Dear Aspirant,
Whenever you begin a journey you usually start with a destination in mind, a means of conveyance, and a map or landmarks to indicate that you are on the right path. Those of us following this path have God (Self) Realization as our Goal of goals. Our means of conveyance is God-remembrance, such as chanting God’s Name, deepened meditation through Kriya Yoga, universal love and service, loving God, and discernment of Truth.
These postings will act as markers upon your spiritual journey to make for safe and rapid progress. Unlike a scattered “hunt and peck” approach many choose to take that can take them on “wild goose chases” only to become thoroughly lost, you will receive teachings of the purest quality that speeds you on the most direct path to realization. Obstacles will arise which will create challenges for your journey; you will find inspiration here to help you meet those challenges.
These writings will also contain notes from pilgrimages and journeys which will also ( reader alert here!) have lessons upon the path embedded in them as well.
With deepest love and blessings on your journey.
Yogacharya David