This past weekend we had our Loon Lake Retreat—we had a tremendous time together. My only wish is that all of us could be there for satsang. The topic was a meditation on trust, trust in God. The work that aspirants did at the retreat, then additional work done during individual appointments while we continued on at Maple Ridge after the retreat, brings up my deepening appreciation for the willingness, courage, determination, sincerity and openness that devotees exhibit in their desire to grow in God.
There is not a single aspirant who does not think they could do better—but the key to real progress is that both feet are put into the arena. I remember a time when I recognized that I always played it safe, never really committing myself to anything. At the time this was due to the fact that I did not fully believe in what I was doing in the world. Then I found my spiritual path, for the first time I was one hundred percent committed. Yet, the old habit of having one foot in and one foot out of the arena was still playing a role–it affected my sadhana.
One reason for playing it safe was that, if I did not succeed—so the unconscious reasoning went—I could justify that I had not really given it my all and thus preserve my ego. Well, this would not do. It was not acceptable to not be fully in the game, to not commit myself heart, mind and soul in order to realize God—my one reason for taking incarnation. This was the most important decision I have made in my life, and it has made all the difference.
There is such a tendency for the ego-mind to hedge its bets, to keep a safety valve available, to not be fully committed. When I see others jump in with both feet, do the work, make God first with everything they have, I stand in admiration and awe. I know that the results will come, that that one is standing on the cusp of something great. To meditate deeply, to serve the Infinite in all one does, to commit to using discrimination and making God first, and to love the Beloved with all one’s heart is to draw nigh to blessed Spirit.
Mother did not want a formal organization, or a church mortgage that must be paid, committees for this and that, she wanted us to avoid the traps and distractions to making God our single focus. We have our marching orders, we know what we must do, now it is a matter of giving our all, to have both feet in the arena and to go all the way to becoming fully realized. It is what Mother wants for you, it is what all the great masters want for you, and it is God calling to you, Come to Me—with both feet in!
Note: I bow to the commitment you make in knowing God, and all the support you give for this work we do in His Name. Pronams.