Happy Birthday Lahiri Babaji

Happy birthday to dear Lahiri Babaji

It was on this holy day in 1828 that our dear Lahiri Baba was born in the Ghurni village in Bengal. Babaji watched over the great master as a child, patiently waiting over 30 years before they should meet in the Himalaya’s. The grace of these two exceptional masters continues to flow to us, as we honor the life of Lahiri Mahasaya.

Health Update: The surgery on my arm was Thursday. I am home with orders to keep my arm elevated for the next two weeks. The five inch incision removed an area with melanoma, unrelated to past melanoma in the internal organs. I will give a talk for Sunday Service. 

Lahiri Mahasay-Perfect Joy Ever After

019 Lahiri Mahasaya Samadhi Temple Keshashram
Lahiri Mahasay Samadhi Temple at Keshashram Haridwar

On this mahasamadhi anniversary date of the great spiritual master Lahiri Mahasaya we reflect on the life of this most humble and joy-filled spiritual personality to whom we owe so much for our spiritual path. As I think on his form I am filled with such joy–the bliss he emanates is contagious, it overflows the cup of the little soul and merges into an infinite expanse; atma into paramatma.

In the Autobiography of a Yogi we read:   “At my guru’s home I found many disciples assembled. For hours that day the master expounded the Gita; then he addressed us simply. “‘I am going home.’ “Sobs of anguish broke out like an irresistible torrent. “‘Be comforted; I shall rise again.’ After this utterance Lahiri Mahasaya thrice turned his body around in a circle, faced the north in his lotus posture, and gloriously entered the final maha-samadhi. Lahiri Mahasaya’s beautiful body, so dear to the devotees, was cremated with solemn householder rites at Manikarnika Ghat by the holy Ganges….” With what simplicity, what grace for this most perfect master to leave!

How are we to explain such a flawless transition? For spiritually illumined masters such as Lahiri Babaji, who have been making such ascensions daily for many years, merging into Divine Consciousness is a long practiced entrance that comes naturally. As St. Paul said, “I die daily,” leaving of the body in what yogis call samadhi, Christians call it Christ; it is entering into the supreme consciousness through the ajna or the Christ Center. In the beginning, when attaining samadhi the body becomes fixed, the breath is still–what can appear to be a death state, however the soul has never been more fully alive. As purification continues the aspirant may remain in God-consciousness while moving in the body, however there are times of having this unbroken consciousness, and other times feeling separation. Ultimately the soul through deepened communion is able to go about its business in the world without a break–ever one with the Divine nature of his Soul. What could be easier or more natural than to enter into this state? Only when it comes to what we call death it is done for the last time and through God’s direction without any intention of returning to the earthly vessel–maha-samadhi–the last or great entrance into divine union or yoga.

While there will certainly be sorrow for those remaining behind, for the master there is blissful release and the certain knowledge that he or she has fulfilled his earthly mission. Through our focus upon such an ascended master we attune ourselves to their divine consciousness and thus his grace may impart a blessing upon us. May Lahiri Mahasaya bless us all and lift us up to the same beautiful state of consciousness he enjoyed in his life, and ever after.

God: Personal and Impersonal

089 Bonnies 1970
Mother at Sunday Service

The ferry glides upon the most perfect blue water, islands near and far with scattered trees makes the scene so charming, a perfect day as we make our way to Victoria to see devotees. With pilgrimage and hospital stays in this past couple of years–it has been a long time since making this journey.

I am reminded of times past, going back thirty seven, thirty eight years and making this same trip with a group of us following Mother Hamilton as she came to Victoria to see devotees here. Being on the ferry with Mother, then staying with devotees, Sunday Service at the YMCA chapel, brunch with Mother at a beautiful atriumed restaurant for those of us who had come up with Mother and the Victoria Group, then making our way back on the ferry. It is hard to describe how compact life was, how much experience was packed into such occasions. Actual talk with Mother was very little, it was just being with her, being part of her journey–it was everything for us in the moment.

Of course Mother had very different kinds of relationships with each disciple. With some she was very personal, staying at their homes, spending social time with them. Then, for many of us, it was very sporadic to have time just with Mother outside of Sunday and Wednesday Service, very rarely one-on-one–while Mother was everything for me, she was far more impersonal in our relationship. There seemed to be an inner circle of devotees, and then the rest of us. I sometimes wondered what it would be like to be part of the inner circle, but I was secure in knowing that what I had with Mother transcended social circles, or proximity of being in person with her–I was content with what I had.

It is interesting now, because it has proven true over time that many who were part of that inner circle did not stay with Mother; however there were those of us on the outer circle who have stayed true to a bond formed with the guru so long ago. Mother said that those who were more physically distant from her often made more spiritual progress than those close, such is the mystery of discipleship. Jesus said, many are called, few are chosen, and Krishna said, of many thousands, one here and there seek Him out, and of those a rare one rises up to know Him truly as He is; the path of realization is indeed inscrutable.

Such are my thoughts in the early morning hours being here with devotees. Now I find God in this form is different with each one, some brought in closer, some kept more at a distance. However, what is equal is the love that God expresses through me for each one. For God is both personal and impersonal; the personal shows distinction, the impersonal none. God has His play, His lila, and He enjoys it. God also is unqualified Spirit, without separation, limitation–beyond time, space and form. As He is in Himself in Spirit, and also the creative Hand manifesting as all nature, so His seemingly dual nature is within all souls–the microcosm in the macrocosm. In Spirit He is one, whole, complete; and in creation He joyfully expresses Himself as varied forms in the ebb and flow of life–with all of its dramas.

Being made in His likeness (unqualified Spirit) and His image (expressive form), each soul has both completeness and dynamism deep in their souls. However, so many have forgotten their heritage of perfect Spirit within, and seek to find their happiness in the constantly changing images of creation; a vain task never to be completed. For, only in Spirit is wholeness experienced, and with that realization comes the experience that it is the same Spirit being expressed as multifarious creation–the same oneness known in deepest meditation reveals the deep underlying oneness in all forms (this oneness in creation is Christ-awareness–the only begotten Son of God).

Mother acted impeccably with each soul, perfect for what each one needed for his or her spiritual evolution. With me, she kept an impersonal distance that made me seek Her out in Spirit, not becoming overly familiar with Her outer form. It was perfect for me, and made me know Her in Her Divinity first, and foremost. Others She swept up in Her lila, and that was perfect for them. Inner attunement stands the world on its head in terms of who is in the inner circle and who is part of the outer circle.

In my current life God has become far more impersonal in Spirit. He is a strict taskmaster, and when I venture too much into His play, He is quick to draw me back in Him. My God is a jealous God--speaks to His instant inner direction that brooks no insubordination of too much focus on this world, even when I think it is a task done for Him! And when He flows through me as form, He does so joyfully and easily. But usually I am mostly in Him. One of the interesting things about this, is that when deep in Him, and He makes me think of someone or some situation, I feel such intimate contact in Spirit with that one–a complete knowing oneness. There is an inscrutability to His divine design that belies human logic that tells us physical contact is the only means of feeling close to another–however this wisdom is at once knowable through intuition.

Oh, in my humanness, how I would love to ride on that ferry with Mother once again, basking in her physical presence–even for just a moment! To be the littlest one in her retinue–what joy there is in that thought!Yet, as I think of Her, Mother’s shining presence glows in and around me, treasure beyond all treasures! Such is the play of the Guru–God within, God without.

Unshakable Foundation


There have been an extraordinary call for prayers in the last little while, indicating that the world is going through a transition. Even as this world goes through seasons of the year, and today we stand on the cusp of the fall equinox, so too there are times in life when there are intense changes and transitions that affect us all.

To the sensitive yogi, Master said that there are four times of transition each day. Of course we are all familiar with sunrise, sunset, noon and midnight as common markers of the day. However, the meditating yogi will notice special times of the day that are propitious for going within, 4-6 a.m., 11 a.m.-noon, 5-6 p.m., and 10-midnight. One can take advantage of these subtle but powerful tides of energy by using these times for prayer and meditation.

I was so charmed when travelling in Islamic countries when the call to prayer came at different times of the day. Around sunset and the sinking sun radiating deep orange was one such time; the very warm day cooling a bit, the call to prayer coming from different towers around the city, shop owners retiring to the rear of their stores and bowing to the Creator of us all on their magic prayer rugs, the whole city becoming quiet for some minutes while the world acknowledged the One who makes it all possible. Such a lovely feeling.  

Other transitions may not make it so easy to find peace, for there are times in life when health, prosperity, work conditions, family life and friendships can all go through transitions, sometimes going our way and other times not. And yet finding peace, inner assurance, a solid foundation in a constantly changing world is at the heart of our spiritual practice. Even Mother said she could have an initial shock of when something first happened. So we too may feel, at first, an initial disturbance, but like a compass needle that always finds north, so our minds go directly to God. Other times we may find no disturbance at all when something untoward happens, we simply are feeling the great divine peace from start to finish.

Naturally, from a human standpoint we like to have things go easy. For some, when a transition takes something away and makes life more challenging, we can feel betrayed. Somewhere inside we feel that if we are making spiritual effort, then everything should go perfectly smooth in this world. However, we do live in world of duality, and the alternating currents will always be at work bringing both, from a human standpoint, good and bad situations. While it is true that leading a spiritual life will avoid many a painful trap in life, no one may avoid all difficulties, and at times hardships seem to come bundled up and delivered all at once.

To find lasting happiness we must rise above this world of duality, for this world will never be able to deliver it. There is a Source of serenity and joy within that cannot be eclipsed by dualism. Avatar Buddha said that life is suffering, then he gave the formulae for transcending it. Attachment to the things of this world makes us blind to this innate Source, so we must remove our full attention from this world and through deepened meditation become established in the ever-abiding Presence within–Nirvana.

Being established in such peace you now have an unshakable foundation for entering into any and all circumstances of life, and the things of this world do not make you over-glad, or over-sad–they simply are. Your real source of joy comes from your oneness with the Infinite Beloved–Sat, Chid, Ananda–eternal existence, consciousness and bliss. As the great Lahiri Mahasaya said, make acquaintance with God in the springtime, for elsewise you may Him elusive in the winter of life. Seek Him out daily, and learn to make the Divine Presence the unmovable core for you being.  

Promise of a New Day


The constant rehearsing of problems that might happen, that have happened, an underlying anxiety that drains our energy—what is this all about?

Being prepared for when things go wrong is a prudent thing to do—having a filled pantry, working flashlights, first aid bandages all are good things to have around, just in case…. However, the conscious and unconscious minds take this to an exaggerated degree and makes warning sounds in our bodies and heads 24/7. Far from useful, it becomes destructive as it produces false warnings, skews our judgment, can make us over-function or withdraw from life, and burns up life-energy without benefit—wearing us out and robbing us of joy!

As I have often said, “It has been a rough couple of thousand years!” Our history is filled with the lack of food and starvation, wars with its pain and miseries, lack of justice and stability, extremely difficult working conditions and little medical care, limited opportunities—it has not been uniformly bad, but a large share of the world’s population have had it very difficult. While there are definitely difficult lives in the world today, there are also great advancements on so many fronts and increasingly a great number of lives are so much better off; statistically better than ever before. However, the echoes of traumatic experiences can resound even when surrounded by relative peace and prosperity.

I worked with a psychiatrist who was making a study of WWII holocaust survivors and their children. The survivors of these death camps oftentimes got about their lives, not talking about or seemingly devastated by past experiences. However, their children and children’s children exhibited post-traumatic stress, seemingly for no apparent reason—until you considered that the un-grieved horrors that the parents and grandparents went through were passed down to their progeny. Their holocaust surviving parents did not have the time or energy to grieve for their devastating losses; they simply had to get on with their lives to build something better for themselves and their children. But, the emotional charges from those losses were passed down to new generations, waiting for the day that they should be worked out.

We have all come from tough stock, and the many losses and difficulties of those previous generations can be passed down through families—it can explain much in what may seem unexplainable symptoms. Then you add on the layers of past lifetimes a soul has experienced during this dark Kali Yuga, the emotional charges of past life experiences lurking deep in the subconscious mind—This complex weave of the psyche reveals why unexpected challenges can seem to occur from thin air, as well as unexplainable strengths and talents we simply come with, fully intact from birth.

Some can look at that list of atrocities and problems and think, “How can there be a God?” Others can look at that same list, see how well we all do in general, how much kindness and caring there is in the world, how much healing happens daily, and think, “It is only by the Grace of God that decency is as prevalent as it is!” I, of course, come down on the side that God’s Grace—always active and present—making us yearn for a better world and a desire for growth. Along with Grace is human free will, which can choose horrible actions, creating a daily testing field for right action for every individual and group. Family history, past lifetimes, and of course the environment we live in interlace their influences, both positively angelic all the way to demonic. Like the immune system fighting off toxins, germs and viruses that threaten our health from within and without, so we need a superb mental and spiritual “immune system” to create and maintain total health and happiness.

Although you may strive to maintain a positive environment to live in, you may freely admit there are many things outside of your control, and if those negative things beyond your influence are given preeminence in your mind, they will bring you low. The greatest boost to your physical, mental and spiritual immune systems is God remembrance. Through God remembrance the first thing that happens is that you take your mind off of the merry-go-round of the mind that feels overwhelmed or powerless and it aligns you with the supreme power and divine intelligence of God. God is positivity itself: hope, faith and a doorway to all things possible. Remembering the attributes of God: Oh Lord, You are all-powerful, wisdom and light itself, You are peace and love without limit—You are my all and all in all; chanting God’s name, meditating upon Him, listening to inspiring talks and music; it elevates your mood, changes your thinking, stimulates smooth life-energy, and purifies the mind—both your conscious and subconscious minds are uplifted through your contact with the super-conscious mind.

Of course you may have legitimate concerns in your life, but you no longer turn these into a worry machine. Now you see those possible problems in the light of God. He is working out His will through you, His willing instrument—in fact it is for this purpose you have taken incarnation and there is no place you would rather be than here and now—because this is where He has placed you.

Recently a devotee went through a serious operation. She said that while in recovery she felt that she was in the hospital for some greater reason—she had deep conversations there with a young man with addiction problems, visited many on the ward and was a bright light, and in fact the nurses gravitated to her room due to her calm and positive manner. When I was in the hospital I too felt that this was my opportunity to pray for all those there, including the care givers. With the mind so busily engaged in bringing the Light of God to a situation, there was no time for worry!

This world is on an evolutionary climb out of the Dark Ages, and yes there are challenges, however, with God in your heart this is a new day, a bright day full of promise and glory. God is on the move, and whether the world around you seems to reflect that or not, it is certainly true for you as you lead the way into the path of joy, light, abundance—Grace operating within, without and all about. Put your mind on God, put you mind on God, put your mind on God and your life is changing already—feel the peace and joy of His ever-abiding Presence right in your own heart and soul.  Learn what it is to live a life without fear, always aware of His ever-abiding Grace residing in your heart, mind and soul. Be it so!

Loon Lake & Lahiri Baba

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Once again we entered the breach and took the plunge into deeper sadhana during our time at Loon Lake. Our topic was a meditation upon Lahiri Mahasaya: the Father of Kriya Yoga for our Modern Age. Kriya Yoga has been part of yoga tradition for time immemorial, spoken of in the Mahabharata and other spiritual texts, and clearly such techniques were part of the early Christian Church, such as when St. Paul wrote, “I die daily.” Certainly he did not die in the ordinary sense we use the word, rather he entered into the same breathless state of meditating yogis in Samadhi, or Christ Consciousness. Common knowledge of these meditation techniques had fallen into disuse down the centuries and Babaji revived this yogic science back into use through his beloved disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. Jesus and Babaji then orchestrated its introduction into the West through that powerful spiritual engine, Paramhansa Yogananda, and for us then through our own Prem-Avatar Mother Hamilton.

Our time together was spent going deeper into the Hong Sau, the Light and Sound meditation practices, as well as the Clearing and Charging Exercises Babaji taught me. Then we took incidents from the Master’s life as launching pads for exploring his experiences and relating them to our own. One of the great things about saints and realized masters is that their divinized lives become allegories for realization, blueprints surcharged with divine consciousness for those who meditate deeply upon them. So, Lahiri Baba’s own life and experiences becomes a gateway to the Infinite—such is the grace of a great spiritual master.

Besides our time delving in the master’s life, we also chanted at every opportunity—led by Cate and Carla on the harmonium, we took walks in the scenic woodlands surrounding Loon Lake; some even took dips in the mountain lake and paddled on the mirror-like surface in kayaks. The spiritual charge from such gatherings help propel us to the Goal of goals, it lifts our spirits as well as those attuning themselves to our gathering even at great distances—even from an ICU hospital bed.

Special thanks to Carla for all her work in organizing these retreats, Karim and staff for their beautiful service to us during our stays and working with Carla in between, and those beautiful souls who have sponsored others, including Carla and I, in attending the retreat. Jai Gurus! Jai Lahiri Mahasaya!

Real Happiness is Seeking You


This weekend we are taking time to come to Loon Lake Retreat for intensive study of the liberating methods for Self-realization. For all those who come there are many more who would like to be there, but we may all share something of our time together in satsang through our connection in Spirit.

There is much written by saints and realized masters as to what the goal of spiritual practice is, however, no matter how perfect the words for its description,  there is no replacing actual God-contact and having direct experience of those realized states of consciousness.

To live in divine consciousness is the greatest accomplishment of a lifetime, because it does the greatest good for the individual, and it has the most powerful uplifting effect upon all creation. If someone is starving, they must of course have food, and if someone is in excruciating pain they should have some relief. But in meeting such immediate needs, a temporary solution is given to a temporary problem–no matter how great the need in the moment and how good it is to be able to offer relief. The deeper, longer lasting suffering of humanity is found in the mind and soul. Identifying this suffering is the first step in the recovery of the consciousness that leads to long term happiness.

After identifying that it is separation from divine consciousness that is the cause of this suffering, we must go about how to get relief from this mental and spiritual pain. Deep analysis shows that so much suffering comes about due to the attachment we have to the things and situations of this world. Attachment makes us think that our happiness is dependent upon having certain situations or objects, and if we do not have them then we are miserable (or if we have them and they are taken away then we are unhappy). Real happiness is to be found within and is not dependent upon these outer conditions. If happiness is thought to stem from something that is temporary, and what in this world is not temporary, then happiness will always be followed by pain when that temporary situation changes.

This understanding makes us know that only by finding an unshakable source of happiness within, that transcends the things of time and space will make for a solution to suffering. Great saints and spiritual masters who have gone into the laboratories of their own deepened experience tell us that there is an eternal fount of joy and bliss to be found within. This fount does not run dry, is not dependent upon outer conditions, and makes us know the truth of who and what we truly are. This truth is known through direct experience–it is portable, going with us wherever we go, and transcends the limited human mind.

One might well ask, “If this is true, why is the whole world not running after unending happiness? And really, that is a most poignant question, but the answer is in what was said earlier about attachment; it acts as a screen that hides this simple truth. A child has a toy, then sees another child with another toy. At first the child is happy with their own toy, but when he sees the other child with a different toy he cries such tears at the thought of not having the other toy. We must give up attachment first, then the truth is revealed, but we do not like to give up our attachments having come to believe that our happiness lies in having certain things or situations.

However, when you have a ready and simple faith, you find the truth is not far away. Having the willingness to open your heart and mind to the radiant Presence already existing within reveals the doorway to this most wonder-filled and exciting experience that can be had by all. You do not need to build complicated creeds and beliefs, in fact that is contrary to the prime simplicity that gets you entry. Let go of all thoughts that happiness lies out there somewhere, and open your mind and heart to the divine revelation that is seeking out an opportunity for awakening you now. Let us join together, if not in person then in spirit, and seek out this omniscient Presence that is also seeking you. 

In the Grip of God


I am God’s Grip, and there is no other place I would rather be. From my late teens God prodded me towards Him, and away from the world. I did not know it was He at the time; in fact I had no faith in any concept of God I knew of then, only that I was restless, and definitely not content with what I saw in the world. That restlessness grew into a deep spiritual pain, and finally in my extremity I turned to God, and He lifted my pain; though later it came back—the shepherd’s dog nipping at me without respite.

Then began the long journey of sadhana in which I had further glimpses of God’s Light and bliss; a training of the mind to stay focused on Him through the techniques my Gurudev had instructed me. Those creaky doors yielded, a bit at a time, opening then closing tight, then opening again, always with the shepherds dog driving me on when I would have rather gone back to sleep. I even resented the shepherd’s dog, thinking why could I not be happy, as others seemed to find happiness in this world? But, thankfully it drove me on, for what I sometimes thought of as a curse then I now see as my greatest blessing.

And many a time I fell, many a time I made mistakes, and suffered the consequences. Unfortunately, not only I suffered, by those around me suffered as well. Even through the Dark Night of my Soul, even through the many mistakes and missteps, Grace found a way through my ignorance, my vanity, lower human desires and indifference. What endless patience God and Guru gave me, never giving up on me, transforming base metal of humanness into gold of Spirit—God and Guru being alchemists extraordinaire.

However many missteps on my part, I never wavered in my desire for God, and gradually that transformation took shape, a new being was born; something far beyond my ability to enact. So, while I was an active participant in the process, I was increasingly very much the witness to the extraordinary forces at work in me. God experience went from very occasional glimpses, then to a most of the time Reality, culminating in an every moment state of being.

Now I live in His grip, God’s power and intelligence flowing through me, and I am witness to what He does in and around me. And I am more humbled than ever before, for the witness in me is in awe of what He is about. There is no life more fully lived than when in Him; His bliss, His grace is ever at work. And what He has shown me, what I most definitely know, is that same spark of Divinity, that same seed of Grace that has grown into a tree, is in every living soul that walks the earth.

Not all will awaken to this transformed life in this lifetime, but there are those destined to live in Him, and shed His qualities to all the earth. As one or two awaken, so that quickens the lives of others, and one or two awaken over there, then there, and on and on it spreads as the world is lifted into greater heights. When a significant minority transforms—not that large of a percentage actually—it will spread all over this earth. Suddenly it will not be about money, power and fame, but about recognizing the Light in one another and in the world itself. Even though the world may be no great support in living a spiritual life at this present time, there is no greater opportunity to be in the vanguard of what is to come—to help lead the way through your own example. For I can tell you from my own experience, there is no greater way to live this life than to be in the grip of God.
