A New Year Alignment


Reaching the pinnacle of your life


As we enter into a new year it is a propitious time to reflect on our lives; with a summary of this past year and a projection into the next. Sometimes, day-to-day living makes life full of details, moving from one place to the next, one situation to another, and through all the busyness of life we lose touch with the bigger picture. A new year is a wonderful time to focus on the themes that truly matter.

We come into this life with missions to accomplish. We need only look at those recurring themes in our life for hints as to what we have come to do. For some it is education and learning, or having and raising a family, a profession and trade, a passion for a sport, hobby or craft, and having a loyal group of friends—all can be a big part of our lives. Some of these can seem rather pedestrian, others are vital. However, what is important to one may hold absolutely no meaning for another—the fact you hold it as valuable is what makes it important.

There are everyday actions that are the mechanics of life, things that we do that have value, but don’t rank as very memorable; such as household chores, maintaining the car and paying the bills. These are the things that take up so much of our time. They also produce major problems if they are not attended to, but are not the kinds of things that come to mind if we are asked, “What did you accomplish in your life?”

And yet, especially if we struggle with some of the mechanics of life, they can become a big part of what we have come to learn. A theme of learning for me has been organizing and simplifying things in my life. I find that being better organized helps me to accomplish the more important goals. There is a lady from Japan, Marie Kondo, who has made an entire profession of helping people organize their stuff, and wrote a bestselling book that I like very much, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I fully intend this coming year to once again make a total sweep of all the things in my care and use her method for keeping only those things that bring me joy.

In addition to the daily mechanics of life, there are those things that are really important; such as a safe and loving home for children and family, financial security, professional goals, being a loving and supportive presence for friends, and maintaining a healthy body and environment. These important goals are closer to home, the things that speak more deeply to our souls and have a lasting impact on our lives. Many of the repetitive activities that make up the mechanics of life only exist in order to support those important things. Sometimes we get a sudden reminder of how important these things are when we have a health challenge, or a financial trial.

These past couple of years, keeping this body healthy took on a new focus of importance after being diagnosed with tumors. Subsequently, I have been working with a naturopath and getting scans and tests done several times of year-including taking supplements prescribed by the naturopath and working on healthy habits. Of course, I had been eating healthy before, but as I say, this has made healthiness even a deeper focus. All continues well in this regard as I enjoy perfect health—for that I thank our ever-gracious God and Gurus, and your thoughts and prayers, dedicated health professionals and health insurance workers that have helped make this possible. This new year will definitely entail making perfect health an ongoing reality.

In addition to the mechanics of life and attending to those important aspects, there are those essential elements in life that are must do’s. Like a pyramid, the mechanics of life form the foundation for achieving what is above it—the things that qualify as important—and then moving up to the pinnacle of the pyramid is that which is essential, the crown of your life. For example, for my father it is clear he came into this life with a keen desire to run his own business, and he spent a great deal of his life doing so in a dharmic way, filled with honest right-action. If he had not done this, he would have definitely felt that his life was not complete—this was essential for him. What is essential for me is not the running a business, but my purpose took the turn from my father’s, to that of a spiritual quest for Self-realization.

In my adult years everything in my life—education, profession, family—have all been in support of this one overarching goal. But, there have been times in my life when my actions seemed to betray this essential goal. And this is what is vastly important here: when the pyramid of the foundational mechanics of my life do not support my important goals, which in turn do not enable me to realize the crowning essential summit of life, then I am out of synch with the very purpose of my coming—and this being out of synch, leads to great suffering. Confusion and suffering occurs when incarnating souls do not remember why they have come. Knowing God and serving Him in all souls in accordance to His inner direction has been, and continues to be my real purpose of my life.

Every life has a unique set of circumstances for what a soul has come to learn. It is incumbent upon you to be clear as to what is essential for you to learn and to become. You must be fully aware of what is important to you, and to align the mechanics of your life to support those important and essential goals. Through this alignment you may rightfully enjoy peace and an absolutely fulfilled life.

Starting a new year is a wonderful time to calibrate all three of these parts of your life—the mechanics of daily activities with achieving those goals that are important, and never losing sight of what is essential. Missing, or misaligning, any one of these three parts will lead to suffering, while having all three in synch makes you know that you are on-track with why you are here; it also makes you know that with your sincere efforts and God’s Grace, all success is open to you for the fulfillment of your purpose, just as God has designed it for you. In the thought of your perfect alignment with your true purpose, I wish you a very happy New Year and the flawless fulfillment of all that you have come to accomplish.



You are a citizen of the stars


Many people live lives that are too cramped, with a consciousness that is too small and too crowded. In this tight space tension reigns supreme—it all feels like life is too much, that you are not big enough. This is in contradiction to the fact that you are truly made up of an infinite nature, being made in the likeness and image of God.

To counteract this cramped living style, you must move into spaciousness—where your consciousness easily accommodates expansiveness. Attuning yourself to your greater Self you grow larger than your limited situation, you feel God-consciousness expand in you, making you know that all God is, is also available to you.

Those things that work against this roominess of Spirit are when you are in pain or struggling with a physical condition, limited money and prosperity in the moment, unhappy relationships and social situations, an unsatisfying work situation, and lack of balance in your life. These things can press in on you, make you feel small and that these situations are very big. This oppressiveness puts you under tremendous pressure. This is not the way you are meant to live.

In truth, your life is an expression of infinite nature; you are meant to live in freedom, joy, love and light. To tune into this greater Source you must rise above your determined beliefs that you are small and problems are big. It is true that on a human level many things can come at you, and challenges can really stretch you, but you are not a human self only. You must remember that you are a child of the Infinite, and in remembering this you claim access to the realms of your greater Self.

When meditating, bring to mind your expansiveness. Feel that you are not limited to one little human body, rather you know yourself to be a citizen of the stars, that there is no limit to consciousness. When done with meditation time and you enter into the world, continue your connection with your greater Self—that you are a living instrument of limitless thought, energy and abundance. Your life is “right sized” for you, you need only open yourself to all God wishes to manifest through you. Let go of fear, resentment, limiting beliefs and know that your infinite Beloved is, even right now, actively manifesting all that you need to be His likeness, and His image.

No two lives are identical, so, do not compare yourself to any other, for that would deny the uniqueness of how God chooses to be in you as a co-creator with Him. So, any time you are feeling too cramped in your living space, feeling the pressure of life, and that you are too small for the shoes you are wearing, then instantly recall who and what you truly are—a child of the Infinite—as such you expand to be larger than the problems and challenges you face, you walk amongst the stars, that vast resources are streaming to you in order for you to live your life exactly as it has been ordered from above. In that spaciousness breathe freedom and know that God is the solution to every problem; that His ingenuity for solving problems is even greater than yours for creating them! There is plenty of room for you to breathe, live your life and be exactly who God designed you to be.

After Christmas Glow


St. Nicholas dropping coins
St. Nicholas-tradition tells us St. Nicholas used his family wealth to help those without means. In this case he dropped gold coins into the drying socks of three young sisters who had no money for dowries–without which they would eventually be driven to live on the streets by any means they could. 


Not that it is so rare in this world, but I am privy to know many acts of kindness that are done quietly and without a need to be known to the world. In years past, prior to Christmas celebrations I have done something to be of help to another—some gifts to those who can’t afford them, or food or clothing to those in need—doing it in the name of someone for whom I would ordinarily buy a gift (but did not really need another thing). This deed may have been done openly in the name of someone, or anonymously; either way, in my mind, it was done in the person’s name for whom this gift was intended—the story of that deed was their gift.

This past Christmas Season I have seen devotees giving from their hearts, and it has come as special gifts to me. In the late night hours tonight (or is it early morning?), just as I was ready to say goodnight, God gave me the inspiration to tell you a few of the good deeds done–as a gift for you. So, I have turned the Christmas tree lights back on, and in their glow, I write to you. Devotees of God are natural givers, and I think these will warm your hearts, just as they have mine.

Gift number one unwrapped: A couple who have raised their own children came to know of a teenager who was without a home. They offered this young person their home and their love, to provide a stable base and a caring family from which to have a chance to begin a new life. Within a short amount of time he went from very poor grades in school when living in chaos, to getting A’s and B’s after joining this new family. It is quite a commitment by this couple, but what a change and an opportunity being given this young person.  

Gift number two to set your heart aglow: A few devotees have banded together to send money to a family that is known to them in Africa. There has been ongoing support for this far away family by a devotee-couple after getting to know them while on a trip there. And then, in celebration of this holy season a small group got together to send special funds for Christmas to this family who works hard, but opportunities do not allow for even some basic needs. So, willing caring hands have joined together to make Christmas special for a family half way around the world.

Gift number three is all about giving hearts and faith in God: One yogi-couple with a family came to know of another nearby family who were having a difficult time. The father was not able to work due to an injury, the mother works two jobs, and the three children (two of whom have full faith and confidence in Santa) were without any gifts for Christmas–while they waited for some funds to come that had not yet materialized. This spiritual family gave their travel money to the family-in-need without hesitation; travel money they had saved over time and intended for going to see their own family for the holidays. They trusted that God would see to their own needs, and felt completely right in giving this money—just days before Christmas. And, indeed, God did take care of them, meanwhile the family-in-need had money to brighten their Christmas for the whole family.

I am the constant victim of random acts of kindness, gifts of loving service that are saturated with love. Just a few stocking stuffers from God’s busy little elves: A devotee said he wanted to stop by. He brought his guru and Carlaji a beautiful meal, a generous gift of money as a tithe to God, and a year’s worth of small gifts of inspiration to be opened throughout the coming year on specified dates. Another devotee made a large number of meals for Carla-ma and me to be eaten after Carla’s operation she had just before Christmas. And then there are those who quietly give support for this Work we do for God and Gurus, without fanfare or need to be broadcasted. It is a staggering fact, there are numberless acts of kindness and devotion that come my way—each one making my heart to glow.

Through the news we can come to believe this world is completely lacking in goodness and selflessness. My own experience is quite the opposite. I know that the vast majority of people are fundamentally good, and that there are shining soul-stars, such as those just mentioned, that light the darkness for us all. I think of all these luminous lights in the firmament of Spirit, and it makes me smile–most definitely it  gives me a warm after-Christmas glow. May your heart also be lit from within by these inspiring examples.   



A Wonderful Time of Year


MH Xmas 1970s
Happy Birthday Mother! A Guru who knew how to have fun!

As with many, Christmas is a wonderful time of year for me. I love the message and the feeling of the real reason for the season, as well as the decorative lights during what is for us the darkest time of year, the little traditions celebrated, and deepened meditation upon the personal and impersonal Christ. I knew that the special feeling that comes with our Christmas Service in Maple Ridge and on Camano Island was to be the heart of spiritual and social Christmas, and that afterward it would be a time of growing inner focus. Carla also had elective surgery this last week, and so recovery time for her added to being home and more reclusive.

I realize that for some it is also a season that brings up those things that have been lost. I have definitely lived long enough to have people and situations that are no longer here. Christmas celebrations with my Guru come to mind, and how she brought such life and meaning to the season as well as her birthday celebration on Christmas Day. However, I will say that a very definite virtue of a deepened communion with God is that it is the sole relationship that continues to deepen, glow and provides life, inspiration, renewal, and ever-new joy to devotees that never fades with time. In God-consciousness all people, past and present, feel near and dear. So, while I may miss certain interactions from the past, the sting of loss is replaced with a warm glow. When you take the feeling of loss to deepen connection with your infinite Beloved, then wounds are healed and loss becomes gain.

It is the one thing about God—He is not a thing of the past or a story that becomes staid, but a deep well of living waters that brings new birth and new openings to the most tremendous gift ever given to all God’s children. The angels’ universal sound is singing its song in my ears and beyond, the warm Christ-light is blazing as the leading star and lights the Christmas tree of my spine and brain–love is glowing from my heart, radiating out to all creation. These fill my heart, mind and soul and shares itself with one and all—there is no limit, no aloneness, no feeling of loss possible in this ever-new birth. This is the gift I wish, hope and pray for one and all—that you share in this God-experience. You will find it waiting for you to unwrap from under your tree-of-life, right within you. There are many wonderful things about this world, but none compares to the universal Christ-presence sown throughout creation, and that is most definitely residing deeply in you.

P.S. Thank you so much for your cards and gifts, each one is received with love and gratitude. I want to share with you a list of some holiday movies we enjoy. All, I think, are family friendly though some may not appeal to little children—of course, you may not like all of them as much as I do, but I think you will find there are many gems here, and hopefully some you may not know and come as delightful surprises—others simply reminders to see again.

It’s a Wonderful Life (spoiler alert, Clarence get’s his wings!)

White Christmas (when young I thought musicals were stupid, now many are delightful!)

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Christmas does not come from a store, it is much, much more!)

Elf (You are an angry elf!)

Lost Christmas (Who would think Shiva would save Christmas!)

The Santa Clause (I Like the sequels as well)

The Last Holiday (Queen Latifah to God, You just mess’n with me now!)

Christmas with the Kranks (Botox scene makes me laugh every time)

Christmas in Connecticut (A fun Classic)

Jesus of Nazareth (Zeffirelli makes each scene look like a masterpiece painting—and James Earl Jones plays a wonderful Wiseman—you can watch it up to the birth of Jesus)

A Christmas Carol (there are many versions, but Alistair Sim makes the most grumpy and then joyfully redeemed Scrooge in this 1951 classic)

Holiday Inn (You just have to love corny musicals, and Fred Astaire’s dancing of course)

A Christmas Story (You’ll shoot your eye out!)

Miracle on 34th Street (Edmund Gwenn makes the best Santa!)


Surrender Gives Birth to the Christ


As I wrote: Mary is feeling-nature purified into surrender to intuition. As the story goes, Mary receives a visitation from an angel, a communication from the Infinite, that she is to bear a child. From the human perspective she must reflect on the fact that she is unmarried and has not been with a man, this pregnancy will destroy her reputation, ruin her betrothal with Joseph, leave her with an uncertain and difficult future—she will be publicly shamed, with a high probability that she will be stoned to death. Even with all of this, she replies, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. (Luke 1:38) Such perfect surrender to a life changing and difficult task from God.

Joseph goes through his own trial when he hears from Mary the disappointing news of her pregnancy. He makes a decision that he will not publicly humiliate her, and thus avoid a stoning of Mary, and he will somehow privately annul their engagement and put her away. While he is taking the time to think this through, he has a dream. Joseph is told that the child is a product of a Divine act, and that he should take Mary to be his wife. He is a thoughtful man, he turns it over in his mind and in the end—he surrenders.

Mary represents feeling-nature, even as Eve from the Garden of Eden. Eve succumbs to temptation, and then Adam follows. Adam represents reason. We all know Adam and Eve from our own inner struggles. Eve is feeling, which is both feeling-nature of the senses and emotions—both closely tied together. The senses and emotions get triggered by someone or something tempting us. Even though we know it is wrong, the feeling nature is so strong that reason will work itself around the temptation to where it thinks wrong is right; or perhaps it tells itself, “I don’t care what the consequences are, this is what I want!” Eventually we do care about the consequences, especially after the magnetic draw of allurement wears off.

Thus, in their surrender Mary redeems Eve, even as Joseph saves Adam. These acts of submission to God paves the way for the birth of the Christ-child—the only begotten Son of God born in man—not just in one man, but in anyone who completely surrenders heart and mind to God may become a Son of God. In talking about this with Chad after Service, he added something that came to him from God. Adam and Eve have two children: Able and Cain. Able is the good son, Cain is the bad seed. Able and Cain represent duality, so when Adam and Eve (reason and feeling) go against the will of God, the dual forces of good and bad are born. This part I had been shown by God before, and I have related in my talks. However, Chad then pointed out that Mary and Joseph had only one child, a Christ-child. Christ-consciousness is the one that rises above duality, and is in union with God. In Christ-consciousness there continues to be a dual nature—in the sense that there is the Father and there is the Son. However, this is not the same as the positive and negative poles of Able and Cain, as is further represented by the two thieves on either side of the Christ during the crucifixion. Christ is not a negative pole to God, but is one with the Father—in this case duality is the thin veil separates the two. Christ-consciousness resurrects union with God beyond the duality of good and evil.

Going against God’s will brings about duality, which separates us from God. The negative pole of Cain murders what is good inside, Able. However, good cannot be completely destroyed even in the most evil person. For God says to Cain, What has thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. (Genesis 4:10) Goodness cannot be completely eradicated, for its blood, its essence, cries out from the ground, or the sub-conscious mind. No matter how bad someone is, his opposite of good remains buried, perhaps deeply buried, but it continues to cry out.

Total surrender to God’s will brings about the birth of the Savior, that One that lifts you above good and evil, where the lion and the lamb lie together in peaceful harmony. This is a tremendous message, worthy of salutations from all mankind—a message that is truly a universal proclamation for the ultimate destiny of all.

O Holy Night


Early morning reveries reveal much about the imagery that embodies the holy night of Jesus’ birth. Deep in meditative mind the sound of Aum/Amen resounds like a symphony of angels emanating from the heavens. Multifarious sounds ring in constancy; expanding consciousness lifts you from worldly clinging and announces the birth of something new, something rare in this world—Divinity incarnating into this world and all is quiet of worldly sounds, but reverberates with heavenly song.

Innocent and peaceful sheep (good tendencies) are in the fields, and shepherds (those watchful of good tendencies and desire for Self-realization) are awake for the holy night. Heavenly forces are at work, the night sky shines with portents of shimmering light seen in meditative watchfulness. Inner illumination announces a sacred birth. Man can cultivate a desire to be a good and faithful servant of God, but it is only Grace being born in the world of the individual that spiritual realization can really come into its own. Inner light is calling to awaken shepherds that something special is coming; the fulfillment of a promise made at the foundation of creation—birth of a God-man!  

Mary (feeling-nature purified into surrender to intuition), and Joseph (reason in proud obedience to God’s will), are the parents to this new-born awareness. The wise (those who have given the gold of material desires and possessions, the frankincense of heavenly worship, and the myrrh of the bitter disappointments in life), lay at the feet of God their gifts of all they have and all that they are. What a gathering—what perfect attunement to God’s most perfect gift to the world!

It is both a fulfillment of a promise and is only a beginning; there is much more to go through, the Christ-child is only now born and must suffer the glorious Way. King Herod, filled with great passions, rises up in murderous rage with the desire to kill sacredness. These Herod-passions are steered clear of by the sincere and the child is secreted away into the land of Egypt, preserved in safekeeping until the time is right for inborn Divinity is to make its way up the circuit (of spinal consciousness) in Galilee.

So the story of God-incarnate unfolds. And it all begins in humble and wondrous beginnings on that holy night that promises so much. Be watchful for those portents that come to the surrendered and the humble. Listen for the celestial sounds of sacred watches; look for the blessed star that announces a new life in God; feel those powerful forces in motion in heaven and in earth; and be among the faithful looking to their Lord of Christly Divine Intelligence, guiding them into union with the Holy Ghost (Divine Mother), and their Heavenly Father through the awakened Son of God within.

Right Relationship With God & Tithing


Dear _________,

It is wonderful to hear from you, so glad these postings are of value to you, it is a perfect way to keep in contact when we are at distant places from one another.

You have brought up the subject of tithing; it is a relationship between the soul and God. Yes, there are practical aspects on both sides, as it provides us money for the work we do for God and Gurus, and of course there is only the rare person who could not use more money for personal use. However, tithing touches parts of life that goes beyond practicalities.

Carla and I tithe 10 percent for every dollar of our personal income. When I do, it sets up a relationship between God and me. Giving the “first fruits” to God puts me in mind of gratitude for what is received. It acknowledges that God is the Source of all good, including prosperity on a material level, and it puts me in right relationship with my Creator.

When we receive tithes, we put it on the altar under Master’s picture (when we are on Camano). We offer it to God and Gurus in gratitude, then we have an account that is for the tithes and use those funds for the work we do for God and Gurus.

I understand that money can be tight, I have been in that situation a time or two myself! I also think it is wonderful that you are in a position to help others. I had the blessing to adopt a child and have been a support to others as various times, so I know how important it is for the one receiving that support, as well as how it feels to fulfill God’s will when giving it. Blessings for you, and blessings for this young man—that he may receive what is being offered and thrive.

I do not ask for anything for what I do for God and Gurus, in fact I took a vow before Mother not to do so. So, I truly have no expectation that anyone should give anything. Many has been the time that the ones I have given the most to, do not reciprocate. While others, who I have not spent such time and effort on a personal basis are faithful to a fault with supporting this work. Such is the way of God; He has made it so that we have never been without shelter or food, and we have had funds to do what is necessary for Mother’s work.

So, it comes down to right-relationship between the soul and God. What can practically be tithed, and what feels right? Go inside and ask God, “What is the right thing here so that You and I are straight with each other?” For many years I did not think of tithing that much. When I saw Mother I would put some money in the bowl on the way out. Later, I was sorry for my casual attitude—not really thinking of what Mother might need, and perhaps even more, for my own immaturity. And not because Mother thought the less of me, for many of those years I was a student and not flush with funds, but because I was not mindful. Mother was the most important person in my life, she meant everything to me, but I was not conscious of how that should have translated into tithing. Surely any extra money would have helped her, but it really reflected my own lack of thoughtfulness. Later, I stepped forward at a time Mother needed it and was able to give substantial support. For that I feel such gratitude, that even when I was supporting a family and not having extra, God gave me the ability to do something that made me feel good and right with God and was of practical help to Mother.

I do not purport to say what is right for each person, I only know what my own journey is, and has been on this point. Even though you hesitated bringing it up, I think it is a topic we all live with, and it is important. So, I am glad you have given me an opportunity to tell you something of my thoughts; and that by bringing it up with me, you are bringing it out into the light. At the end of the day, you want to feel that you are in right relationship with God and Gurus—that you may stand easy and breathe the fresh air of openness and truth.

With all love and blessings,


Right Relationship with Power


The lilies of the field, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Matt 6:29)

Think of the power of a seed growing into a great tree, a supernova collapsing into a black hole that swallows everything that comes near it including light, and the power that creates this fantastical universe we live in. Now consider, this same power exists in you as a Son-of-God in Christ-consciousness. The great Master said that when you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains—think of it! (Matt. 17:20)

However, it is a very good thing that we are not conscious of this vast potential for remarkable powers when we are still working to properly manage what power we have been given. Each of us has power, whether we think of it in that way or not. You have the power of thought, movement, speech, the ability to make plans and carry them out—we could call these everyday powers. As you move into a broadening world of power, it may bring you parental authority, being a manager or business owner, a political position or being in the public’s eye—making you accountable for the increasing influence you have.

Each one of us are to be beneficial stewards of what we have been given in this life. Taking the attitude of being a servant of the Most High, no matter the position you hold, puts you into right relationship with power. When in a position of authority is in your purview, then working for the highest good of all keeps you on the path of right action. Again, the Master said that according to what you are given, whether it is money, position or authority, according to how you use that power you may be given more, or if it is misused—that which you have will be taken away. (Matt 25: 14-40) So, whether you are a janitor or the head of the company, you are equally accountable when standing before your Heavenly Father.

When 36 years old, Mother Theresa of Calcutta moved to the streets to serve the poorest of the poor—not a typical path to a high worldly position. Yet, her name endures, she has become an iconic personality symbolizing selfless service. No one would have guessed this would be the result when she started out, leaving her comfortable teaching position for an uncertain life on the streets—as she felt prompted to do by her beloved Christ. However, she endured with uncommon integrity and humility; as a result, she was given more worldly power. Throughout it all she kept her spiritual bearings clearly in sight. When name and fame pursued her from nook and cranny from around the world she kept God and service to those who needed it most to the fore; both for herself and those who followed in her footsteps. She began with so little, and it grew to a worldwide phenomenon.

When undergoing spiritual transformation I was taken through a time when spiritual powers naturally came to me; among these powers were knowing future events, desires that were materialized, and reading the minds of others. As this occurred I had Mother’s teachings in the forefront of my mind and Krishna’s exhortation from the Bhagavad Gita—such powers are considered an impediment to realization by aspiring yogis. I was also aware of a deep-down attraction I felt for these powers; and that concerned me. So, I asked God to take all such power away from me—and He did.

Another power about which I had pride was intellect. Through the experiences God gave me He periodically took away my intellect. I came to know that intellect is but an extension of consciousness, but not essential to it. In fact, the most brilliant experiences I have been given have not been derived from intellect—proving to me its inferiority. In addition to intellect, the power of movement and of speech have also been taken away at various times, showing how little I am in control of those, and how easily they can all be taken away—in reality, all are gifts from the Divine. This teaches me deep humility and a natural outpouring of gratitude for what is given at any particular moment. These everyday powers can easily be taken for granted, but I know without a doubt that God is the Source of every power that flows through this and every form. Having right relationship with power enables me to be in right relationship with my Creator. Power, like so many attributes of God, is then taken off the altar of false gods to be worshiped—bringing lasting peace and harmony to the Soul.

We are all Renters–Not Buyers!


All must one day stand before his or her Heavenly Father

It is a natural thing when coming into this world, without a living awareness of your larger existence, to feel that this body and this world is your all and all. However, this becomes a problem since everything here is temporary. The basis for your existence is quicksand flowing through an hourglass. This can only provoke anxiety on some deep existential level, especially as you see the sand running out for yourself or others.

The question then must be asked, “Is there no alternative?” And this has been the prodding for spiritual quests since man has walked the earth; from looking up to the stars from a warming fire to using an electron microscope when exploring the atomic building blocks of creation.

Through the renaissance and the age of reason science gained much deserved credibility for answering questions as to the nature of this universe. However, if questions regarding the nature of soul, the why of life becomes the topic, you are summarily sent to the philosophy department. Quite often in the philosophy department you are shown the structure of a valid argument (is your argument properly formulated?); but not much there to satisfy a questing soul. That deeper yearning is considered by the philosophical to be the province of emotional religionism and held at arm’s length by the logical as stemming from a magical brew of illogic. And when you turn your attention to much of what religion is today, you find it formulated on faith, “Here is the creed, accept the creed and the real answers for the soul will be found when life is up.” Ah, what to do for a questing soul who does not have faith in the creed?

In my case, as with many of us, my interest took me to those who spoke of having actual experience of states of consciousness that positively described what, at my core, my soul needed to know. Beyond being interesting, these experiences made my soul say, “Yes!” These are mystical experiences, that is reaching beyond the five senses, and are not the product of logic, but they hold up to logical scrutiny when you accept the premise of the experience. They also have the added virtues that they are not formulaic, nor in need of accepting a creed, but based on seeking out and having your own experience. If science, philosophy or the acceptance of a creed satisfies a soul, then that is sufficient. However, I needed something more—I needed to touch Truth and to experience it in such a way that my soul found complete satisfaction in the here and now.

A product of this exploration not only emphasizes the temporary nature of life in a body, nothing great in that obvious deduction, but it gives me experiences in what transcendes transitory nature; the ever-existent Soul. In this experience I was lifted above the imprisoning limitations of normal ego-bounds, and I saw and knew that “I” was never created, for I was without beginning or end–it was liberating beyond belief. I saw that I existed before taking incarnation in this body, I knew that I would continue to exist after this body has returned to its natural elements. I experienced that I have always been, and will always be. I found this awareness to be sublime, filled inner assurance and satisfying for what my soul had been questing.

Today the exploration continues, however knowing the truth of the existence of transcendent Soul is a definite foundation upon which to build. It is a reminder that, for this body, the possession of any material thing, having a position in life, membership in a family or any other relative connection to creation, I am a renter, not a buyer—everything created comes with an expiry date.

There is the story of the manager of an estate. The owner was rarely seen, so the manager alone was responsible for its smooth functioning. After some time, the estate manager became arrogant in his position. One day the owner arrived with a new plan for the estate which did not include the need for the manager. The manager was sent packing, with nothing but the few possessions he could call his own. Likewise, we should all be proper managers of what God has given us, knowing that one day we too will be sent packing with nothing but our self, the quality of our being to recommend us. We will then report to the supreme Creator, who is no respecter of title, money or position–all stand equally before the all-knowing One. Only one thing will count: the quality of your inner self—built with a lifetime of what you think, say and do—your consciousness that exudes from your innermost being. That is what lasts, and that is what counts.


