Bending and Re-shaping Reality

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Picture: Communing with God in the hospital

Early morning reveries are a common way that God reveals His more subtle and profound Truths to me. In the darkness the world is quiet and His whispered thoughts come unbidden, but not unwelcomed.

This morning God was telling me about bending or re-shaping reality. He used the example of this last week’s events of going into the hospital. From Monday morning we were told by the E.R. doctor and the colon specialist in all likelihood I had cancer. Even after the colonoscopy the specialist was certain that I had cancer, even though he said he could be wrong. Even if I did not have cancer I would still need to have a portion of my colon removed through orthoscopic surgery.

Fast forward to getting the biopsy reports and the same doctor now said that not only would I not need surgery, but that he felt he destroyed the non-malignant tumor. Although quite large, over a centimeter, he removed some of it and cauterized the rest. He recommended a couple of follow-up tests, but they could wait.

From the certainty of an operation and the high probability of cancer to, “You will need no further treatment at this time,” was a very big change of reality.

God explained this morning. The number of prayers being issued by powerful souls had bent and reshaped reality. In the experience God showed me prayers being put forward by high-souled individuals, I saw with inward vision the effects of those prayers changing this medical situation.

This was not some vague idea or thought of, “That is how it should work,” rather it was a reality I was experiencing. It was fascinating to see the entire process from His perspective. The greater connection the individual has with God, the more focused the mind, the more powerful the prayer. So each individual’s prayer varied in strength, but every one of them counted and had its effect.

The doctors and nurses and hospital staff certainly played their essential roles, and overall I was very impressed with the treatment I received there. However, there was also a powerful hidden force at work; your prayers. It is with profound gratitude that I thank you for those prayers and the love that went behind them, and the fact that God has given us each other so that we might make this journey together back to Him.

I know from my own experience that deepened prayer brings me closer to God and thus acts as a blessing to the one praying. Whether it is an individual, or dozens, hundreds, thousands or millions, prayer has the capacity to bend and re-shape reality in positive ways. One person, close to God, may have a greater effect than millions, but no prayer is lost or insignificant in the eyes of the Lord. Let each one of us deepen our communion with the Infinite and therefore be a greater conduit for His blessings going out to this creation.

