A Bridge to the Infinite


Life throws so many experiences at us from unexpected directions. From the time we are little children and our world is full of adult knees to the time when we look in the mirror and wonder who that old person is who is staring back at us, it is a roller coaster ride of experiences.

What is this life all about? It is a question that makes us go deeper than just living on the surface. The quest for meaning can be the beginning of the greatest adventure in life—the search for God-realization.

In this venture into higher consciousness we are told to keep our minds on God as a means of purifying the mind and having direct perception of the Truth. What we find in doing so is that life rudely interrupts our best intentions for this practice. Earning a living, our social relationships, the desires of the body and distractions of the world, those thousands and thousands of big and little situations that draw the mind everywhere except to God. It seems that life itself conspires to stop our making real spiritual progress.

In part, the problem is that we imagine these distractions are not part of our practice; we would be so much better off if we could somehow just get rid of them. However, a little analysis reveals that these are not things that keep us from our path, they are the path itself. We have been conditioned to think of all these distractions as something different from God. They are not. In truth, they are God come to us in these various forms.

At last you come to terms with the fact that daily life, its distractions and its desires are really dynamic expressions of Divine Consciousness. When you have understood this you have found a key to understanding life in a new and transformative way. The life-energy and intelligence found in all life, even life that apparently runs contrary to elevated consciousness all comes from one original Source.

A way to reconnect to this universal vision in which all is God is to allow all input into your brain, all thoughts and all feelings, remind you of God. In your mind you create a bridge to God with each and every experience. For instance, a beautiful sunset reminds you of God; that is an easy one. Then you think of the food you eat as ingesting God; this is more unusual but you can work with it. Tougher categories come as sexual drives, an impulse to lie, fear creeping into your awareness, anger erupting; looked at properly all of these lower impulses can become bridges back to God. However, since these thoughts have taken you into the opposite direction of God in the past they represent an even bigger stretch for you in your practice.

By connecting a thought or feeling to God you break the spell of separation. For example, take the sensation of pain. It can definitely be a distraction; even the thought of having pain in the future can take the mind far from God-consciousness. You build a bridge to God by thinking of the life-energy that is in the pain impulse itself; that life-energy gives the electrical impulse its power to travel to your brain via nerve pathways. By connecting to the life-energy that is behind the pain impulse and affirming that the life-energy comes from God— you are directing your mind directly back to its ultimate Source, and as a result you feel greater strength, peace and an ability to weather any storm coming your way.

Another example: you are feeling a sexual drive that is drawing you away from God. You then sense the power of God as the energy behind the drive. This bridge to God you are making releases the purity of God, you realize how limiting the sex impulse is, how narrowly it focuses your mind and you suddenly feel a release from it and an expansive freedom. You can do the same with fear, anger, depression, the feeling of being overwhelmed; all situations can be bridged back to the Infinite thus connecting you to all the attributes of Spirit and freeing you from the limitations imposed by the separation from your higher Self.

Keeping your mind on God then becomes practical and is rooted in your day to day experience. It creates a magic touch when your lower impulses receive Grace and are transformed into something higher, better. This “Midas touch” does not make ordinary objects turn into metallic gold; rather ordinary experience is touched by transformative Spirit and becomes the gold of God-consciousness. Take heart, you are not left helpless against an onslaught of materialism; rather you have the means to connect with God in all circumstances and thus build a bridge to the Infinite.

Health Note: The result of my last CAT and PET scans found that there is a mass on my liver that is 2 cm by 2 cm. A biopsy will be performed on Thursday at 4 p.m. to determine the nature of the mass. The time required for the procedure will be 1 hour, and I will be in the hospital for a total of five hours, including prep time beforehand and observation afterward.

I deeply appreciate all the prayers, long distance Reiki, and suggestions for optimizing health you have so lovingly given me. I continue with the program the oncological Naturopath has prescribed, both for food and supplements. I have also received two of the six injections for the vaccine that has been made with my own body cells. I will continue to give you updates as I know more. It is likely, based on past experience, that the biopsy results will be known sometime next week.


