It continues to amaze me how we can be on the east coast in sun drenched 85 degree weather, and five hours later we have crossed three time zones, flying nearly 600 miles per hour at 30,000 feet–returning the Boeing 737/900 back to where it was created–and enter into the oceanic climate zone where it is 60 degrees and cloudy. Having been immersed in colonial history in Savannah, Virginia and Washington D.C., the thought came to me of what those early settlers would think of these transportational and technological wonders. Surely even the most outlandish creative mind of the era could not have dreamed of such marvels. Thomas Jefferson was in awe of the first hot air balloon that lifted off from the ground while he was in France; we have been witness to truly amazing progress since.
Yet, biologically the person rocketing in the stratosphere is not so different from the one riding on a horse drawn carriage from the past–they too had hopes and dreams for happiness. A smartphone does not make a person wise–quite often it seems it has the opposite effect (a sign we saw while on the road read something like–go to church if you love Jesus, text while you are driving if you want to meet him now!). While having the necessities of life–food, shelter and clothing–are important, still in and of themselves they do not have the power to make us happy. Many of the things colonists thought about are with us still, topics of health, wealth, reputation and happiness in relationships are defining features for our sense of well-being. Underneath all these complicating factors competing for our attention is our essential existential health–our spiritually happiness.
A towering intellect, someone with substantial wealth, fame, or position can certainly be miserable, lonely and depressed–none of the above are guarantors for satisfaction in life. Whereas someone in the simplest of life’s situations may radiate joy–be a Light unto this world. All through history the source of real happiness has not changed: real happiness consists of being in alignment of thought and action with one’s innermost being. Proper alignment equals joy, misalignment produces suffering.
We have been given the keys to the kingdom of heavenly happiness. We have also been given the choice as to whether to use those keys, or to carry on with old patterns of misery-producing habits. There is no superior being judging us on our performance, it is simply that we are a product of the choices we make in life. There are always reasons for finding fault with the world and for putting ourselves under stress; money worries, illness, feeling powerless and not having the love and admiration of others can be voracious wolves howling in the night and stalking the halls of our dreams.
The lila between Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar is so instructive. Recovering from a deathly illness Sri Yukteswar relapsed when his guru commented that though he looked better today, who knows what tomorrow might bring! Then Sri Yukteswar rebounded when Lahiri Mahasaya next suggested that he thought he should recover; back and forth went his recovery and relapse with each alternating comment by his guru over several days. Finally Sri Yukteswarji understood that Lahiri Mahasaya wanted him to go beyond polarized thinking–even suggestions from his beloved guru–and anchor himself directly and permanently to perfect health through God-tuned thought.
You hold the keys in your own hands for finding the eternal lightness of Being radiating in the deepest recesses of your Self. However, only if you mindfully use those keys will you find the source of eternal life. It will not come from the fabled “Fountain of Youth” associated with Herodotus, Alexander the Great and Ponce de Leon. Living Waters come not from a hidden source in the jungles, desert or mountains, but in the spine and brain. Those Living Waters make you know that eternal life is the true nature of your Soul, and is discovered through intensified prayer and meditation. These vital energies may also lead to long life and youthfulness of the body as well, but what of that if Self-realization is not attained?
Worldly cares can sap youthfulness right out of your being, God can just as easily pour Himself in and fill you with light and joy overflowing. Yes, this world alternates between highs and lows–it ever has, and it will ever be so. However, in your oneness with the Infinite you are His evermore–knowing this is the key to lasting happiness.
It is good to be in the Pacific Northwest, it is heartwarming to see friends, finding joy in all the nooks and crannies of life here. Yesterday an MRI of the brain (an interesting and somewhat invasive effect those magnetic forces have on a sensitized nervous system), other days that will bring other tests, then Service on Sunday and Loon Lake next week and a new Journal in the making; a busy schedule, all to be filled with the bliss of Living Waters.
Picture: Delightful elephant card I received with birdsong of praise