Fling away thoughts of depression, thoughts of dark forebodings and unreasonable fears and doubts! Stand up with a bright face and a brighter heart with the fullest consciousness that God does all things for the best of all!
Swami Ramdas
Mother distinguished between a “human” perspective and a “Divine” one. From the human point of view life does not always go the way we would like it to, there are physical, family, financial, and work challenges that can cause stress and worry. However, Papa says to fling away all such thoughts, and know that, from a Divine perspective, God does everything for the best!
There is a big difference between reading and agreeing with this wisdom from this great spiritual master, and actualizing it in our interior lives. Constant practice is required. Repeated times of standing up with a bright face and a brighter heart impresses upon the brain that it really does lift us above the problems faced in this worldly existence.
From a psychological point of view, faith that God does all for the highest good of all gives a positive emotional charge that makes us feel better in the moment–this is a product of faith. Then, through repeated experience we find that everything works for the good is the literal truth. We see “behind the curtain” and know that it is not only a noble sentiment, but that God is actually working out our individual and collective karma (the law of cause and effect) to our best interest.
Jesus asked, “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” (Matt 6:27) Of course we must admit that we cannot worry any problem into a remedy; rather we exhaust ourselves in the process with no positive results to show for it. Now, having a concern about a certain situation can be prudent–a question of how to resolve a problem. If clouds are building on the horizon then we should take precautions–this is wise. But there is a line between having a concern and falling into worry. A concern comes with a focus upon taking action to improve a situation, a worry is mentally running a race with no purpose and no end. Worry can become a habit that is mindless and destructive.
To break ourselves of the worry habit we must counter a negative thought with its opposite. Where worry is based on a falsehood, that is if we worry a problem it will improve the situation. Faith is based on a higher truth, and we come to realize that God really is working things out for a higher purpose. There is a cute line in a movie in which the character, a liar and a thief, is breaking back into a prison (that he previously had been the only one to ever break out of) in a very unusual selfless act. In His ongoing conversation with God he says, “Well, here we are Lord, coming full circle and going back to where I never wanted to go again. I would like to think You have some higher purpose in all of this, at least it would reflect well on You if it did!” Yes! It would reflect well on God to have a higher purpose for all of His creation!
Our greatest fear is that we are alone and unseen; that our difficulties have no purpose and simply create suffering for ourselves and others. Not only Papa, but Jesus and all the tremendously realized spiritual masters down through time affirm that God does have purpose, or as some say, God has a plan for you. Our affirmation of this great truth brings us peace, even in our difficulties, and will, in the end, prove itself out to be true. This has been shown to me in many, many situations in which He reveals to me that He is applying exactly the right remedy for the soul’s evolution, even though it is difficult at the time.
An element of this truth, that God has shown me, is a universal principle, that when applied always leads to positive spiritual progress. Challenges in life activate us into making every effort to solve the problem. However, there will come a moment when we have exhausted our will, our resources and come to an end of what we can humanly do. It is in that moment, if not before, that we can either give into despair or turn to God. When we turn to God, not just in despair, but for His will to operate directly in our lives, when we really open ourselves to Him, then we grow spiritually. Through that openness and making connection with Him we strengthen our union with Him in a most intimate and powerful way. Gradually we come to see there is not a single second that we can draw a breath, have a thought or have a sense of our being without an active flow of His Divine Current. From that seedling moment of turning to God when we have emptied ourselves, we will grow into the full realization of His holy Presence at all times and in all places. We see the connection then, that even in difficulties, perhaps especially in hardships, we have the opportunity to make great spiritual progress.
In whatever state of mind we begin Papa’s practice we will find it a great help to stand up with a bright face and a brighter heart with the fullest consciousness that God does all things for the best of all! Be it so for you now, and always.
Travel Note: We are currently in Pensacola Florida, which has a claim–based on an ancient olive jar found here–to be the oldest city (founded by Europeans) in America. Carla has family here and we have spent much time with them. The weather has been beautiful, in the 80s, with only a little humidity. God is to be found in all forms. One of the great challenges is to refresh our mental screens to see family with fresh eyes, not based on the past but seeing God evolve Himself through all forms. Then we may enjoy God in all His various aspects, and find fresh wonders peeking through old, familiar relationships. This gives new meaning to each one we meet, rather than tired out scripts from outdated family ties.