Mother Hamilton & Saint Teresa of Calcutta: Two great servants of God
Normally our interests lie very close to home; we are mostly interested in what will satisfy our senses and the ego. Through evolution of consciousness we grow to want what is best for our family, a circle of friends, perhaps our hometown and even our country. Through this enlarging circle we can see the gradual expansion of interest, heart and spirit.
Entering into a spiritual understanding of life makes you know there is no part of life that is not connected to the whole, or to yourself. Compassion arises in the soul in which the interest of another becomes important to you. It may be the suffering of a child, an animal, or a group of people that is not a normal member of your circle of association. You find yourself sacrificing for others without thought of reward for yourself; just as saints around the world have spent themselves in such service to humanity.
However, one can be of service to others from two vastly different motivations. Initially service can be for the aggrandizement of the ego, “Look what I have sacrificed for others, no, I mean it–look at what I have done for others.” Or, sacrifice and service is driven by what is satisfying to God, not motivated by what others think.
We may be misled by the word sacrifice, thinking there is no satisfaction in it and that we must simply suffer. This notion comes from the mental conditioning of the ego. In reality, in harmonizing your life with God there is a transfer from self-interest, which creates suffering, to an enlightened Self-interest, which brings systemic harmony and joy of service.
Ordinary self-interest is driven by the needs of the body and the ego-mind. It can be the narrow self-interest of a child in order to satisfy his or her needs for food, warmth, comfort and the developing needs of an ego. Ordinary self-interest can also be the more intricate calculations for gaining wealth, power and prestige in the world; always the needs are driven by the body and the ego-mind.
Enlightened Self-interest comes from a wider identification with creation; seeing the world through the mind of the Creator. Looking out upon the world there is no perceived difference between the happiness of others and yourself. True Self-interest is not calculated for doing some good, rather it is a spontaneous response to the collective needs of creation that springs from an intuitive understanding of the Creator’s will.
Real Self-interest is not attached to outcomes, it does not care who sees or does not see, and it feels spontaneous joy in performing the activity itself. True Self-interest gives joy to the giver as well as the receiver. There is no “martyrdom complex” in which the giver must suffer alone, rather giving is an expression of Divine will and therefore brings total freedom to the servant of God.
In God-consciousness all mankind and all creation are part of you, and you feel joy at the physical, mental and spiritual progress of creation. You also feel pain at the suffering and mistakes for those who are none other than your Self. God’s compassion flows through you and you feel the all-encompassing Divine Comforter inter-mixed with tender, even painful compassion for others.
The Divine Presence in you now naturally radiates out of you to uplift and heal creation of its suffering. We all broadcast what we experience in life to those whom our lives touch. Being in tune with the Divine Presence increases the power of what you transmit; bringing solace, beauty and purity to this world. God uses you to broadcast His love and compassion to all creation! There is truly nothing more useful or deeply meaningful for you than to lead a life of true Self-interest.