Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. (Matt 13:33)
And what does this saying mean? The leaven is a substance that makes the bread to rise. And what is that yeast in us that makes us rise up to the kingdom of heaven? The spiritual master sows a seed in the aspirant, the power of God in the master warms the “oven” of consciousness for that one, making the conditions right; for the “the whole is leavened.” The “three measures” are for the three bodies in man, the physical, astral and causal.
The guru ignites a fire in the devotee that results in focused sadhana. Ongoing spiritual practice done with intensity makes the “oven warm.” This warmth allows the bread to keep rising and rising, as the consciousness is experiencing more upliftment, more God-experience. And what happens if the oven cools? If the aspirant loses the fire of renunciation and a glowing love for God? Then the bread will cease rising; will collapse in on itself once again.
When I met Mother, I felt such power of God coming from her. She focused my mind on chanting God’s name, she initiated me into the practice of Kriya Yoga, giving me the means to make the interior of consciousness glow–the bread to rise. However, this did not happen in an instant. In the beginning God-experience came a little here and a little there. My desire for God was strong, but so were the opposing forces. It continued to be a tremendous battle.
We should not imagine all we have to do is reach out for God and we will have everything. Mother describes God-realization as the “pearl of great price,” and indeed it is. No one can read about the life of Jesus, in whose footsteps we are told to follow, and think it all happens in a day and without the greatest commitment. Even being aware of these difficulties, it must be balanced with knowing we have such wonderful examples of accomplished yogis and spiritual masters who demonstrate what is possible; that we too might know God.
What love I have had for sitting on my meditation blanket with mala beads in hand. Feeling the sacred Kriya Breath revolving in the spine and brain, making me feel close to our guru-lineage and being purified from the inside out. Every morning and night spent in the laboratory of my own body and soul, learning to explore inner depths and heights of consciousness–feeling deepening peace, inner stillness, and growing awareness of the Divine Presence. All of this–warming the oven.
It is easiest to speak about extraordinary experiences, what is more difficult to describe is the comfort and glow of joy that comes from engaging in deepened meditation. A smile grows through inner radiance, love glows in your heart, peace is felt within and without; these are signs of being on the right track.
A favorite quote of mine from Sri Yukteswarji in the Autobiography of a Yogi (pp 98-9):
My guru was smiling. “I am sure you aren’t expecting a venerable Personage, adorning a throne in some antiseptic corner of the cosmos! I see, however, that you are imagining that the possession of miraculous powers is knowledge of God. One might have the whole universe, and find the Lord elusive still! Spiritual advancement is not measured by one’s outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation. “Ever-new Joy is God. He is inexhaustible; as you continue your meditations during the years, He will beguile you with an infinite ingenuity. Devotees like yourself who have found the way to God never dream exchanging Him for any other happiness; He is seductive beyond thought of competition. “How quickly we weary of earthly pleasures! Desire for material things is endless; man is never satisfied completely, and pursues one goal after another. The ‘something else’ he seeks is the Lord, who alone can grant lasting joy.
When you sit for meditation, take with you your remembrance of your connection with saints and realized masters from the world over, that you are plugging into the Creator of all that is. What a sacred privilege this is, and in the depths of your meditation you are fulfilling what you have come to do. In the peace and joy of communion with God, the oven warms and the bread rises as you enter your kingdom of heaven.
Travel Note: We are currently encamped at Picacho Peak State Park. It is lovely here with Saguaro Cactus, rugged hills and rock formations all around. Although not the frigid temperatures experienced throughout much of America, we had snow on peaks the other day and it has rained a good deal. It has been a cold desert, although scheduled to get warmer this week. Yesterday I was taken out for a pre-birthday lunch at a restaurant in Tuscon that Carla and I went to three years ago and remembered still for its delicious food and good service. We gathered there and it was a perfect time of celebration. We will continue camping here until this coming Friday. Blessings