January 31 is Mother’s Mahasamadhi date, and we mark the day by celebrating Mother’s life as one of the greatest God-women this world has seen. When Master incarnated, he brought some tremendous souls with him—among those greats were Sister Gyanamata (Edith Bissett), and of course Mother Hamilton. Both lived in Seattle and became friends as sister-disciples of the Master. Sister moved down to live with the Master, Mother remained in Seattle. In subsequent years Master made Mother the Center Leader of Seattle, ordained her a minister, and then Master gave Mother the distinction of being the only woman with the title of Yogacharya in his world-wide work.
As Reverend Lawrence Koler and Cate, and Reverend Jill were all at Anandashram during the preparation of a booklet in celebration of this date, we focused on the writings of Mother to Swami Ramdas—the booklet is entitled My Beloved Papa. This booklet is available on crossandlotus.com website under What’s New, and printed copies are being distributed the same as the Journal. These very important letters show the progress of Mother’s journey to God-realization.
Mother’s teachings are unique, in that the experiences that God put her through are her teachings. When Mother completed a spiritual experience, God would guide Mother to a biblical passage and the connection between her experience and the biblical passage would be revealed to her. Such revelations may seem ephemeral or even haphazard to someone only hearing about this—however, such realizations affect every part of a person: body, mind and soul. The knowledge gained in this way does not come as an idea only, but as an entire experience that changes the aspirant down to the cellular level of body and being. These letters from Mother to Papa trace the impact he had on Mother from their first meeting in Seattle to Mother’s return from Anandashram and the Dark Night of her Soul. May Mother’s writings inform and inspire you, and ultimately lift you into the supreme Divine Consciousness.
I have always felt that to truly honor Mother, her life and her teachings, is to follow in her footsteps. I consider Mother the greatest salesman in the world, for she would tell us that to follow her we would enter the Mystical Crucifixion: it will be difficult, painful, tear us down—even to the point of death–before lifting us up in God-consciousness. Now, who wants to sign up!
Mother is leading us on the most terrific adventure known to man. Even though the saying has been made famous—Space, the final frontier—I think the true ultimate frontier is inner space through spiritual evolution. Mother is our leader, and those of us who choose are the lucky explorers in Man’s greatest adventure. Thank you, Mother, for leading the way with your courage, faith, loyalty and purity of purpose—and for your compassion upon us all through all the years you taught us and spent your life for our spiritual advancement.
Note: There is an interesting astronomical event on Mother’s Mahasamadhi Anniversary that is occurring for the first time in 150 years. It is a Super Blood Blue Moon. Super because it is in a near orbit of earth and therefore large and bright—as evidenced yesterday when I saw the moon in the afternoon and it was big and brilliant even in daylight. A blood moon because it will be eclipsed, in the earth’s shadow it will appear dark red; for those on the West Coast total eclipse will be shortly after 6 a.m. And it is a Blue Moon, you know, Once in a Blue Moon, that is it is the second full moon in one month. I often feel the effects of the moon’s cycles, and the timing of this rare occurrence is interesting. You may want to observe your meditation during this time to mark its effects—and even take a peek outside at this rare astronomical event.