  

Out under the desert sky a sudden breeze races through camp, blows for some time then just as quickly dies down. This repeats itself through the days and nights; it reminds me of a saying of Jesus’:

John 3:7 “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Of course the wind has sudden surges in environments other than the desert, but on water or mountaintop it somehow seems more understandable as to where or why it comes. But here in open desert it has more the appearance of mystery to its comings and goings.

Jesus was a man of the desert, having gone through austerities in the wilderness he was on intimate terms with nature. In his conversation with Nicodemus, which the above quote is excerpted, Jesus is referring to the invisible sources and mysterious reasons for the habits of both wind and Spirit.

Science prides itself on observing phenomena, manufacturing theories about what it sees, designing an experiment or two and noting if the outcomes behave according to what the theory anticipates; an admirable process for physical and psychological phenomena. However, what about Spirit, that originates outside material creation? That the only “instrument” for measuring results is found through intuition and deep inner experience whose range is beyond that of a telescope or a microscope; what then can physical science say about it?

Even when dealing with unknowable origins we can yet say, “A true understanding is that, spirituality is a science.” We begin with a spiritual practice, and when the experiment is carried out exactly as prescribed the results are predictable. Perform Kriya Yoga and the spine will be spiritually charged, the light of God is seen, the sound of God is heard, the mind is purified and consciousness expands and becomes Self-realized. Or, Chant God’s name, think on His attributes, surrender yourself at His feet and your mind will be purified, you will live in bliss, consciousness will rise above the mundane and you will know God–merge with Him. Your heart, mind and soul are the experimental labs in which these procedures are carried out, the outcome predicted is the transformation of consciousness from the human to the Divine.

And yet, calling an area of study a “science” does not take away its deep sense of mystery. The astronomer may gaze upwards and identify constellations, “There is Orion’s Belt, and there Alpha Centauri, and that is the broad bright Milky Way.” However, that same astronomer may also have times of looking up at the night sky and simply be in awe, sense the immense depth of space from which those tiny lights have travelled, the overwhelming vastness and the incredible power of cosmic forces, both seen and unseen. In that moment of awe is the mystic any different than the fact driven scientist? Are we not joined in wonder, whether it is seeing a giant nebula, a tiny quark, or feeling the bliss of God?

It was ignorance and arrogance that made religious institutions square off against science, and, as perhaps was predictable, science then polarized itself against religion. In fact, both are explorers and seekers of truth; both should be joined in discovering physical and metaphysical realms. No matter the factual gains of science, there will always be mystery to this creation. On one level of experience, matter, like Spirit, will defy knowing from whence things come and whither they go.

Walking amongst desert sage we are in wonder at the sudden gust of wind as well as the surge of bliss that delivers us into a birth of new consciousness. This type of mystery is knowable, in the sense that you can have direct experience of it. However, in nature as in Spirit there will always be that which is unknowable–mind cannot hold know it all, it must simply be experienced. In this mystery of heaven and of earth we may be at ease, for it is all held in perfection by the one living God.    

Borrego Springs


Picture: Full Moon rises over desert mountains just outside our door

The desert has been beckoning to me for some time now–finally it is here. It is easy to see why those who want to know God have sought out desert retreats: expanse, clean vibrations, quiet, and a slow changing backdrop to support inner stillness.

I remember during my silence and solitude that we had some group gatherings during the year. One participant kept saying how she yearned to be in a place of silence, but even though the rule was total silence, she kept a whispering conversation going toward me (as if a whisper qualified as silence!). Beyond the humor of it, she demonstrated how we can abstractly yearn for something, but in reality find it quite difficult.   

Inner and outer silence does a couple of things. True silence makes the consciousness expand. Whether you are viewing life across open expanse of desert, from a high mountain top, over a vast body of water, or from your “yogi’s cave” in your home, stillness makes it is easy for your mind to loose it bounds and seek out vastness. Master Mahasaya said his great guru, Sri Ramakrishna, told him to always meditate when he was next to a body of water in order to go beyond body consciousness.

Once remembered, Spirit’s domain in eternity does not easily accommodate the small confines of a human body or ego-consciousness. When we seek out the attributes of God we yearn for freedom, peace, joy, love, knowing who and what we truly are–pristine nature can help us realize this impulse.

There is an additional blessing to being in the desert near Borrego Springs–we are in the neighborhood where householder-yogis Rajasi and Dr. Lewis had homes. We feel our kinship with these two highly realized beings in our stay here–asking their blessings for full immersion in our Infinite Beloved.

As we reside in this place of stillness, please join me in spirit and experience the expanding purity that we feel here. Be quiet in your bi-daily sojourn of meditational bliss, and feel our gathering oneness in the blessed Divine.

God’s Promise


Picture: Sri Yukteswarji and Sri Yoganandaji: like God’s promise, a true guru and disciple is a bond of love and divine friendship–always.

A spiritual life comes with a promise for a better life, Lahiri Mahasaya said if we make spiritual effort now, our future is bound to improve. So we head off into life full of enthusiasm and high hopes.

Then something untoward happens: financial problems, relationship issues, illness and even death. In those moments we may feel let down, a crises of faith that all we held to be true was a lie. The devotee may reason, “I do my part: I proceed in faith, I meditate daily, eat the right food, love God, and now this!

Sri Yukteswar found practical, methodical people admirable. Mother Hamilton gave people practical advice on everything from grooming, keeping an orderly house, to being business-wise. Master wrote Mother a letter in which he added some wise counsel for a devotee who was an inventor, saying that he needs to be practical and have a job. Practicality and daily wisdom easily mixed with esoteric wisdom of the highest order for these realized Beings.

Yet, even applying all the wisest and wordly-wise principles, there is the long arm of the law of cause and effect. Babaji said that in a previous life, while attaining high spiritual consciousness, still Lahiri Mahasaya’s karma had swept him away (he died) and that Babaji lovingly followed him in his astral life between physical death to his re-birth. Life and death still happens to highly realized souls. And, I do not know a business owner, even those following a spiritual path, who has not faced downturns, perhaps selling off assets, including prized personal items to keep the business afloat. Even with the healthiest diet and exercise regimen one may become ill. If you think that leading a spiritual life makes you immune to any of life’s hardships, then you may find yourself disappointed.

The only sure result of knowing God is that you will be in His presence in thick and thin. Like marriage vows–for better, for worse, in sickness and in health–you are married to the Beloved, and in all situations your Heavenly Father, Divine Mother promises to be at your side through it all. It is only God who is with you from your first breath to your last, it is only God who will be with you in your astral journey in between lives here on earth, and for all time.

Our simple love and faith forms a bond with God that cannot be broken, and while it is true that all souls have God with them, it is only His awakened ones who are conscious of this omniscient Presence–and this makes all the difference. What is it that causes the greatest suffering in this world? More than physical pain, financial downturns, or even death, it is the feeling of isolation, that no one knows or cares about our life. With God we have an eternal friend, well-wisher, beloved, and confidant.

There is no doubt that God also provides a route to miracles, extraordinary events both large and small; healings, clearing the way for financial success, and every sort of amazing occurrences. I have seen them with my own eyes. A small miracle once happened to me that to this day is inexplicable. I had made a math mistake and overdrawn my checking account by over a hundred dollars. By the time I discovered my error I knew I did not have the funds to cover the shortfall. It would result in a bounced check and further banking fees; oh dear! On that same day I received a check from a company in New York that I had never heard of, for the amount of money I was overdrawn plus five dollars! I never did know why that check arrived, but it saved me much embarrassed anxiousness that day, as well as the additonal fees.  

God creates us, He sustains us, and when it is His will, He withdraws us back into His Being. He is our well-wisher, yet there may be certain things we have to go through. It may be the result of our own doing in the moment, something from a distant, unremembered past, or from the collective karma of the world we live in. The one thing that we, as devotees and aspirants, may depend upon, that through our oneness with Him, God will be ever-present with us. We may feel His peace, love, joy, inner-direction, wisdom-thoughts, comfort–all that is His. For reasons known and unknown we may have certain things we must go through, but in our faithfulness God will never abandon nor forsake us. This is His promise.
