Master one time gave a Talk on that topic. He said that earlier in his life he had rejected the notion of evil, but that experience taught him there was real evil, a satanic force in creation beyond individual acts of meanness. Of course, Papa taught that the world, and all creation is God, and that God is behind every action. Mother, who grew up in fear of being a sinner and the devil, wanted us to focus our attention on God, and not on sin or evil.
So, the question is—is the world nothing but God? Or, are there forces of evil, darkness and the destruction of all that is good? Mother has helped us with this conundrum by teaching us that there are two perspectives from which to view this creation—that remain even for a fully God-realized master. The first is most common, and that is the human perspective. From a human standpoint there is evil, wrong action, and a darkness that would seek to obliterate light. The second way of knowing this creation and everything that is, is from the Divine perspective–the Universal Vision. Divine Consciousness makes us know that God is a part and parcel of all that is, there is nothing that is not teeming with Divine Essence.
The human perspective is what most people live with, and what many of the scriptures describe. Dating back to the Zoroastrian, Hindu, and Judaic religions, as well as most of sacred stories from around the world, there is an ongoing battle between good and evil. We are warned about evil tendencies and to avoid them; we also see the suffering that occurs through wrong actions–in our personal lives and in the world at large. There is no doubt that the compassion of realized masters is triggered when seeing such suffering in this world.
Then, through spiritual evolution the mind becomes purified, uplifted into a consciousness of Divinity. This transformation reveals ever-new bliss, universal love and omnipresent light found within and without. With this illumination a unity of Spirit is known to be behind the alternating faces of good and evil. Even actions that are normally defined as evil are seen to eventually produce enlightenment—the suffering produced by wrong actions spurring us on to seek out God Omnipresent, and/or by paying off karmic debts previously accrued. In this way, even evil is seen as part of the Divine Plan.
We are endowed with individual will, therefore we can humanly choose good or evil. Through the consequences of our actions we learn invaluable lessons. We see the results of evil, and are eventually driven to strive to go beyond this world of opposites. In this way we see, even from a human perspective, that all is working for ultimate good. Through our spiritual practice we are purified to the point that the universal vision is realized—we now actively perceive God as the sole force behind all creation. When we see actions that produce pain, our hearts bleed with compassion, and we also understand that God is truly working out His will for the highest good of all.
Human and Divine have their own ways of seeing this world, and while they are fundamentally different perspectives, they need not clash, but work together to make up “the whole man.” A loving, compassionate humanity, working for good to overcome darkness and evil propensity, and a Divine perspective that knows that Good is the “first-born” of all creation, and even now it is perfect exactly as it is. Thus, the world and heaven, human and Divine are with us in the present; and our purified vision reveals that all the world is gradually evolving toward God, and is even now is a perfect expression of the purity that is God.