Beloved Children of the Infinite,
God gave me a very interesting experience the other night. I woke up around 1:30 am in terrific pain—it felt like a nail being driven into the nerve behind my knee. These pains have been coming on my left side as a sign of awakening from paralysis, however this felt more intense and difficult. Normally, when such pains have been coming to me in the night, I consider it a good sign. I have used distilled oil of comfrey that was a gift from Zach and Hailey and in most cases, the pain then goes away. However, in this powerful experience, the pain remained intense–God thought to reveal a great truth in this manner. He guided my thoughts toward the question, “Why is there cruelty in the world?”
So, I asked God, “In creating this universe, why did You allow cruelty to be part of it when it is nothing but a joyful expression of Yourself.” And what He told me, “For every such thing it awakens its opposite.” For cruelty awakens divine compassion not always in a moment or a day, and as divine compassion spreads over this world, cruelty will be cancelled out. If man had not erred by going against God’s harmony in the first place, there would be no such need for a counterbalancing law.
So, when you see discord and inharmony in this world, even cruelty, let it awaken compassionate love in you and then be even more determined to be a bearer of Light and Love. As each of us do this it will gain a collective strength and one day will result in cruelty being something only known in the history books. Until that day comes you are called upon to be warriors of compassion. Such wisdom came from God during this experience that words could never fully convey.
Rehabilitation Continued
I want to thank you for all your prayers, cards, and emails. Last week was a very rough one as gastrointestinal problems and dehydration affected my energy and concentration. As of today, I can tell you I feel that I am more fully myself once again – renewed energy, renewed concentration and all of my rehab test scores have vastly improved this week. Carla had the idea to start a “Miracle List” each night noting the improvements we have noticed through the day. Years ago, when people came for time with me while I was in Maple Ridge, Christine would always say, “Get your miracle” in a lyrical voice. I think of that now when we make our “Miracle List” at the end of the day—a list of firsts. Every night we have had ten or twelve things of note. Today, I was able to open and close my left hand smoothly and evenly where before it had been a struggle. This early morning, I was doing multiplication tables mentally that were difficult for me last week, I am solving story problems that require inferences and concentration that sent me into a tizzy the day before, my sense of balance for sitting and standing continues to grow. So, what I would like to suggest to you is that you pay attention to the little and big miracles in your life— “Get your miracle!”