On this mahasamadhi anniversary date of the great spiritual master Lahiri Mahasaya we reflect on the life of this most humble and joy-filled spiritual personality to whom we owe so much for our spiritual path. As I think on his form I am filled with such joy–the bliss he emanates is contagious, it overflows the cup of the little soul and merges into an infinite expanse; atma into paramatma.
In the Autobiography of a Yogi we read: “At my guru’s home I found many disciples assembled. For hours that day the master expounded the Gita; then he addressed us simply. “‘I am going home.’ “Sobs of anguish broke out like an irresistible torrent. “‘Be comforted; I shall rise again.’ After this utterance Lahiri Mahasaya thrice turned his body around in a circle, faced the north in his lotus posture, and gloriously entered the final maha-samadhi. Lahiri Mahasaya’s beautiful body, so dear to the devotees, was cremated with solemn householder rites at Manikarnika Ghat by the holy Ganges….” With what simplicity, what grace for this most perfect master to leave!
How are we to explain such a flawless transition? For spiritually illumined masters such as Lahiri Babaji, who have been making such ascensions daily for many years, merging into Divine Consciousness is a long practiced entrance that comes naturally. As St. Paul said, “I die daily,” leaving of the body in what yogis call samadhi, Christians call it Christ; it is entering into the supreme consciousness through the ajna or the Christ Center. In the beginning, when attaining samadhi the body becomes fixed, the breath is still–what can appear to be a death state, however the soul has never been more fully alive. As purification continues the aspirant may remain in God-consciousness while moving in the body, however there are times of having this unbroken consciousness, and other times feeling separation. Ultimately the soul through deepened communion is able to go about its business in the world without a break–ever one with the Divine nature of his Soul. What could be easier or more natural than to enter into this state? Only when it comes to what we call death it is done for the last time and through God’s direction without any intention of returning to the earthly vessel–maha-samadhi–the last or great entrance into divine union or yoga.
While there will certainly be sorrow for those remaining behind, for the master there is blissful release and the certain knowledge that he or she has fulfilled his earthly mission. Through our focus upon such an ascended master we attune ourselves to their divine consciousness and thus his grace may impart a blessing upon us. May Lahiri Mahasaya bless us all and lift us up to the same beautiful state of consciousness he enjoyed in his life, and ever after.