One of the most intimate ways to be with your Maker is to be in conversation with Him throughout your days and nights. Union with God presents a variety of ways to be in relationship with your deepest Soul connection. Since it is quite human to talk as a means to share information, grow closer and share your deepest thoughts and feelings, why would you not be conversing your Heavenly Father/Divine Mother in just that way?
What a resource you have in God—a confidant, friend and wise counselor are just some of contacts you might have with the Infinite. The key in all of your spiritual practice is, “What makes you feel close to God?” When struggling with something in life, it is so wonderful to place it before your Divine Friend. “Lord, you have given me quite a problem, what shall we do?” Then open yourself to listening as well as talking. I once heard a wise saying, “Prayer without meditation is like asking a question without waiting for an answer?” So, you must learn to be quiet for one-God-blessed-moment to listen to what God might be thinking about the subject. The mind is so busy talking, usually repeating the same worries over and again, all the while going in circles without stopping long enough to receive inner direction. A conversation must be two ways for it to be truly complete.
So often, when you are up against difficulties you immediately feel alone; that you are without anyone to help you. To reach out to the Supreme Beloved breaks the circle of isolation into which you have placed yourself. One thing you observe, the more stuck you are the more alone you feel. When you connect with God you practice humility, for much of isolation comes from pride and shame—which are two sides of the same coin. You think, “I can do this, I will not ask for help from others—I don’t want to be seen as inadequate. Then you suffer from the tremendous weight of pride, and it is sinking you. Humility opens the door to Divine help, especially when you need it most (and in truth we need it at all times).
To feel that you have a friend in God makes your heart glow. God laughs with you, cries with you, enjoys a sunny day with you and commiserates on rainy days. Your Divine Friend is the only one who can be with you always: from birth of the body to its last breath, before you come into this incarnation and far beyond when you continue your adventure. God creates you, so He knows you more intimately than perhaps you know yourself—so there is nothing to hide. Oh what a friend you have in God! So loyal, patient, with solace in heart and mind when you come to Him in earnestness. To cultivate this friendship makes the Infinite available to you day and night: a witness to your trials, a collaborator in your tests, and a dispenser of joy when you accomplish something worthy.
Start this collaboration with your Beloved exactly where you are—sincerity is all that is required. It is you who have kept the door closed, so you must open it with your honest approach to Him. Simply open your heart to your Heavenly Father, receive the warm comfort of your Divine Mother, play with your beloved Friend, talk over your troubles with your wise Counselor. Walk hand in hand in times of peace, so that when trials shriek you need only reach out and there you will find your most sacred Beloved. Even when going beyond dualities realm and He is your very Self, the “conversation” continues as He is with you as divine thoughts moving through your mind and sacred emotions flowing through your heart. So, whether in duality or beyond, God is the one constant that takes you through all stages of life and is ever your well-wisher. Deepen your conversation with Him now and you will discover your Friend of friends is waiting for you this very moment.
Travel Note: We are currently in Salt Lake City area and plan to leave for southern Utah to commune with Divine Mother’s natural wonders—taking our pilgrimage to Her Natural Cathedrals.
Prayer Note: Let us pray for the families, friends and those who were at the Philadelphia Synagogue who were attacked by a man in an act of senseless violence. Let civility be the watchword for encountering those who are different from ourselves. As Master used to say, “Fools argue, wise men discuss.” Let there be civility, kindness, a desire to understand another’s point of view—find the common ground of universal brotherhood upon which to build lasting relationships with all men and women. Hate and intolerance is not a solution—only mutual respect and love heals.