Picture: Tibetan painting of Chakras
It has been interesting to observe the role of life-force during the past several months. With low blood counts for months before I went into the hospital I relied upon life-energy coming in at the medulla oblongata and along the spine to fulfill what I was directed to do through this body, even though it was a struggle I was able to do all that God had asked me to do due to this vital energy that is independent of bio-chemical processes.
With the operation I had, and the recovery time immediately after, the role of life-energy was consumed with sustaining the body and enacting its healing. As I was healing I continued to feel that life-force in the spine and this added force made recovery go smoothly. Both doctors and nurses as well as visitors all commented on how well I looked; recovery was going extraordinarily well due to the role of life-force. Prayers from many, even from great distances, added enormously to the life-energy and its healing power.
Physical science has yet to recognize the role of life-force that is independent of, and superior to biochemistry. It is evident that even though we all inhabit human bodies, we eat food and breathe oxygen, yet there are vast differences in the life-force we exhibit. It can run the gambit of extraordinary physical health and vitality, emotional range, mental liveliness, all the way to spiritual illumination. Physical science can explain part of why individuals have these differences, but it cannot explain it all.
As my body’s recovery has continued, life-force (what in yoga is called prana) has been made available for other uses. As recovery proceeded it was as if I was “waking up” to other areas of life. I could now envision our coming together for a Christmas/New Years’ Service; the idea of doing more writing, being able to focus on Mother’s Work, and opening myself to the “next phase” of my life’s work all came alive for me.
There is no doubt that for full functioning in this world the body needs to be an instrument that is in working order through biochemical processes; in this physical science has made tremendous progress. Like a vehicle, you are not going to get far if the car is mechanically unsound, and like a computer you are not going to be able to surf the web or use it to write if a virus is destroying it. However, even if the vehicle and the computer are functioning perfectly, they will simply remain inert without a human being operating them. Even so, a human body may have nothing physically wrong with it, but without a soul and spirit guiding the life-energy flowing through it, it will have no meaning and will not really come to life.
Here is the great discovery in ancient times by yogis, we can consciously access greater life-force by intelligent means. This allowed yogis to exist without oxygen for long periods of time, and to either heat or cool the body to counter temperature extremes. Life-energy is also a healing force and can be used to heal one’s own body or the produce healing for others. As it comes to light in Western science the discovery of life-force will be one of the great “new discoveries” of all time.
As an intelligent force, prana does not just respond to your conscious use of it, but it will also guide you. In this regard we may distinguish between two different forms of life-force. In the first case life-force guides natural processes, the growth of plants, movement of planets, and the health of human beings among billions of other functions in nature. There is also Prana we spell with a capital P. This higher, transcendent Prana is Divine Intelligence attuned to a much higher frequency of thought and energy than nature’s prana.
We know this Prana through the awakened faculties in the spine and brain; in these times these faculties are usually dormant in human beings. Guidance gained through intuitive perception of higher consciousness is of a much greater order; it is an expression of Divine Will. Through merging human will with Divine Will Prana forms the basis for the next stage of evolution. This is referred to as the transformation of the human into the Divine.
As we enter into this New Year become conscious of prana life-energy coursing through your body as a tingling, electrical force that is necessary for all your body functions. Then stretch your subtle senses to feel that same vital force in nature, giving life and consciousness to water, trees, and animals. Through deep meditation awaken awareness in your cerebrospinal system to Pranic Life-Force, the life-giving, blissful and all-knowing Consciousness that has the capacity to lift you up into your oneness with God. Be a pioneer in this greatest of discoveries today and bring in the New Year with the promise of a much greater life! Have a blissful and prosperous New Year.