It is inevitable that while living in a human body there will be pain and suffering, no matter how perfectly one lives. Swami Satchidanandaji told me that when Joel Goldsmith was at Anandashram, Swamiji had the opportunity to drive Joel to the train station. Swamiji took that opportunity to ask Joel a question that was on his mind. When you were speaking here at the Ashram, you did not touch on a theme you write about in your books, that is, if you think positive thoughts you will have perfect health. Why not? Joel said that he did not speak on that subject when he was in India, because people would inevitably ask him if that were true, what about Ramana Maharshi? Ramana Maharshi had the highest realization and also had many physical problems—such as walking completely bent over due to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Swamiji summed up Joel’s answer, saying, “Unproven theories.”
There is no doubt that thinking in a positive manner, following good health principles and eating the right foods will increase your chances of avoiding physical problems, but the fact is the body is subject to ailments and various problems occur in life, some of which comes from karma of the past and must be paid for. While you should do all that you know to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid doing harm to yourself and others, nevertheless there will be times when pain and problems find their way to your doorstep. It is then you are faced with how you will deal with such problems.
There are some things you should definitely not do. A common association is made when problems come–you entertain the idea that things always go wrong, a pity-party of one ensues and makes a pig-pile of troubles that links difficulties from the past and projected problems from the future to make it seem intolerable to bear what is occurring in the present. The first thing to do is to disconnect remembrances from the past and anticipated horrors for the future, and simply stay focused on the here and now. Once it is narrowed down to the present, acknowledge that God is supplying everything you need to endure and even rise above the current situation. You may have to go through what God is giving you, but affirm it is God who is doing the giving and realize that His grace is with you.
There is a secret that saints have known through the ages, and that is shared passion. The passion of the Christ is all Jesus went through during the crucifixion (Passion: from Late Latin: passionem “suffering, enduring”)[. As the story comes down to us, the crucifixion happened over three days. It is a story that condenses the different stages of the crucifixion in a way that is similar to the description of how God made all creation in six days. Each day is a stage or segment of creation—for how could there be anything that we call a day before the sun and earth came into being? Creation came in six stages, and the three days of the crucifixion are also three stages—one representing the physical, another the astral or energetic, and the third the idea or causal body. We too go through these stages, but one day, one year, or ten years or more may be required for each stage to be complete.
So, to get through these stages saints think, “I am sharing this feeling of being crucified with the Christ,” or, “I am on the battlefield with Arjuna and Krishna,” or, “I am in the night of testing with the Buddha,” and by putting the mind on a divine personality going through these experiences there is a link made between the human and the divine that allows grace to enter into the experience. This grace brings strength, even joy during the anguish and removes fear and isolation that so often comes with suffering.
Jesus did not ask for pain, in fact he asked, if possible, let this cup pass from me. Arjuna asked Krishna if it he could leave the field of battle, Mother Hamilton said she was no fool and did not ask for suffering, but in all cases they fulfilled divine will by staying the course as God directed them. And this leads to another important idea, that what we go through is not without meaning—there is purpose behind everything we are put through—that is especially true when you create a pure intention to seek God alone.
When you know there is meaning behind all your experiences, then you can endure so much more. When you feel that God and Guru have forgotten you, and they do not see your pain or suffering then you go down a spiral of despair. When God gives you a tremendous load, the bridge supporting that great weight may creak and groan, this only indicates the stress of what is being transported, not a lack of faith that it is exactly what God has asked you to do. In your deepest soul you feel that this is what has been given to you, it is His will and that you are privileged to be sharing the load that He must carry on a daily basis. For God is all that is, and therefore He is suffering all the pain that all creation experiences—He feels everything that every person goes through; He knows the reason for which everything occurs, and that it is fulfilling a high purpose.
Papa assures us that for everything that goes wrong we are brought closer to surrender. It is only when we come to that point of complete surrender that we enter into total union with the Infinite. So, suffering brings us to realization, and realization is the cure to suffering. It is not that Papa did not have problems physically, financially, and socially, but he surrendered everything that he was and he knew that all happened by the will of God, and therefore even suffering was God, and in that comprehension he realized that pain and bliss were the same and that was the end of real suffering—that is separation from God.
Every day God gives me a load to carry. If I did not do all that I have written here, it would be impossible for me to carry out His will. He has not abandoned any one of us, therefore He is with you, each step of the way. Feel His grace, even now, picking you up and helping you to put one foot in front of another. That even when the bridge carrying the heavy weight moans and groans, His grace is supporting you in doing His will; His strength is yours, His grace is flowing in your veins and sinuous and His wisdom is directing you. All is in His loving hands.
Travel Note: We have had the darshan of the Grand Canyon with its magnificent views, however it did not have the same depth of feeling that previous sites we have recently seen. Currently we have once again come to Vulture Peak—it has been three years since we were last here but it has always been a favorite spot for us on BLM land. Please keep Carla in your prayers, as she has a sinus infection and we are here in Surprise AZ at the walk-in clinic. We have little or no internet where we are camped, so I am using this opportunity to send this posting out. All blessings to you on your journey, and may you ever know that you are in His loving hands.