I am being held prisoner. I should make it clear, I voluntarily became God’s slave some time ago—in fact I worked hard to do so. Even though my slavery and my imprisonment are entirely with my consent, by putting God first and making it clear, “Not my will, but Thy will be done,” I have deliberately placed myself in this situation where my little human desires are routinely overwritten by God’s.
It is true that I have not even the smallest wish (well sometimes maybe the smallest wish), to not be His slave. But, it is not a wish to not be His instrument, it is only the groan of a bridge over which a heavy load is being driven, being stretched to the utmost of human limits. Fortunately, I do not depend on my human strength for the work He has me do.
Now, it may all sound a bit vague what this work is, and in truth it can be very difficult to describe. At any hour of the day, and all through the day, God uses this human instrument as His conduit of power, bliss and light. He also puts loads upon this human frame of illness, as well as mental and emotional disharmony—in short, any part of the human condition this world finds itself in. Since I experience His grace along with what he gives me to bear, there is always His power for strength, and the certain knowledge it is all He. This grace makes all the difference, without His constant sustenance the human element could not last a second.
It is the most fascinating life imaginable, and one day, even one hour is not like another. Because of His insistence in recent years I spend many days withdrawn from human interactions. There are exceptions to this, such as this past Easter weekend, but He makes it abundantly clear when those limits are reached.
Being His slave is perfect, but when He has me disappoint others, I must surrender that disappointment at His feet. This weekend I was not able to attend a House Blessing, and that became one of those points of surrender, giving my little human desire to be there at the feet of God. I am certain that Reverend Jill did a beautiful job leading the House Blessing—so I let it go. In my absence I sent a letter to Sarah and all attendees in which I closed with a blessing. I am passing that blessing on to you—that God and Gurus may richly bless you. And, if it be your sweet will, you too may enjoy being a slave to the Almighty, our Infinite Beloved.
Blessing for the Householder Yogi
Bless you and your home; make it a sanctuary that is a witness and a support to your aspiring spirit. As the petals of God-experiences unfold in your receptive soul, may they reveal the flower of Self-realization that lights your whole Being, your entire home, and fills all the world with His eternal splendor. Ever in God, Christ, Gurus.