We, all of us, have carried expectations for how life should be. However, if we really analyze it, where did these expectations come from? Now, there are expectations that can work for us, but many do not. For instance, you are optimistic and look for good things to come. For some, if something untoward occurs, it does not dampen their positive optimism. But, for others who cling tightly to their expectations, disappointment will sink their ship in a vortex of doom.
You can really take a look at what you anticipate happening and see, “Does this propel me forward in life, or does it hold me back? When expectations give you feet of clay—or make them set in concrete—you must break free of them if you are to progress.
We can expect others to fulfill us, our work should be different and more rewarding, maybe even self-aggrandizing, life should be easier, God-experience should come without effort. These can be secret expectations we do not give voice to, not even to ourselves; however, they work in the background of our minds and will rob us of life-energy and joy and take us out of the rhythm of life. Here is a letter to a devotee who was struggling with just such expectations:
My dearest One,
When the world does not fulfill us, then we must turn our attention to God as our all and all. By staying focused on the world, we look to see how it falls short of our expectations and then we feel sad, lonely and betrayed. This is a burden and an expectation the world cannot fulfill.
So, put aside the things of this world—take your grief to God and surrender it at His feet.
Oh Lord, if You will not fill my heart by those around me, then fulfill me by pouring your Self directly into my heart and soul. Be the balm of Spirit that heals my lacerated Soul. Only You can make me feel whole. You have put me on this Spiritual Journey of oneness, and only You can make my happiness complete. I cancel my expectations for this world that I have carried for so long and I give myself to You, heart, mind and Soul.
Spiritually free yourself from this burden. It is the material mind that thinks, “If I only had a different situation, then I would be happy.” But, is it so? God is with you in infinite Joy—why not find Him here and now?
With eternal love and blessings,