We have continued our lectin free diet (as outlined by Dr. Steven Gundry). Lectins are the plant’s way of protecting itself from predators (and yes, we are plant predators). The actual degree that lectins make people sick may be disputed, however it is the doctor’s contention that their cumulative effect over time, along with poor eating habits by many in combination with the frequent use of antibiotics combine to destroy gut health. The recovery of good gut health helps eliminate autoimmune disorders and disease.
With the health of the gut in mind we began the program: a three day cleanse followed by a six week less restrictive cleanse, then entering a third phase in which we could add one food a week; eat it a few times and observe if there are any autoimmune reactions. If not, then we can add that food to the yes list, and if there is a noticeable reaction then it stays on the no list. My baseline started with already following a gluten (gluten is a lectin) and diary free diet, something I had learned I needed to do over the past twenty years to avoid the kind of autoimmune reactions we are talking about: painful joints and excess mucus in the sinuses. Even though I was following a gluten/dairy free diet, I had developed joint pain once again, as well as sinus headaches when waking up in the morning (I was starting to think my body was feeling old, especially in the a.m.!)
I had reported to you in an earlier posting the results after the first six weeks; we first started the beginning of June. Fast forward four months, and now here are the results: Joint pain is gone. Sinus headaches are gone. Physical energy is smoother throughout the day. Food cravings are non-existent—this is an interesting area. According to the good doctor the bad bacteria in the gut (stomach, large and small intestines and colon) communicate directly with the brain through the vagus nerve system. Bad bacteria want foods they like: sugar, fats, cheap carbs etc. Eliminate the bad bacteria, eliminate their cravings! I have to say, that is born out in our experiments. Desired weight loss has also been a result. Carla lost some stubborn last few pounds she was working on for some time before, and I have lost 10 percent of total body weight, and I am in clear sight of where I would like to be weight-wise. Note: nuts and nut butter are part of the plan, and when I hit a weight loss plateau I eliminated nuts and nut butter and then my weight continued to drop. In addition, not only have food cravings disappeared, but my desire for greens has gone up; the good bacteria are asking for what they like. In fact, we have liked the foods so well, not missing any of the old items, literally not missing them at all, that we have not really looked into adding foods to the basic program post six weeks. So, I have to say that the experiment has gone very well; these are all positives and there are no negatives except for the fact that when traveling eating out is a challenge—Thai food is a pretty good source for staying on the plan (Mediterranean food would also present good possibilities). Also, Carla has had to put a fair amount of effort into finding and learning to prepare food items. There are some online sources that have helped, as well as exploring local sources. So, thumbs up for Gundry’s lectin-free food program to this point. My body is definitely feeling younger!
Supplemental: There are dietary supplements that Gundry recommends, in a few cases he tells you about other companies who also provide these supplements. Supplements are not mandatory for being on the program, but we have added a few. I was already taking probiotics from my oncological naturopath, but we have been using Gundry’s prebiotics and his Vital Reds product. We like them both; the Vital Reds are especially satisfying. This said, Gundry has turned into a supplement machine—his ads can be a turn off. But, as I say, there is nothing in the program that demands these products. One additional note, we have purchased his cookbook—all the recipes have been from good to really good. We have purchased an Instantpot and have enjoyed foods made by this method. If you are interested, Gundry has online videos showing him cooking, and there is https://lectinfreemama.com/ website with recipes etc. I offer this review simply as our experiment. As Sri Yukteswarji advised, follow any simple diet which proves suited to one’s constitution.
Here is a link to Medical News Today that outlines what lectins are, there is good news as well as bad when it comes to lectins, a little bit about Gundry’s plan, and a wait and see approach and more studies are needed before they would recommend it.