The constant rehearsing of problems that might happen, that have happened, an underlying anxiety that drains our energy—what is this all about?
Being prepared for when things go wrong is a prudent thing to do—having a filled pantry, working flashlights, first aid bandages all are good things to have around, just in case…. However, the conscious and unconscious minds take this to an exaggerated degree and makes warning sounds in our bodies and heads 24/7. Far from useful, it becomes destructive as it produces false warnings, skews our judgment, can make us over-function or withdraw from life, and burns up life-energy without benefit—wearing us out and robbing us of joy!
As I have often said, “It has been a rough couple of thousand years!” Our history is filled with the lack of food and starvation, wars with its pain and miseries, lack of justice and stability, extremely difficult working conditions and little medical care, limited opportunities—it has not been uniformly bad, but a large share of the world’s population have had it very difficult. While there are definitely difficult lives in the world today, there are also great advancements on so many fronts and increasingly a great number of lives are so much better off; statistically better than ever before. However, the echoes of traumatic experiences can resound even when surrounded by relative peace and prosperity.
I worked with a psychiatrist who was making a study of WWII holocaust survivors and their children. The survivors of these death camps oftentimes got about their lives, not talking about or seemingly devastated by past experiences. However, their children and children’s children exhibited post-traumatic stress, seemingly for no apparent reason—until you considered that the un-grieved horrors that the parents and grandparents went through were passed down to their progeny. Their holocaust surviving parents did not have the time or energy to grieve for their devastating losses; they simply had to get on with their lives to build something better for themselves and their children. But, the emotional charges from those losses were passed down to new generations, waiting for the day that they should be worked out.
We have all come from tough stock, and the many losses and difficulties of those previous generations can be passed down through families—it can explain much in what may seem unexplainable symptoms. Then you add on the layers of past lifetimes a soul has experienced during this dark Kali Yuga, the emotional charges of past life experiences lurking deep in the subconscious mind—This complex weave of the psyche reveals why unexpected challenges can seem to occur from thin air, as well as unexplainable strengths and talents we simply come with, fully intact from birth.
Some can look at that list of atrocities and problems and think, “How can there be a God?” Others can look at that same list, see how well we all do in general, how much kindness and caring there is in the world, how much healing happens daily, and think, “It is only by the Grace of God that decency is as prevalent as it is!” I, of course, come down on the side that God’s Grace—always active and present—making us yearn for a better world and a desire for growth. Along with Grace is human free will, which can choose horrible actions, creating a daily testing field for right action for every individual and group. Family history, past lifetimes, and of course the environment we live in interlace their influences, both positively angelic all the way to demonic. Like the immune system fighting off toxins, germs and viruses that threaten our health from within and without, so we need a superb mental and spiritual “immune system” to create and maintain total health and happiness.
Although you may strive to maintain a positive environment to live in, you may freely admit there are many things outside of your control, and if those negative things beyond your influence are given preeminence in your mind, they will bring you low. The greatest boost to your physical, mental and spiritual immune systems is God remembrance. Through God remembrance the first thing that happens is that you take your mind off of the merry-go-round of the mind that feels overwhelmed or powerless and it aligns you with the supreme power and divine intelligence of God. God is positivity itself: hope, faith and a doorway to all things possible. Remembering the attributes of God: Oh Lord, You are all-powerful, wisdom and light itself, You are peace and love without limit—You are my all and all in all; chanting God’s name, meditating upon Him, listening to inspiring talks and music; it elevates your mood, changes your thinking, stimulates smooth life-energy, and purifies the mind—both your conscious and subconscious minds are uplifted through your contact with the super-conscious mind.
Of course you may have legitimate concerns in your life, but you no longer turn these into a worry machine. Now you see those possible problems in the light of God. He is working out His will through you, His willing instrument—in fact it is for this purpose you have taken incarnation and there is no place you would rather be than here and now—because this is where He has placed you.
Recently a devotee went through a serious operation. She said that while in recovery she felt that she was in the hospital for some greater reason—she had deep conversations there with a young man with addiction problems, visited many on the ward and was a bright light, and in fact the nurses gravitated to her room due to her calm and positive manner. When I was in the hospital I too felt that this was my opportunity to pray for all those there, including the care givers. With the mind so busily engaged in bringing the Light of God to a situation, there was no time for worry!
This world is on an evolutionary climb out of the Dark Ages, and yes there are challenges, however, with God in your heart this is a new day, a bright day full of promise and glory. God is on the move, and whether the world around you seems to reflect that or not, it is certainly true for you as you lead the way into the path of joy, light, abundance—Grace operating within, without and all about. Put your mind on God, put you mind on God, put your mind on God and your life is changing already—feel the peace and joy of His ever-abiding Presence right in your own heart and soul. Learn what it is to live a life without fear, always aware of His ever-abiding Grace residing in your heart, mind and soul. Be it so!