It has been fascinating to be witness to the Omniscience of Divine Consciousness. Here, in the desert remoteness my awareness easily crosses the time-space barrier, making it seem as nothing, and thereby communing through God-consciousness with aspirants around the globe. For many, this recent time seems to be especially packed with changes, physical challenges, and transformations.
As a result, God gives me a share of what others go through; I live the lives of all those God has brought together for this spiritual journey. I do not seek out information about others, but through the magic of Omniscience He makes me know what I need to, and very often adds a load onto me from another’s life as well. It can be load sharing of physical pain, emotional distress, or out-of-harmony thinking. God will also spontaneously pour His power through this form—I feel it go out to individuals, families/groups, and out to the world as a whole. As I say, it is fascinating to observe what Divine Intelligence and Power does in and around this form.
From an early age and into adulthood I worked on farms and other physical labor, played sports and physical activities. Through training for sports and hard work the body was taken to the limits of endurance and pain. This was, as it turned out, an excellent primer for what God puts this form through today on a daily basis. One of the specialties of God in my case, is to channel tremendous power through this form—it is wonderful, blissful, painful, and requires total surrender. An irony is that there is little life-force given for the maintenance of this body; so that moving from one part of a room to another is all I can muster. Other times the switch is flicked on and I have “normal” life-energy flowing through this body and I can walk and work in a completely normal way.
The other day Carla and I were out for a walk, what can be a rare phenomenon for me at times. It was an act of pure will to keep going, but I was managing. Then we came to a slight incline, I stopped several times to catch my breath and gather a bit more life-energy. It was reminiscent of when I was extremely anemic—when the doctor said he was surprised I was able to walk into the emergency room. This incident made us both wonder, could this be anemia again? The next day I told God, “You need to prove this is not anemia.” Later that day I felt I could take a walk, Carla and I headed out over the desert and I was walking so fast Carla had to trot at times to keep up. All was well, and the next day, even though much of the day I could not move that much, I have had another vigorous walk. The ability for movement never felt so good.
There is a primary difference in all that God puts me through from the earlier “training” in my youth of hard physical work and training in sports—today, God’s Presence is tangibly with me, actually embedded in all He puts me through. Pain and bliss are intermingled, intense pressure and His Presence go hand in hand, life-less-ness in the body and tremendous shakti-power occur simultaneously—even though God’s remarkable power pours through like a full bore train, yet the body can barely stand and move from here to there. Also, there are times when the power builds when interacting directly with others, creating a backlog of pressure that threatens to break me apart, but then I can easily stretch out over all-space and feel intimate connection with others (I am in full sympathy with yogis and mystics seeking out secluded caves).
But, this primary difference in my life today, God’s living Presence, makes all the difference. It enables me to rejoice in His work and not despair, it gives me complete knowledge that this is His will, and therefore everything He is doing is enacted for the higher good of all. It most definitely proves what Papa said, Pain and Bliss are the same; and what Mother said, God is life, and all life is God. Every experience easily fits within these truths, and all contradictions are resolved in the one unifying confluence of Spirit.