Glints of Light-Mother’s Mahasamadhi


Picture: The great joy and fun of Mother Hamilton

It is the very early morning hours of the anniversary of Mother Hamilton’s Mahasamadhi; my heart and soul are feeling the inspiration of what this day means. To some it may seem an incongruity to celebrate the death of an individual, much less the passing of a beloved teacher, a Satguru. However, when we understand the true nature of what we call death, and even more a mahasamadhi, then we truly celebrate not only the life of a great spiritual master, but her actual leaving of the body as well.

In my journey to God, He has given me direct spontaneous memories of previous lives, fully reliving them just as they occurred. One such life memory included dying and what happened immediately after. In that moment of separation from the body, which came as an immense relief, I found myself in the presence of a wonderful Being of Light. Mother explained that this was my own Christ-Self, God within me made manifest in this seemingly outer form. Together we reviewed my life with an eye for learning, this Light-form, communicating through thought-transference, conveyed insight, wisdom and compassion.

In this review I realized that I had lost sight of my true purpose in taking incarnation; I had become lost in the details and demands of life and did not make the spiritual progress as I had originally intended when coming into that life. So many live in fear of judgement of what God or others might think. The truth is that we each know what true success looks like, and when connected with the deepest part of ourselves, we judge ourselves with clarity and discernment. In that moment of insight I had  great self-disappointment; I had fallen short of my own goal. Right there and then I made an adamantine resolution to never waste a lifetime, ever again!

Great spiritual masters, such as Mother, have already learned that lesson down to the very cells of their beings. Depending on the nature of their lila, the play of their lives when they choose to take incarnation, they may live a portion of their lives in ignorance. But, when the awakening comes, there is no stopping them, a force to be reckoned with! Mother came into this incarnation with no karma of her own, nothing that bound her from the past, a completely freed being. However, she took on the life of an ordinary person, went through so many experiences of living a human life. As Mother said of herself, she had experienced what any woman could go through, and therefore had understanding of the difficulties of living in this world.

When Mother spoke, she gave of her wisdom with the power of God burning brightly in her. She not only spoke of the highest esoteric truths, but she also brought everyday human experience into spiritual perspective. She did not fear or shun this world, having totally surrendered her life at the feet of God and Guru, she had gone through the death of the ego, the little self–she then embraced all creation as God’s expression of Himself. This was one of the many gifts of wisdom Mother gave to us; a modern-day Western woman who had ascended the highest peaks of realization, and never lost sight of the human roots of her existence.

Mother used to joke about when she would leave her body–she had such a wonderful sense of fun. She said that since people were always asking her questions, she could imagine herself on her deathbed, and someone would say, “Oh Mother, before you go, I have just one more question for you!” She also once said that sometimes her sense of humor “got the best of her,” and she could imagine getting to the pearly gates and St. Peter would say, “I’m sorry, I cannot find your name on the list of those who are to come into heaven.” And then a deep voice, from some distance away, would say, “Is that Mildred? It’s alright, you can let her in, she made Me laugh a time or two!”

Mother lived a Christ-like life, and even as Jesus’ disciples were not present when he left the body, Mother was alone when she died. In one of those moments that I would love to have back, I was driving home from work when I thought of stopping in to see Mother at the hospital. Then the thought came that my wife might like to come with me, so I went home. Soon after I received the call that told me that Mother had left the body. Tears came, and I wondered at the strange play of God. I could have so easily been with her at the time of transition, but she had not wished it so.

Mother had said that at the time of death of a great soul a spiritual ambiance goes out all over this world; a blessing of the light and power of God. In that moment the master consciously releases themselves from the confines of the body, no longer carrying their heavy cross, they are now free, and the world is the recipient of his or her grace without limit.  

Over the many years since Mother’s Mahasamadhi, her life and teachings have taken on so many hues, colors, and subtleties–like a multi-faceted diamond that manifests glints of light with unending variation and beauty. New truths, understanding, wisdom-thoughts, Divine Mother’s love, joy, humor, the everythingness of God is constantly revealing itself to the attuned mind. Each revelation of Mother’s immense Spirit adds to our comprehension what a truly extraordinary God-being our Mother was, and is.

Elisabeth Haich had said to Mother, Why do you go around thinking you are the littlest one? Do you not realize, you are greater than any master you have met, or will ever meet! Mother was not so sure of that statement, but it speaks to what a rare a magnificent soul Mother was. Even amongst the greatest of spiritual Masters, Mother stands among them–each one a shining jewel on God’s necklace of spiritual splendor.   

In deepest reverence I bow at the feet of my beloved Guru. My prayer for you: that you might also receive glints of Mother’s pure God-light, and thereby be lifted higher and higher, until you, like she, merge into our Infinite Beloved and ever know that you and your Heavenly Father-Divine Mother are ever one.
