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You must not be afraid to face life. Life is exciting! It is terrifically exciting! And each of us came with a job to do for God, no matter how humble it is. It doesn’t matter because we can make each humble job great in God. Because the greatness is not in the job itself, it is the spirit in which it is done for Him–the spirit of service, the spirit of total renunciation of self, the total uplifting and of giving yourself to the Infinite Creator.
-Mother Hamilton from “Message from Mother”
Mother loved life here in the world, because she had surrendered all to God and as a result, she came to see the world as God. This rare universal vision makes us aware that the building blocks of creation itself are made up of God-stuff—Electrons, protons and neutrons and all charged particles have come from the Infinite’s storehouse; because something cannot come from nothing. “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) So light itself came directly from God’s creative factory, as did all else. When there is only God, and God is love, then how can you do anything but love all—even as God does.
It is human nature to be attracted to that which is pleasurable and be repulsed by that which causes pain, so to appreciate that all is God, our experience must rise above the two forces of attraction and repulsion. In order to do that we must experience a higher order of consciousness; it must rise to the level of God-consciousness in which all creation is seen as Divine. Anything less leaves us in the dual realm and entails suffering. This suffering is different than body pain, it is suffering of consciousness because we feel separated from God.
We try to arrange life so that pain is mitigated and pleasure is maximized, but we can never remove suffering as long as we live according to the limits of the body. To know God we must experience God. While this may seem a self-evident truth, it is amazing how many try to know God by reading books, through philosophical discussions, by doing good works and through the reasoning mind. To experience God beyond an occasional moment of grace we must deeply meditate, and even then it cannot be simply putting in your time, you must actively touch the fabric of that which is God—you experience His uplifting Presence, peace, bliss and wisdom. Through this touch you are transformed, until you are a fit instrument for unbroken Divine Consciousness.
Now you live, breath and act according to active Divine Will. Your life is transformed, never to be the same again. Your life is not your own in a human sense, nor do your want it to be. You exist in continuous surrender, for that is now your natural state. Victory is now yours through your surrender, the falsity of ego is but a past dream and you love life, because all of life is now seen as a process of evolution in becoming Divine. Now your life itself is exciting because you are filled with bliss and wonder at all the works God does within and without.
A Bliss-filled Devotee
Fred Camets, an early disciple of Mother’s, drove from his town just north of Portland up to Seattle every week. Fred had a humble job as custodian of a church. His car was an older model and it was somewhat a miracle that it made its weekly pilgrimage to Seattle with Fred at its blissful helm. Alone amongst all the disciples Fred knelt at Mother’s feet at the start of each meditation. I felt he did this for all of us—it was a custom Mother neither encouraged or even allowed. When Fred pronamed, with his face to the floor, he was suffused with Light and Bliss. In fact whenever I saw Fred, he was filled with an inner glow of purity. I can only imagine that the church he cleaned was blessed, because Fred was blessed.
Health Update
Recovery remains all good news for regaining the normal use of this body. From a wheelchair I graduated to a quad walking stick with a “gate belt” around my waist that Carla would hold as I walked (safety first). Then I walked in the house without Carla spotting me while using the quad cane. Now I am walking without any cane or assistance—what freedom. I am mindful of being safe, but as strength and endurance continues to build I continue to broaden the activities I do. I have walked up our driveway and up the road a ways with Carla at my side. For my left arm I am using a small barbell weight to improve strength.
All and all I am happy with the progress. Seeing my surgeon this past week, Dr. S. said he was amazed at my progress—he really couldn’t believe it. Dr. S. did have some news that was not so welcome. The results of my PET scan showed a dark spot on my spine at T-7, between the shoulder blades. He ordered a biopsy, I will let you know the results when it comes back.
In receiving this news, I focus on what I can do today—so I send light and healing to the dark spot area. For today I am fully engaged with getting this body strong and in perfect working order. As God is the Author of all of our beings and destinies, I leave it in His hands to see to it that all should unfold perfectly according to His will. I do all that I can to maintain perfect health. While knowing I am not this body, yet it is my part to be its good steward— so that I may continue to serve God and Gurus in all I do.