Luke 12:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
The great Master, in these and previous verses, gives impeccable instructions for prayer, humility, and pronouncing as a fact that God knows what you need even before you articulate it. I have to say that my life has been a demonstration of this principle, as was Mother’s. It has been twenty years now since God directed me to leave my profession and be His aspirant and minister only. Operating “without a net,” I set off without any idea of how I would have food, shelter or clothing. Since that time I have been provided with such abundance, that it is beyond belief.
Fifteen years ago Carla joined me in this mutual quest. She had been the Personal Assistant to the third wealthiest individual in the world–with the highest pay she had ever received. Throwing her lot in with mine (and God’s), she brought with her a six year old Ford Escort as a dowry–she has shared this life of service to God first with wild abandon.

It is not a formula type thing–simply leave your job and expect God to take care of you, rather it is living the attitude of seva (service to Him) and knowing that as you do so, whether you are the owner of a company or an employee, He will look after all your needs. It takes a one hundred percent participation for this law of God to be fully enacted. When you do, then God joyfully gets busy organizing every detail of your life for your’s, and the world’s, highest good.
When we have left on journey’s, occasionally someone will say,”have a good vacation.” This always takes me by surprise, as I have never thought of needing or going on a vacation. He simply takes me to one place or another in order to fulfill some tasks He has assigned to me–as He is always working through me. Even though on the outside there may be few signs of the tremendous labor He performs through this form, I am witness to what He does and am cognizant of the price this form pays for the privilege of service to Him.
It has been His sweet will to burn with an inner fire each day in these three bodies–a purification rite of His choosing. Although few would necessarily notice, Carla is often highly attuned to the needs of this body, even before I am. Through her able assistance I have been kept functioning and she has kept this body in health when otherwise it may have very well dispersed into vaporized atoms from which it originated.
Beyond keeping this body in operating condition, God also looks after everything needed, and seemingly more. It seems that many whims and ancient desires are also met through putting Him first. In the last couple of years Carla has mentioned on occasion that she would like to see a rodeo; just something that has been lurking in her mind, as she, nor I, had ever been to one. It had crossed my mind to one day go to a county fair and see a rodeo, but so far that had not materialized. Apparently God was listening to her better than I, for He arranged to fulfill that desire in a masterful way.
Upon arriving in Houston to see a long term friend of Carla’s, there was some mention of a rodeo. When Carla’s friend’s husband heard it was a wish of Carla’s to see one, he made a call and within hours it was arranged for us all to go to one of the biggest rodeos in the world, with all the top riders! Not only that but we were invited to a corporate suite with food and first class seats all included, for no cost! Our dear hosts took us to the festivities in their luxury car, gave us a tour of the circus that was part of the fair grounds, and the blue ribbon animals winning first in their class. We were then escorted up to the suite and Carla was given a cowgirl hat and wore a big smile throughout the day.

It is clear that when God is present then we may enjoy the world according to His will–knowing that if He is not in residence then it all loses its value and meaning. But, being keenly aware that this is His world, that He manifests Himself in all forms, then we may know Him through His manifestations. Lose sight of Him, and all is lost. Know Him to be the best of this world, and we may glorify Him through His manifold expressions. Carla had her whimsical wish satisfied through following, in every area, total surrender to Him. In this way we discover anew, that seeking His kingdom and righteousness first, God gives all of these things (and more) to you as well.
Picture below: printed in case it is difficult to read–very fun–and true!
Texas 10 Commandments
1-Jus one God
2-Honor yer Ma and Pa
3-No tellin tales or gossipin’
4-Get yourself to Sunday Meetin’
5-Put nothin’ before God
6-No foolin around with another fella’s gal
7-No killin’
8-Watch yer mouth
9-Don’t take what ain’t yers
10-Don’t be hankerin’ for yer buddy’s stuff