I have been immersed in the sea of Mother, swimming in her spiritual waters as I work with her talks in preparing them for publication. We are making nice progress, but there is much to do before we are ready to go to press. In the meantime, as I work with transcripts of Mother’s talks, her words, thoughts, and her spirit are so very much present, in and all around me. Oh, what a treasure we have in Mother.
And not just Mother, but how the currents of her life intermingled with Master, Sister Gyanamata, Rajasi and others. Although Gyanamata and Rajasi have not been so well known, what tremendous spiritual personalities they are. Gyanamata—Mother of Wisdom through Devotion—and Mother were closely connected in their Seattle days, and they continued in her friendship after Sister moved down to Mount Washington headquarters and played such an important part in Master’s work.
A brilliant woman, with the social status of being married to the dean of the University of Washington’s school of law, Gyanamata’s had the heart of a bhakta—with a total and complete devotion for Master. In any gathering she never turned her back to Master, feeling that it would be disrespectful to him. Even though she suffered some grievous illnesses, if Master came to see her she insisted on getting up from her sickbed to honor him. Under a large picture she had of Master, like Mother’s lithograph of Master, Gyanamata had the words God Alone as her motto written under it. And, she lived it—with all of her heart, mind and soul.
And Rajasi, what a soul. A brilliant man, he had a Midas Touch when it came to business—starting with nothing he became a multi-millionaire in his young thirties (translate that to billionaire in today’s value). Yet, this titan of business was Master’s little boy. Such a loving, affectionate relationship they held for one another. Even though a great business success, before meeting Master Rajasi could not sit still for a minute, his hands always fidgeting, his mind racing, and he was desperately unhappy. When he attended Master’s lectures for their first meeting, on the second night he noticed his hands were still, he was feeling a great, inner peace. Soon, he was established in that peace, the strength of consciousness he had built in previous lives as a Himalayan meditating yogi came to the fore. Since his meditating spiritual life was not welcome on the home front, he went into work early, closed his office door and deeply meditated before his workday started. He had an unshakable love and reverence for Master, but different in expression from Gyanamata and Master—there was an easy friendship and exchange of love between guru and disciple with Master and Rajasi.
Both Gyanamata and Rajasi were to have significant effects on Mother, both were part of her going all the way to her complete realization of God. How blessed we are to have these tremendous spiritual personalities in our lives. For, even as they were part of Mother’s journey to God, so, through Mother, they become part of us as well. One thing we can observe is how unique the outward expressions of these devotees are. Yet, even accounting for their differences, go under the surface and there you find God-joy, God-love, and God-wisdom.
Measuring spiritual beings is fundamentally different than evaluating people by worldly standards. Mother was standing next to a devotee who criticized Rajasi when he was seen being led like a child from one place to another, and others needed to tell him what to do; sometimes he put the wrong clothes on, wearing casual sneakers with a suit coat and pants (long before that became fashionable in some sets). Mother said, “Well, of course, when your mind is so focused upon God that you’re in the tremendous ecstasy of God. You’re not conscious of anything.” Imagine, this titan of business, so childlike in God’s bliss—what humility, what surrender he had in God.
Let us take inspiration from these saints, knowing that they have walked in the same world as we, and found their freedom in the infinite Divine. Rajasi, Gyanamata and Mother, all unique expressions of the Divine Mind, yet their hearts beat in perfect harmonious rhythm with inward attunement to God, Christ, Gurus.