As we continue to tour Washington D.C. we have been privy to some remarkable sites. The Congressional Library may not conjure up an image of someplace that is on the “must see” list, but that is deceptive. The art and architecture, let alone the rare books and interesting exhibits are more than worth the effort (a wonderful feature to so many of these public buildings and Smithsonian museums is that they are free of charge, so physical effort to get there is all that is needed). Truly, pictures do not do justice to the rotunda of the library, as the overall effect of space and art takes one’s breath away. Another of the many worthy sites is Washington’s Memorial, an obelisk that was the tallest structure in the world when built–it seems to reach all the way to the sky when looking up from its base.

Taking the train out of Washington the driver announces the next stop, along with a litany of added reminders. Most drivers rattle these off so slurred as not to be understood, however this female driver had a wonderfully clear lilt–she puts delight into hearing it. At the end of the run she added (a day early), “And have a wonderful Mother’s Day!” On the train we had watched a mother and child playing, they giggled and laughed in the most delightful way, making us both smile in appreciation at their loving noises. In general, it is so fascinating when seeing all people as expressions of God, removing all false barriers of separation, and rather than judging this one and that, or having a wall of defense or a cone of indifference enshrouding you, instead of all that, I feel an intimacy of connection that makes all a part of me, and I am a part of all. It is the most wonderful way to travel upon this earth.
These travel observations brings me back to the train driver’s, “Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!” This morning as I was thinking of God, the thought of Mother’s Day circulated through. Mother used to say that when a mother gave birth she went into the jaws of death in order to do so. I was breech born and the doctor was up to his elbows getting me turned. My mother was sutured afterwards, for she had gone into the jaws of death and came out a little worse for the wear; she needed help for the next couple of weeks to prevent the opening of wounds. There was a time when it was common for mothers to die when giving birth, today those odds have been greatly decreased, however there is always risk, and there is the pain that must be gone through–for some reason God made it a most difficult process. So much gratitude to all mothers who have paid the price, not just at birth, but for the many years of raising children and all that entails.

As I continued to think over Mother’s Day my mind naturally brought up my spiritual mother. A mother will draw the soul that is destined for her through her magnetism of karma, and a spiritual teacher will draw her students to her through her pure spiritual magnetism. It was for the purpose of meeting Mother that I came into this incarnation, and like a powerful magnet Mother drew me to herself. When I first met Mother, she created an invisible umbilical cord of spiritual connection, a cord that went wherever I did.
An early reminder of this connection was demonstrated when I was in the Sahara Desert. After travelling some days through sand dunes and rocky terrain I stood while we took a break from riding in the back of a truck. I was looking out over the dunes and suddenly I smelled Mother’s perfume (White Lilac) so strongly that I looked around, but of course there was no accounting for the smell from anyone or thing around me (we had been travelling for days without water for washing so there was no doubt that none of us smelled so nice!). With that fragrance came Mother’s presence, as if surrounded in a spiritual womb of comfort and connection.

Indeed, Mother went into the jaws of death many times in order for us to gain eternal life. Whatever a mother goes through in a human sense is multiplied many times over by what a spiritual guru goes through in order to help those striving for highest realization. There was nothing Mother would not do to bring about the second birth for all of her spiritual children. Mother one time said that, If you worked just one tenth as hard for your realization as I work so that you might have it, you would have God in a hurry!
I continued to muse on this subject and thought of all the years past–having Service on Sunday guaranteed we would gather on Mother’s Day. It feels strange not to be with you on this special day, however the strong feeling comes over me of the closeness I experience whenever I closed Service with handing out roses to all the lady’s, affirming, “I bow to the Divine Mother in you.” I feel that same spiritual current going out from me now as I inwardly hand the rose to you, bowing to the Divine Mother. I pray in return, that you feel honored and this divine connection. Blessings for the human sacrifices made by all mothers, and may you know the absolute purity of the Divine Mother within you. Om, Amen.