Not that it is so rare in this world, but I am privy to know many acts of kindness that are done quietly and without a need to be known to the world. In years past, prior to Christmas celebrations I have done something to be of help to another—some gifts to those who can’t afford them, or food or clothing to those in need—doing it in the name of someone for whom I would ordinarily buy a gift (but did not really need another thing). This deed may have been done openly in the name of someone, or anonymously; either way, in my mind, it was done in the person’s name for whom this gift was intended—the story of that deed was their gift.
This past Christmas Season I have seen devotees giving from their hearts, and it has come as special gifts to me. In the late night hours tonight (or is it early morning?), just as I was ready to say goodnight, God gave me the inspiration to tell you a few of the good deeds done–as a gift for you. So, I have turned the Christmas tree lights back on, and in their glow, I write to you. Devotees of God are natural givers, and I think these will warm your hearts, just as they have mine.
Gift number one unwrapped: A couple who have raised their own children came to know of a teenager who was without a home. They offered this young person their home and their love, to provide a stable base and a caring family from which to have a chance to begin a new life. Within a short amount of time he went from very poor grades in school when living in chaos, to getting A’s and B’s after joining this new family. It is quite a commitment by this couple, but what a change and an opportunity being given this young person.
Gift number two to set your heart aglow: A few devotees have banded together to send money to a family that is known to them in Africa. There has been ongoing support for this far away family by a devotee-couple after getting to know them while on a trip there. And then, in celebration of this holy season a small group got together to send special funds for Christmas to this family who works hard, but opportunities do not allow for even some basic needs. So, willing caring hands have joined together to make Christmas special for a family half way around the world.
Gift number three is all about giving hearts and faith in God: One yogi-couple with a family came to know of another nearby family who were having a difficult time. The father was not able to work due to an injury, the mother works two jobs, and the three children (two of whom have full faith and confidence in Santa) were without any gifts for Christmas–while they waited for some funds to come that had not yet materialized. This spiritual family gave their travel money to the family-in-need without hesitation; travel money they had saved over time and intended for going to see their own family for the holidays. They trusted that God would see to their own needs, and felt completely right in giving this money—just days before Christmas. And, indeed, God did take care of them, meanwhile the family-in-need had money to brighten their Christmas for the whole family.
I am the constant victim of random acts of kindness, gifts of loving service that are saturated with love. Just a few stocking stuffers from God’s busy little elves: A devotee said he wanted to stop by. He brought his guru and Carlaji a beautiful meal, a generous gift of money as a tithe to God, and a year’s worth of small gifts of inspiration to be opened throughout the coming year on specified dates. Another devotee made a large number of meals for Carla-ma and me to be eaten after Carla’s operation she had just before Christmas. And then there are those who quietly give support for this Work we do for God and Gurus, without fanfare or need to be broadcasted. It is a staggering fact, there are numberless acts of kindness and devotion that come my way—each one making my heart to glow.
Through the news we can come to believe this world is completely lacking in goodness and selflessness. My own experience is quite the opposite. I know that the vast majority of people are fundamentally good, and that there are shining soul-stars, such as those just mentioned, that light the darkness for us all. I think of all these luminous lights in the firmament of Spirit, and it makes me smile–most definitely it gives me a warm after-Christmas glow. May your heart also be lit from within by these inspiring examples.