Yesterday was a very difficult day for this body. Due to the work that God does through this body it often experiences diverse pains and other unusual symptoms. When this happens Carla will ask, “Do you know who this is connected to?” As, so often, it is connected with what an aspirant going through, and by God’s grace, somehow, even over great distances, God gives me a share of it. She never asks who it is, only do I know. Sometimes I know in the moment, sometimes someone will write to me or somehow it is communicated to me who was going through a particular experience and how that connects to what I was going through. However yesterday did not seem connected to any one individual, but was more universal.
This Easter morning it came clear from God that what I was experiencing is part of the Mystical Crucifixion on a wider plane of consciousness–I was in the midst of the two great grinding oppositional forces of creaton. It is fascinating, it truly is, to be taken through these times and have God as my perfect Guide. I am perfectly sensible that there are those who would doubt such experiences, but I can tell one and all that I am perfectly sane, I am not given to fanciful imaginations, and that I am not extraordinary, but God makes it all possible through this form. It is the most interesting, challenging and fulfilling life one can possibly live, and I feel quite blessed to have God and Gurus as the sole power and guide in my life.
The scriptures take on a completely new meaning when you see that they apply to you in a most specific way. To think that Jesus, or any emissary from God, is the only one to go through such experiences and you are to be simply drawn along on his coattails, without anything for you to do but have faith, is a very pale view of a spiritual life. On the other hand, to know that Jesus came to show the Way with the intention that you are to follow every step makes the scriptures become vital–essential to you and your life.
I remember so well, it was spring in the year 1976, I was sitting in a meditation group in Bellingham Washington, when suddenly there was a feeling and an interior sound of a snap! At the same time this powerful kundalini serpent force raced from the bottom of my spine to the point between my eyebrows, the ajna. For the two previous years I had heard Mother describe, at different times, this type of occurrence, so I had some little understanding of what was happening. The ajna grew very hot and I felt an intense pressure–it was a pleasurable-pain. For about five minutes this continued without abatement, then slowly it began to lessen, but this started me into the Mystical Crucifixion–that was to last for many years.
Mother’s teachings and her active help on the outer and inner planes were absolutely vital to surviving these experiences and making this transformation. I look back on the many years that I had a variety of work while going through these experiences, and somehow God made it possible for me to fulfill the duties required of me, although I can tell you it was a great challenge to do so. I will also say that living in two worlds simultaneously meant I could never give myself fully to whatever work I did, so I did not always do it to my fullest satisfaction, but my employers and customers were usually satisfied. One of the things I proved to myself is that you can do both–with God and Gurus grace it is possible.
And why go to all this trouble? It is because Mother, Master and Papa have shown the Way to the next evolutionary step for mankind. Jesus let his life serve as an example for what is possible, and even for more to come. To merge individual consciousness into absolute Divine Consciousness means that you have supreme bliss, a perfect knowing of who and what you truly are, and untold spiritual potential may express itself through you according to its will. In essence, you are who you have always been, but all false illusions have fallen away and you stand revealed as a perfect expression of God. You no longer crawl upon this mudball the earth as a worm making his way in darkness, you now are a shining spiritual being. Whatever you have been put through upon the way now seems a very little cost compared to what you have become.
Material wealth and prestige come and go with the seasons of life. Youth, strength and health can all fall by the wayside–what is permanent, the only thing that is lasting is your spiritual heritage that you may realize in all its fullness. God made creation with fascinating, never ending expressions, but all have an expiry date attached. Only God can fulfill that need we all have for the inner kingdom of heaven, promised from when the foundation of this universe was created. As you celebrate this sacred experience of the resurrection of Christ Consciousness, think deeply upon its meaning for each one of us, and make a determination that this symbolic day will find fulfillment in you.