Picture: The Divine Babaji
When I first met Mother I recognized what a powerful spiritual personality she was. Later, in meeting Swami Satchidanandaji, I experienced his spiritual personality, so different in outward expression than Mother’s. Mother came to me as powerful, penetrating, who could also give the love of a mother. Swamiji was quiet, unassuming, yet commanding the total respect of all those around him. These descriptions are but some of the outward signs of the personalities, however they both embodied a spiritual presence that defies all description.
And so it happens with all realized Beings—each one has a unique expression. When the personality has been subsumed in Divine Consciousness, then, if it is the Divine will, that one is reborn so to speak, as a Divine personality for the benefit of the world. One of the great lessons you learn in having a pantheon of a guru-lineage and coming into close association with saints is that you do not have to become an imitation of the personality of a God-realized individual, rather you learn what is essential to all God-realized beings.
And what is essential are the Divine attributes of love, bliss, wisdom, and being a giver of light. In meeting with Mother and accepting her as my Guru I learned of the great spiritual personalities that make up our guru-lineage. Through Mother’s stories, reading the Autobiography of a Yogi and other books I became aware of who these great ones were. However, at first it was like looking at them through a paned window, there was a view of these enlightened beings, but it was not the same as actually meeting them.
Over the years of discipleship, I had significant experiences that made me know that I had actually touched the fabric of their exalted divine personalities. Lahiri Mahasaya and Babaji were the last two param-para gurus in our lineage that I came into actual contact—twenty years after meeting Mother. Meeting these great ones was life-changing, right down the cellular level.
One such incident occurred soon after I had left my work as a counselor/mediator. Phyllis had generously invited me to stay in a little cabin not far from her house on Hornby Island. While on the island I took walks in Helliwell Park—boasting of magnificent views, old growth Douglas Firs and rare Gary oaks.
As is my want at times I took a late night walk to a particular place in the park that I had previously felt drawn to. The thought of Babaji came strongly to mind, I knew the great master was making me think of him. An intense desire came into my whole being to be in his presence. I perceived that Babaji was in intimate communion with my mind and a surcharge of spiritual power and realization coursed all through me. As my mind touched his I was drawn through the woods to the ocean side.
There I looked up to the canopy of stars, so close I felt I could reach out to them. The thought came to my mind that Babaji could descend—just as I felt one of those points of light above could come down to earth. Then—I felt enveloped in the great master’s presence. The cells of my being were sanctified, as if spiritually baptized through and through. His blessings showered upon me and I knew that I was touching the hem of Divinity through him. Through direct spiritual connection I glimpsed his supernal consciousness. Oh, if there were only words to say something of this; however, the words do not, nor can they ever exist. After some time, the master’s presence withdrew, but the afterglow continued as I remained enveloped in his bliss.
Even as we mark Babaji’s Remembrance Day (July 25th) and I write of this experience so many years ago now, once again all the cells of my being feel baptized in his holy Presence even as on that sacred night. It is true that we should seek out direct experience in God, without intermediaries. However, how blessed we are to have these great ones actively helping us to that noble Goal of goals. Truly, Babaji, Jesus, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswarji, Master and Mother all stand at the ready to render us the greatest aid on the most tremendous adventure we will ever embark upon. The Mahavatar is naught else but pure God-consciousness, and thus a direct conduit to the Infinite.
Picture: Helliwell Park coming out of the woods to the oceanside