Jesus with sacred heart-flame-crown of thorns and radiant nimbus
When Mother Hamilton gave me the honored title of Yogacharya she announced that I had been through nearly everything she had gone through in the way of spiritual experiences. Although I do not put myself anywhere near the same category as Mother, not anywhere near, never-the-less I felt honored in her acknowledging the many years of my being in the Mystical Crucifixion.
I did not know at the time there were many more experiences that I was yet to go through, thankfully. I say thankfully for if I knew the extent of those yet-to-be experiences I may have stopped in my tracks right where I was. I can say now it was worth everything God and Guru put me through, but it is still better I did not know it all then.
One of the great experiences I have been put through, and continue to go through to this day, is the crown of thorns. When the Kundalini first rose up I felt an unparalleled heat in my ajna, the point between my eyebrows, later it became a tingling, sometimes burning force at the crown of the head, behind my eyes, and at times through my whole body system. There were other times when this Kundalini force felt like a very heavy hat sitting on my head.
It became evident to me that in the higher ages, or yugas, a king would have made this journey of the serpent force from the base of the spine to the top of the head. In later, darker ages this self-mastery was degraded to only a symbol of a golden crown and scepter given to the king. In higher ages these symbols would have been given when the leader had attained stability in higher consciousness; the scepter representing the awakened spine and the crown the awakened God-consciousness in the highest spiritual center.
Each day I have a reminder of the crown of thorns as my head is aflame with this burning force. And each day I hear the mighty sound of Aumen entering through the back of my head and my spine is filled with a flowing spiritual force, the top of the head is expanded, open and pointed like a spire to the heavens. There is no guess work for me to trace the movement of this Divine Force as goes about its work within.
I write about this to you now, prompted by that same spiritual force. It is not an easy life as it goes on all the hours of the day and is very exacting in all its ways; demanding nothing less than total surrender. But I would not change it for anything, for it is as God has designed it and I am thankful to be anywhere where He is, serving God and Gurus.
The crown of thorns is really the crown of life, and when God chooses to take you through this experience it will change you, for you will never to be the same. You may be assured that it need not last for as many years as it has for me, but it will continue until its task is done, and in the end you will be illumined!