God has completed some much needed work where we had been staying, and has now moved us on to BLM land (Bureau of Land Management, Federal land that allows campers and RVs to stay for no fee). These are primitive roads and campsites—campers are expected to take care of the land, and people here are wonderfully responsible.
The previous work regarded changing the vibration of a place where a tragedy had occurred. There are times when we may enter a space and just know that something terrible happened there. This feeling of calamity can be changed by devotees through God-remembrance—chanting God’s name, feeling His light and bliss and experiencing God’s all-pervading Presence. Through such remembrance we can change a negative vibration into a positive. With this work done, we were free to move on.
We now find ourselves at a location we have been before, and always felt we would like to return. We have entered the vast Sonoran Desert at a beautiful spot with an unlovely name, Vulture Peak, AZ. Poor vultures get a bad name, ungainly looking but magnificent flyers known for picking over already dead carcasses. We are in a forest of saguaro cactus; the Sonoran Desert is the only place in the world they grow naturally. In 25 years this cactus will shoot up all of two feet from the ground, and through many years can eventually gain a sixty-foot height. Birds, cactus and bushes of many kind abound—far from empty, this desert it is positively teeming with life.
We had recently been staying in some beautiful man-icured places, and appreciate what that brings—visual beauty, a controlled environment and friendly people. However, the rustic beauty of this desert has an openness and a clean vibration where our souls can expand and have room to breathe. It is much to my liking and this has been our aim. It is a wonderful thought that on these dates Master was in nearby Phoenix in 1931 teaching a series of classes. Just the thought of Master brings a spiritual blessing with it.
On another positive note, Mother continues to clear the way for me to work on her writings. We have a virtual office where devotees work from their own homes, producing important contributions to make Mother’s books become reality. I think Mother left us this work to do as a means of keeping our minds on her and how God uniquely expressed Himself through her words. It is an immense project and it will take some time yet before it is completed. However, it is heartening to see continued progress towards our goal.
Mother really is such a tremendous God-personality. We have been privileged to have Master’s many written works—a tour-de-force that grew from his meditations and affirmations, his poems and prayers and lessons, to his classic Autobiography of a Yogi, and his magnum-opus commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and Second Coming of Christ. Mother’s books will blaze the trail on several spiritual themes. One of the most important, and the topic she came to bring to light, is the inner meaning of the Bible. How beautifully she dove-tails with Master’s Gita and Second Coming, bringing the truth of original Christianity to all the world.
Scriptures are mysterious, in as much as they originate from the intuitive insights of highly realized souls—often coming directly from God-consciousness. With divine origins such as these, there are so many ways that the teachings in a scripture can apply to an aspirant. From learning the ABCs of a spiritual life: tell the truth, do not murder, show respect for others; all the way to the highest mystical meanings concerning death of the ego and the resurrection of God-consciousness. Through Mother’s experiences during her sixteen years in the Mystical Crucifixion and her attaining ultimate oneness with her infinite Beloved, she was able to reveal the deepest meanings of the Christian scriptures that have laid hidden in obscurity for nearly two thousand years. The world stands on the cusp of awakening to these higher truths, and Mother has come as an example, paving the way for a world that yearns for the truth. And, as our great and dear Galilean Master said, “know the Truth, and it shall set you free.”