Shadows of Doubt

Jesus and Thomas by Carravagio

Picture: Thomas touching the wounds of Jesus

There are times in every aspirant’s journey when doubt works into the mind and soul. This oppositional force acts with vicious efficiency, wiping out every memory of spiritual enlightenment that had been previously experienced.

These “crisis” moments will come, and depending on what you do with them they either act to propel you to your goal or they be a weight that will sink you in a sea of ignorance. Even in the lives of great avatars storms of doubt railed against them: Rama while in the forest and separated from Sita, Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, Buddha during his night of testing. Doubt in your purpose, doubt in a higher reality, doubt in your teacher/guru, doubt will surround you like a dark clouded veil.

Through this taxing time you must recognize it as a test, and despite the lack of light at such a time faith makes you continue forward. You need not pretend to know anything you do not know, only that your faith that the test is a test, and that by remaining loyal to God and guru you will eventually pass through it.

The path to enlightenment will strip you of everything you know and what you think you know. This empties the cup of the human mind so that you may be born anew in Spirit. When you find that doubt enshrouds you, remember that faith, loyalty and perseverance are your allies that will see you through any dark night the soul may encounter. Having traversed this transit of shadows and demons you will once again merge into light, expansiveness and a knowing oneness with your beloved Creator; you will once again be your true Self.
