It has been wonderful to see this body gradually waking up to its normal functions. Usually, we identify with the body and gauge how we are doing based on that. Our other point of reference is the mind—am I thinking clearly? Can I solve problems? When God took me through the three mystical crucifixions, He made it perfectly clear that I have a body, but I am not this body, and I have a mind but I am not the mind—the Source of my existence is the eternal Spirit residing within and without.
That knowledge has allowed me to focus on healing this body and not spend time in doubt and worry. It also helps me to live in the moment and not in the future of “What ifs” or a past of “What was,” but to remain in the here and now.
We had a speaker come to a family support group with a remarkable story. Seven years ago, she had a stroke and was in a coma for two and a half months, when she woke up she was blind, had a poor memory, and could not walk. She was in therapy for 18 months and could not be at home on her own for two and a half years. Today she walked into our meeting and you would not suspect anything unusual about her. She spoke eloquently about her experiences. She continues to work to compensate for memory lapses, writing notes to herself and continues to use her shampoo trick even though she does not need it anymore—in the past, she could not remember if she had washed her hair or not, so she pushed the shampoo bottle forward if she had washed her hair and then placed it on the back of the shelf if she had not.
A main point she made was that when the doctor told her she would be in a wheelchair for six more months, she took it as a challenge to do it faster; she was out of her chair in three months. When her daughter-in-law said she could not hold her grandchild until she could prove she could do it safely she went to work strengthening herself until she could. Now she regularly babysits her grandchildren. I thought, “What a wonderful example for living life! To take challenges, not as limitations, but as starting points.” When told that you cannot do a certain thing, take it as a challenge to prove that you can. Such a commitment spurs you to build yourself up, not allow them to create artificial constraints. Another main point she made—do not define yourself by your body or its limitations, who you are is not your body or mind. Today, seven years later she continues to set goals for progress, even though she is no longer in therapy.
We all have obstacles of one kind or another, some of them are obvious to others, and some blend into the background—away from public view. Onetime Mother was riding in a car with a devotee. There were no parking spots except in the one marked for the disabled. Mother said, “you can park there.” The devotee pointed out that it was for disabled people. Mother said, “That’s alright, in the body we are all disabled!” They parked and did not get a ticket. Being with the guru is always an eye-opening experience!
Therapy Update: I am kept busy here with five or six hours of various types of therapies on weekdays for the body and mind (two hours a day on the weekends). Recent progress shows increased cognitive functions, my stamina has steadily grown, the beginning of the activation in my left hip, leg and foot (first comes activation of the muscles, then strengthen the response and then the muscles grow stronger), standing and sitting (with assistance) is smoother and with better balance, I slept through the night for the first time Friday night, periodic nerve pain on my left leg has reduced, and I am also dressing myself with greater self-reliance. Everything I can do for myself I do—when you put the demand on the brain it responds by clearing old pathways or creating new ones. The muscles are intact, what is needed is the brain connection to the body.
With Loving Pronams
Thank you for all the lovely cards, emails and texts, and of course your prayers, all are lovingly received. The staff here have all commented on the rapid recovery they are seeing in this body; That is in no small measure a result of your positive thoughts and prayers. Please receive my loving pronams in return.