Swami Satchidananda’s Birthday

2007_01200153     Picture: Swamiji & Yogacharya David–Vinay standing behind 


Today is Swami Satchidananda’s birthday. When I originally went to Anandashram I viewed the time I would spend there as an ideal setting for spiritual practice. What I did not know beforehand was the tremendous impact Swami Satchidananda would have on me and on my search for God.

I have since come to regard Swamiji as my Second Mother. His placid mien, quiet sense of humor, and soft spoken words were so different in expression than my first Mother, my gurudev.

However, in essentials he was very much the same as Mother Hamilton. Inner steel underlie the calm exterior, passion for God and Gurus drove him mercilessly, and in the end, spiritual enlightenment informed every word and action that naturally emanated from him.

Birthdays are for acknowledging a soul taking incarnation. Surely the highest attainment for a soul in life is to realize God. Swamiji achieved that great goal, and in addition he inspired thousands to have the utmost integrity in their search for God, settling for nothing less than the highest union with God.

My life would have been incomplete without my dear Swamiji, unimaginable. With complete love and reverence I bow at his feet. Thank you Swamiji for all that you have done and continue to do in my life, and in the lives of so many.


Our main object in life must be to realise the truth of our oneness with God and thereby enjoy eternal happiness. For this purpose intense Sadhana is necessary. In the course of Sadhana usually we may not be able to spend all the 24 hours in meditation. It may be necessary for us to devote some time or in some case more time in useful service. Useful service means whatever work we do should be done looking upon it as service to God. This is actually divinising all activities. This practice will help our Sadhana and hence the activities do not become a hindrance to our Sadhana and prayers. 

– Swami Satchidananda

Quote of the Day

 from Anandashram


