When I first met Mother in 1974 I had not heard of the Autobiography of a Yogi or Paramhansa Yogananda. My introduction to Master came from Mother—from her stories, eventually reading his books, listening to records, yes LP records, of him singing and talking, then taking pilgrimage to Mt. Washington, Lake Shrine and Encinitas. And what a journey it has been to know Master through Mother’s experiences, his writings and connection to places he lived.
I remember Larry and I climbing the stairs to Sri Yukteswarji’s Serampore Ashram in India. The steps were worn with use and I thought, Sri Yukteswar and Master walked up these same steps so many times—I felt so privileged to follow in their footsteps. Then standing on the landing where a picture had been taken where Sri Yukteswar stood and Master sat during Yoganandaji’s return to India in 1935—it was thrilling. It may be hard for some to understand how meaningful these experiences are, such as meditating in Master’s attic meditation room at 4 Gupar Road in Calcutta where Master had the vision of the Divine Mother and where Babaji came to see him before his coming to America—at what joy there is in this feeling of connection.
Of course, it is not just physical locations where a realized master resided that he may be experienced. When a soul becomes realized, more than ever their consciousness may be known wherever a keen desire and love attracts them. When at Cloud Mountain, Mother and Master gave me their darshan. In one of those darshans it was notable that their joy was bubbling over as a deep vibration. That joy repeatedly rose up from some unfathomable source deep inside them—one would start and the other would respond, and back and forth it went. It was waves of blissful joy after blissful joy that had no limits. Words simply do not do justice to being with them—however the blessings continue with me even now when remembering that evening, and will stay with me all the days of my life.
We celebrated Master’s birthday on January the fifth, but due to getting medical procedures done at that time I did not write about it on that day. But, I did want to write something about Master’s birthday, to say that if not for him there would be no Mother, without Mother I do not even want to think what my life would have been. The living Presence of these masters is the greatest of blessings to all whose minds are attuned to them. As Lahiri Mahasaya said, to think of Babaji with reverence releases a blessing to you; and so it is with all the great Ones.
It is the power of our thought and devotion that brings God and the masters to us, that gives us an experience with them. Deepened thought and devotion acts as a magnet and makes them real. There are those who write fanciful tales, some who mistake or overstate their spiritual experiences, but that should not make us doubt that we may have actual and direct experience with God or any of His saints and realized masters. To think of Master with total devotion will draw him near, will make you know that his grace and blessings are flowing to you; they will change you and draw you closer to God in body, mind and soul. Master came to make you know that you may realize God—it is for this reason only that he was born. You can honor most him by going to work and, even as he did, make Self-realization your priority—first, middle and last.
May Master ever bless you and his grace lift you constantly higher into the supreme divine consciousness of his infinite Beloved.