We know that each day is a fresh page upon which to write in the Book of Life. I think of this coming new year, and what does God have in mind for me? One thing I know, making progress on some projects that we have already begun. My Spiritual India Part II is coming together as I transcribe my notes from my pilgrimage to India and Anandashram in 1998-9. The first part of My Spiritual India, two months of pilgrimage while circumambulating India is already in print and on the Website. Now, the time I spent at Anandashram and with Swami Satchidananda and the wonderful devotees there will be available this coming year—dedicated to Swamiji in celebration of what will be his 100th birthday.
Thanks to Carla and our “Virtual Cross and Lotus Office Staff,” Mother’s talks are being transcribed and readied for publication. There are seven books planned based on her talks and teachings. These have been in the works for some years now and has required time, effort and expense—they are finally getting ready for print, though there is much yet to do. This will be a tremendous fulfillment for me in response to God and Gurus command.
There will continue to be new postings at yogacharydavid.com. There are other writings to digitalize, and I plan on a series of short topical videos for leading a spiritual life that will be put up on the website. There are videos of Swamiji and interviews of Ashram inmates we plan to make available; with subtitles to more easily follow what is said. We have also been working on updating the Cross and Lotus Website as well. These are just some of the works we have in motion, and more are also in the wings.
Carla and I will spend more time in the desert in the next months, and we are planning to travel to Anandashram in the month of November of 2019 to celebrate Swami Satchidananda’s life. Others have expressed a desire to come to the Ashram at that time. To do so you should write to Swami Muktananda and seek his permission to come. We are blessed to have such a spiritual Ashram in which we have been treated with such love and hospitality. Papa, Mataji and Swamiji’s spirit continues to live at the Ashram and blesses all who enter its gates.
With all of this, the most important part of this Work we do for God and Gurus is the individual progress of each and every aspirant. I have travelled less to the Centers and have been living more in Spirit, much of the time with just a toehold in the body. God has arranged it this way, and it has been a time for the inner attunement of all devotees. Daily I feel the greatness and expansion of God’s Spirit. In truth I know that all who actively attune themselves to God and God in this form will receive of this power and light of the Infinite.
I also know that, “Of myself, I am nothing, it is my Father who doeth the works.” This is a Self-evident Truth, of which there is no question. The more you attune to God the more you know it is God who thinks, breathes and acts through you. As Papa would say, you come here and what do you expect, horns growing out of the head? Do not think you will be different on the outside, but now you are aware that it is the Supreme Consciousness that dwells in you and does all through you. This realization makes you truly free, fulfilled and aware of His divine Presence and Bliss coursing throughout your Being day and night.
This new year brings the promise of the Second Birth to each one who sincerely applies himself to living according to the highest Light he or she knows. Oh dearest aspirant, be counted amongst those who rise up to new heights and know real freedom of Spirit; a complete renewal of consciousness that has ever been a part of your deepest Being. You are continually being blessed—as Master once said, You have God’s blessings, you have Gurus blessings, all that is required now are your blessings! You have a brand-new page upon which to dedicate your life to loving and knowing God; a rare and precious opportunity.