Be an Expression of What God Wants


Picture: Various stages rising to the pure Self

A unique feature of water is that you can find it in everyday conditions in liquid, solid and gaseous states.  This triune character of water can be compared to the nature of God’s creation on three different planes: solid being the material elements of this world, liquid references the fluid nature of life-energy, and gaseous is the subtle causal/idea realm.

 The vast majority of people are focused on the solid-material nature of this world, some see the fluid-like movement of life-energy in and around things and people, and a few have the vision to see what cannot be seen by others, the thought-trons (Master’s terminology) behind all that is—a causal realm that is much larger and more profound than all other aspects of creation. We look about us and see crystalized life-energy of this world, but there is so much more that is not visible to the naked eye.

 The three aspects of creation can be polluted just like water. Today the residents of large cities in China carry opened umbrellas when it snows; the snow as well as the rain is so toxic that it is a health risk to the uncovered. The material, energetic and idea realms can also become toxic and manifests as disease and darkness of every description: an energy of darkness may form around someone depressed, the mind may become filled with wicked thoughts, or the body may suffer due to past wrong actions.

 The materially minded scientist says the brain manufactures the mind and consciousness—that what we think and even who we are is a result of firing synapses. However, the spiritual scientist sees it quite differently. While it is true that a malfunctioning brain interferes with thought process, such as a stroke destroys memory and blocks anatomical functions, the conclusion that the brain is the source of thought and awareness is a fallacy.

 Think of a computer programmer creating an operational system. If the hardware stops working due to a malfunctioning circuit the computer will no longer be able to carry out its purpose. However, though the programmer may be frustrated by this lapse in his computer, he is in no substantive way harmed by the glitch. Similarly, the soul operates through the physical form of a human body, and when disease makes the body unresponsive, the consciousness of the soul remains unchanged, although it cannot continue to fully operate in the body as before.

 The truth of this was demonstrated to me by my Guru. Although she was deeply affected by multiple strokes, heart attacks and a severe case of shingles in one half of her face, and she was not able to function in the body as she had before, she was still all that she had ever been in soul and Spirit. Being disturbed by what I saw as she sat in a wheelchair, paralyzed on one side and open sores on the other, I went home to meditate and I demanded that God explain what was happening to my beloved teacher. For some time I focused on the breath and the ajna in deepening meditation—suddenly I saw Mother with inner sight; she was beaming and more beautiful than I had ever seen her before. A radiant light went out from her in every direction as far as I could see. Through thought transference she said, “Do you not know, I am now in my Light-body.” And, indeed she was, and is, a brilliant shining Light.

 After that experience I never again mistook Mother for her physical body; I knew she was so much more. She lived many years after that and through sheer will she regained so much of what she had lost during this terrible time. Mother, and every one of us, is not limited to the body. We have an eternal soul, our part of God that is not born nor does it die, it cannot be burnt, drowned, or in any way changed or corrupted. No matter the choices we make, the bad things we may have done (against ourselves or others), this pure element of divinity resides above the physical, energetic and idea realms.

 Life, as we think of it, is the soul manifesting through the three bodies, physical, energetic, and causal. The purified body and mind are perfect instruments for the transcendent Divine Mind, and are a blessing to ourselves and to this world. Go beyond the three realms, seek out contact with the ever-pure, eternal Self—not so you can get God to do what you want, but that you may be an expression of what God wants you to be.  
