Behold–The Divine Goal


All humans strive for happiness, this is a commonality amongst everyone. Even those who have self destructive behavior, if you go deeply enough into their motivations you will see there is some anticipated payoff. In a very real way this world is an experimental laboratory in which every person is testing each one’s theory on what will produce the greatest amount of happiness.

Even for one who is ruled by fear, you might say he is miserable, and that would be true–however the need to guard against some perceived threat is thought to be preferable to living life free of the fear. The masochist gets perverse pleasure from his own suffering, the sadist from the suffering of others–all seek happiness in one form or another.

Those of us who seek out God-experience have come to the conclusion that there is nothing in this world that can give complete happiness, for anything that is born must die–death being the end of things must necessarily take happiness with it. Therefore, only that which is eternal can give fulfillment to one’s heart’s desire. But eternality alone is not enough, for life without abiding joy is hell; so ongoing bliss must be part of the equation. The other required element, that may seem self-evident but is also necessary, is that one must be a conscious participant in this experience of eternal bliss. The combination of an eternal self, consciousness, and bliss–sat, chid, ananda–must all be present for real and lasting happiness. There are other elements of course, such as truth–no one would be satisfied with a life based on lies–expansiveness, purity, openness, the happiness of others, connectivity, etc.

Happily, these elements or qualities are all met in our conception of a Divine Life, or God–fulfilled happiness is a reality when all of these aspects are realized in one’s life. Inspired by saints and realized beings around the world you enter into the experimental laboratory of spiritual practice. You meditate and pray, you chant and sing to the Infinite, you serve others, and you indeed get a taste of happiness. In the beginning of discovering your deepened spiritual practice you may have a honeymoon phase in which happiness comes so easily, but like all honeymoons this is a stage, not the mature fulfillment.

This is because you are not one hundred percent of one mind. A part of you seeks God, other parts are ruled by passions and fears. Like adding green wood to a fire, if the heat is not intense enough the green wood can dampen the fire. I have watched green wood stream water out of one end of the log furthest from the intense flame. If the fire is too weak, the green wood will only smolder and even kill the flame. Therefore the fire of spiritual practice must burn brightly in order to consume all the green wood of conflicting desires.

Association with realized souls and those aspirants with burning zeal adds to the flame of enthusiasm and makes you burn bright. Reading or hearing inspired wisdom adds dry seasoned wood. Making God-contact in deepened meditation and singing His name throughout the day inflames the soul and makes it mad for God. Love for God radiates a luster of Divine Light in you and helps others to burn brightly. The ego-mind of separation is consumed in this flame and the Divine Goal of Satchidananda–the eternal Self, full consciousness and bliss are now enjoyed, fulfilling your deepest heart’s desire. The experiment is proved–QED–you now know from your own experience that realizing God alone is the source of true and lasting happiness!  


Since God has not arranged for me to give a talk this Sunday, I wish all Canadians a very happy Thanksgiving. I am also including this most perfect song/poem from the Gospel of Ramakrishna, a song that Bhupati sang for the great master and his devotees when Ramakrishna was suffering from advanced throat cancer.  

Hallowed be Brahman, the Absolute, the Infinite, the Fathomless!
Higher than the highest, deeper than the deepest depths!
Thou are the Light of Truth, The Fount of Love, the Home of Bliss!
This universe with all its manifold and blessed modes
Is but the enchanting poem of Thine inexhaustible thought;
Its beauty overflows on every side.

O Thou Poet, great and primal, in the rhythm of Thy thought
The sun and moon arise and move toward their setting;
The stars, shining like bits of gems, are the fair characters
In which Thy song is written across the blue expanse of sky;
The year, with its six seasons, in tune with the happy earth,
Proclaims Thy glory to the end of time.

The colours of the flowers reveal Thy sovereign Beauty,
The waters in their stillness, Thy deep Serenity;
The thunder-clap unveils to us the terror of Thy law.
Deep is Thine Essence, truly; how can a foolish mind perceive it?
Wondering, it meditates on Thee from yuga to yuga’s end;
Millions upon millions of suns and moons and stars
Bow down to Thee, O Lord, in rapturous awe!

Beholding Thy creation, men and women weep for joy;
The gods and angels worship Thee, O All-pervading Presence!
O Thou, the Fount of Goodness, bestow on us Thy Knowledge;
Bestow on us devotion, bestow pure love and perfect peace;
And grant us shelter at Thy hallowed feet.
