I have completed the health tests for this current round, and they have come out with positive results. Yesterday I had consultation with my oncological naturopath; he has played a central role in my healthcare these past two years and contributed to the clean health reports with his recommendations for supplements based on blood tests and his knowledge about how cancer cells proliferate. These plant-based prescriptions have been targeted for the support of the body by strengthening the immune system, robbing tumors of what they need to grow (i.e. zinc interferes with the delivery of copper which cancer cells require), and supplements that have shown cancer fighting ability (specifically for melanoma that, in the past, grew in my internal organs). Cause and effect is not always easy to determine, however his is the only medical treatment I have been receiving–allopathic doctors have had nothing to offer without tumors being present.
There are things I can do on my own as well. For instance I have had weight gain, and that is not only hard on my overall system, but can be an aid to tumor growth. Being overweight affects cancer risk factors such as insulin growth factor 1, it can result in chronic low-level inflammation, fat cells produce estrogen and affect cell regulation which are additional risk factors; of course being overweight can affect general health and quality of life as well.
With that in mind I have set some goals for myself–if this is an issue for you this is a time we can all join together to attain our ideal weight. The doctor suggested I set a goal of losing 2 lbs a month–seems extremely doable. I will see him in six months and I will have trimmed 10% weight off and look to increase lean muscle. With good intentions only and no specific goals it is too easy to continue on as I have, so I will check in weekly with the scale for feedback on how I am doing.
My method will be to take advantage of “low hanging fruit” for commonsense weight loss: no desserts, baked goods or chips. Eat healthy vegetables, easy on fruit and grains. For me, limit or eliminate snacking. When traveling my biggest offense was snacking on chips; those days are over. I have a good sense of what foods trigger cravings, no more of those. I have been successful in the past losing weight when I set my mind to it, however I know others who have greatly benefited from programs such as Weight Watchers, which offers good structure and support.
At the end of six months I will asses how I feel with 10% loss to see if it should be more. When I am happy with the results I will spend the next six months maintaining my weight without gaining any back. After that I will regularly check in with the scale, the truth teller for trends, to maintain what I have set out to weigh. This longterm followup is essential, for in the past I have lost the weight, but the slippery slope leads to gaining it back over time.
If this a goal for you as well I would love for you to join me in this journey. Weight is a big issue in our prosperous times, learning how to manage our eating and activities to produce the maximum health benefits is one of our great challenges as machines do more work for us and high calorie foods are so easily and cheaply available. Bon appetit and good health to you at your right weight!