Amazing may very well be one of those overused words that gets thrown into too many conversations—or, on the other hand, everything in this creation is truly amazing because it is all made up of God-stuff, and therefore is extraordinary from its very inception to its eventual end. We have just been to Monument Valley on the Navaho’s Land in southern Utah and northern Arizona, and if anything deserves this special designation of amazing—it is here.
The floor of this extensive valley is made up of the most beautiful brown soil, with blue and green low growing shrubs stretching out as far as the eye can see. Like stalagmites, enormous Buttes jut up from the floor and gives rise to nature’s monuments—and in the process create natural cathedrals of great proportions. Why red rock is so much more pleasing than gray is a question I am not sure how to answer, but it makes these extraordinary landscape-shapes works of art sculpted by Divine Mother’s hands of wind and rain.
We drive upon the valley floor on a rough road as guests of the Navaho Nation—sympathetic to their notion that this land is sacred. We hike on a trail circumambulating a large butte and pass under polished cliffsides of amber, red and black—we are in simple awe of this projecting mass high above us. Then our gaze turns horizontal and looks out to the monuments scattered across the valley that in the far distance forms a continuous fortress wall. We note not only the visual beauty, but the feeling of purity and expanse. Every now and then we exhale deep sighs in acknowledgment of profound relaxation; our spirits response to what is clearly God’s country.

How do I describe the feeling-nature of this place? It is elusive, deep and healing—actually, in the end, it turns out it is indescribable. In an earlier posting I spoke of the rock and stone speaking to my soul; more than a poetic muse it is an underlying reality both then and now. For the earth speaks to us when we are quiet and listening; rocks, trees, and all nature vibrate with its own consciousness—and as with all creations of our one Creator, each part has the Divine Essence at its core. Equally, just as every human being has individual differences, so does every part of creation exhibit its own personality. In Monument Valley there is a special purity that speaks to the soul, a healing force of nature that is here.
Walking amongst these enormous monoliths there is a feeling-vibration of the eternal Spirit; relative to a man’s life these monuments are ageless, solid and unmoving. Although we know that ancient nature cannot truly embody eternity as Spirit does (for it comes and goes as does all creation), nevertheless these rock formations communicate a timelessness through their very core-essence. We feel blessed to partake of their spirit and are reminded of Jesus response when he was told to quiet those around him who were joyously singing God’s name, “If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:40) Does the Master not proclaim that stones also sing the name of God—perhaps even more readily than sophisticated Man?
I glimpse into the purpose of the divine plan for why He has brought me here. Stone and rock, tree and shrub, bird and walking-creeping-crawling creatures all reveal that God is all in all, and that He wishes me to see and participate in the amazing mystery of all that He has created. Time and again He proves that not only is universal Spirit omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, but He also delights in the unique signatures He inscribes on every particle of space.
Today we have continued our journey-pilgrimage to Flagstaff, AZ. At 7,000 feet elevation we are surrounded in pine forests and on this black night, overhead shines a brilliant Milky Way. A photon emits from some distant star or galaxy and travels millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of years at 186,000 miles per second only to end its long, long journey in the retina of my eye–it registers in my brain as a distant point of light. Through the interaction of light and eye that distant star and I are joined. Oh, what a magnificent, amazing universe we participate in. God so delights in revealing His mystery in every life, every situation and in every soul. May He awaken the amazing in you so that you may feel your connection and oneness with all that He is.
Travel Note: At Monument Valley we stayed at Goulding’s R.V. Park and Resort. I thought that the Goulding’s had had an interesting history that you might like to read about it. It is a love story and a testament to tenacity and the surprising results that can happen when you are determined.