Be an Engine for Success

20160202_080754_001We are faced with many challenges in life. How we face those challenges determines the quality of our lives. We can be fear factories or engines for success. Once the fear factory is put into action it tends to run on its own recycled energy unless intentionally shut it down. Fear generates fear; only calmness brings the fear factory to a standstill.

Faith in God—that He is in charge of this universe, a loving, caring hand and the mover behind all events—turns off the fuel for fear. To breathe, to focus on the ajna and surrender the results to God brings calm and stops catastrophic thinking; halting thoughts of disaster, loss and embarrassment. We have to take ourselves in hand and really go to work to change our thoughts if we want to see real results.

The mind is very quick and will slip into the familiar worry pathway unless governed and taught to choose a more positive mode. Paint a new picture of yourself, so that when you meet a challenge you automatically access your connection to God, “Lord, what would You have me do? You are the creator of the entire universe and You have the answers I need, You have the supply that is required, I am Your child and You must see to it that I have all I need to succeed.” Then feel that from behind you there is a flow of intelligence and wisdom coming as creative, uplifting thoughts. Life-force is flowing to you to give you unlimited energy and health inducing radiance. There is a pipeline of abundance flowing to you from unknown and delightful sources.

“Though man’s ingenuity for getting himself into trouble appears to be endless, the Infinite Succor is no less resourceful.”

Lahiri Mahasaya

You are not a passive participant here, but you are actively attuning your thoughts, words and actions to Divine Will. You are His instrument and you feel joy at His movement through you. In fact, you are so focused on doing His moment to moment will, fear is now in the distant past. When you are in need you increase your prayer demand that He give you more and you open wider to the idea that you are His instrument. A loving father may test his child in order that he or she learn an important lesson, but a loving parent would never abandon a child; so, your Heavenly Father, Divine Mother may test you to hone your focus of attention to be upon God alone.

Do not waste your time and energy on nervousness, which has never accomplished a good and noble act, rather know God as your ultimate resource, comfort and guide. The quality of your life will change in remarkable ways. There is no greater or effective way to live your life than to be God’s instrument and live with full faith and confidence in His Presence.

Health Update

An MRI examination of the brain revealed a total of five melanoma tumors in the brain. There is a plan being made to use radiation therapy. According to the Mayo Clinic:

Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses beams of intense energy to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy most often uses X-rays, but protons or other types of energy also can be used.

The current plan is that in the next few weeks I will have three treatments on three consecutive days. Each treatment will last approximately 30 minutes and that should eliminate the tumors. There are more details for its preparation—side effects may include fatigue, loss of hair on the spots treated, etc. After this I will be monitored by periodic MRIs.

A biopsy was also taken this last week from the spine, the results will be known this week; if it is more melanoma the material will be used for an immunotherapy concoction that will be created and injected back into the body to eliminate tumors wherever they may be found. Of course, your thoughts and prayers for perfect health are of tremendous benefit—these secret warriors vibrations help to explain the amazement that doctors and nurses have had at the way I have come through all that I have. I feel strong and positive that this body should go on to perfect health. Ever in God and Gurus loving care.

