The value of living a life centered in God is never so evident as when we face life’s greatest challenges. For that is the time when having the strength that God-awareness brings with it, along with knowing His never-failing goodness, love—and the peace that comes with perfect resignation to His will.
The human way is to question why a seemingly untoward thing is happening, fear and anger can run rampant with a consequent feeling of being cut off from God, the Source of all virtue and right action.
God does not pull the rug out from underneath us, so to speak, simply to vex us, nor is it a mechanistic universe that does all without thought or caring. When your eye of intuition is opened to the universal vision and you see a glowing intelligence behind all life and you see demonstrated before you His Grace operating in and around you, you undergo a marvelous transformation in which you are never alone, without direction, or the strength to meet life’s challenges.
So, let us cheerfully meet the world and know God as your sole (Soul) support, comforter, and guide.
Miracle List Update
Today I am typing this using my left hand, this morning I lifted my arm from my left shoulder, my left leg has shown signs of voluntary movement, my left side periphery vision has vastly improved, and sustained concentration is much stronger—these were all affected by the hemorrhage on the right side of my brain—there are too many improvements to list here. This morning, for the first time I could move my leg and actually felt some strength there.
I continue in rehab bootcamp here, where they ask the impossible so that they might get the possible. Ric and Judy are leaving for the “great white north,” as they have maxed out there allowed time for being out of country. They have both been a God-send and done yeoman’s seva, along with Jerry and Lois who will remain here. And, of course Carla, who, after driving here while chasing the helicopter to the ICU, has not left my side, at one point sleeping on the floor, all the while making my life a million, million times easier—she has been a rock. And to you, dear ones, prayer warriors for Team Total Recovery, with too many assists to count—my deepest love and gratitude. Victory to God, Victory to the Light!