The summer solstice is upon us, and we feel the powerful vibrations of this hallmark event. Sri Yukteswarji made this an event each year, with chanting, feasting, and a talk he gave under the stars. What a lovely picture that makes in our minds as we think of sitting at the Master’s feet, absorbing the vibrant atmosphere of this spiritually charged occasion.
It is a fascinating idea that we are so strongly connected with all creation that distant constellations of stars should be influencing us here on earth. We all certainly feel the effects of lunar cycles, and we all know that there are mysterious rhythms in our lives in which things either go uncommonly smoothly, or it seems that we are fighting invisible currents of opposition all the way. The warp and woof of these events can be chalked up to chance, but isn’t it possible there are lawfully governed undercurrents in life that we can sometimes trace, even anticipate?
In our perception of these outer influences, it is important to know that you have a power deep in you that supersedes all outer influences. Whether you come into contact with a negative personality, situation or contrary stellar influence, you are reminded that the power of God within you is greater. This does not mean that you will not have to contend with outer forces, but that you should not give it preeminence in your mind. The light, intelligence, love and joy of God is superior to creation, and tapping into that internal power is your best weapon for combating negative influences.
Of course, these outer influences are not negative only—there are powerful external forces that help lift you up as well. The proximity of highly developed souls in your life, salubrious situations that support your spiritual aspirations, and the turning of the celestial clock; such times as the Summer Solstice. Sri Yukteswarji and experience tell us this is a special time, and by spreading our meditational wings we benefit from the powerful upward drafts that are present at this time.
Let us join together in Spirit and feel the rising currents—the power and bliss of our Infinite Beloved. Let Sri Yukteswarji’s blessings shower Grace upon us all, renewing our world during this longest day, the Summer Solstice.