Generally, as devotees we know what our foibles are: anger, greed, fear and lust are some of the big ones. Any one of these can trip us up in our sadhana and therefore we must keep a steady vigilance against these obstacles to realizing our true Divine Nature.
Fear had not been a typical problem for me, but there came a time in my meditation when it fissured from some unknown depth—this unpredictable emergence of a contrary thought or emotion can happen to any devotee due to latent tendencies buried deep in the subconscious mind. When this fear came up it made me want to be anywhere other than sitting on my meditation asana. I thought, “It would be so easy never to meditate again as this seems to be the only time this fear comes.” But some better part of me knew that I must overcome this emotion in order to make spiritual progress; running away was no solution. So, I returned again and again to the battleground until I eventually worked through fear’s many layers.
Sometimes the lurking opposition is not so obvious—a subtle force behind the scenes makes us shy away from going deeper. It is not until we really challenge it that the obstacle reveals its vicious tenacity and its true name. Thus, we can remain only surface deep in our devotions while pretending everything is alright, but all the time not making real spiritual progress. We must work at keeping ourselves on that edge of growth–not overstraining and not slacking but ever looking to improve.
Sadhakas do not have anyone following them around to make sure they are doing all they can to make spiritual progress; they must be self-correcting and challenge themselves from their own desire for Self-realization. Each person’s progress is determined by his or her own self-direction. It is not a matter of just putting in your time, you must make your time count. Ask yourself, “Do I feel ever-new joy? Is there peace and an inner stillness at the core of who I am and what I do? Is the Divine Presence with me day and night? Are my thoughts, words and actions worthy of being a child of the Infinite? These hallmarks are indications of true spiritual growth and let us know when we are making progress.
You have been taught by Mother not to settle for “Mr. In-between.” And why would you rob yourself of your rightful heritage? To know the joy, bliss, light, wisdom and power of God’s all-embracing Presence makes all the things of the world appear as mere baubles. You think this world is wonderful, and there is no denying it is a marvelous creation, but in comparison with the greatness of God inside of you it is as nothing. Bless yourself by taking the spiritual adventure of a lifetime; be in the Know and get the Insider information that boosts your God-stock—it only ever goes up and it never loses its value! Touching the hem of God makes you drop to your knees in disbelief that this divinity has been secreted away in the recesses of your Being all this time; yet you never knew it. It is then you stand in wonder as to why you took so long to make the effort to go deeper and to soar higher.
Travel and pilgrimage Notes: Go West Young Man: Carla and I plan to shift to the Southwest desert soon. I feel the pull of the desert as a place to work on writings, both Mother’s and my own. Mother and Master went to the desert at important times in their work, Master going often to write and as a result we have his pre-eminent Gita and New Testament commentaries. We plan to keep in touch through YouTube and Skype Talks and will be back to Camano Island for the month of December for Maple Ridge and Camano Christmas Services and Camano’s New Year’s meditations. Go East Young Man! At Swami Chandranandaji’s and the Ashram’s invitation and God’s direction we plan to travel to Anandashram next year during the month of November, 2019. Our current thought is to be at the Ashram through the month for the 100 year celebration of our dear Swami Satchidananda. I know there are those who have expressed an interest in coming to Anandashram when we are there, and this will give you time to make your plans if God so prompts you (Please write the Ashram first if you plan to come). The Ashram with its triune realized masters, Papa, Mataji and Swamiji, as well as Swamis Mutktanandaji and Chandrananda and all inmates there make it a blessing and a great boon for all sincere sadhakas who pilgrimage to the Ashram. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!