Greetings from the Southwest desert. We are currently encamped near Yuma Arizona. An unfortunate consequence of this area is we have enough cell tower connection to send and receive email, but not enough to stream live. It makes it so difficult to listen when the broadcast stalls or loses total connection during a talk. So, today we will commune in spirit; using our built in inner-net.
You know, it truly is amazing what capacities we have that are too often unexplored. There are airwaves from radio and television bandwidths all around us, but we are not properly attuned to listen to or see such broadcasts. For that, we need a radio or television with the proper receiver. There are also subatomic particles flying right through you, even through the earth at incredible speeds, yet all of this goes on unnoticed. As these things are going on around and through us (even as we read this), so are there communications going on between individuals.
A solar flare from our distant sun can interfere with a radio broadcast here on earth, and so does the static of restless thoughts and ceaseless activity make hearing these subtle communications between people unheard. One of the beautiful things about life in the astral worlds is that thought transference occurs naturally; without misinterpreting words getting into the way. Even as writing is a poor substitute for a perfect memory, so spoken words is a poor imitation for thought transference.
During my stay at Anandashram in 1998-9, I sat each evening with Swamiji. He and a few intimates go about Ashram business while I quietly enter and sit next to the wall and meditate. He tolerates my presence without giving me the boot, so I sit for an hour, then quietly pronam and leave. While meditating with my eyes closed, I know when his attention shifts to me; he does not call out to me, but I sense it. I open my eyes and he is quietly waiting, then begins to talk to me. Now, if I had been more advanced, perhaps the conversation would have occurred without words at all; for this too has happened on more than one occasion as well.
There are those who try to develop psychic abilities, but the psychic realm is of a different nature than this deeper spiritual communion. The psychic realm can be used for many reasons; not necessarily for pure spiritual intent. After meeting Mother, I read the Autobiography of a Yogi every spring for ten years. It seemed like a good time of year for new seeds to be sown. I was amazed at the things I found in that same book with each reading. New information, new themes revealed themselves as if brand new with each reading. One year a principle became crystal clear. Whenever a truly realized master performs a “miracle,” Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswarji, or highly realized saint, he or she announces that it is by God’s command he initiates this extraordinary event. By God’s command—not a whim, for personal gain or to prove something, but the purity of intent was from the highest Source.
When you go through the successive layers of human potential during your spiritual unfoldment many temptations come to you; some as subtle as the breeze on a still day, others slam into you like a speeding dump truck. Things will happen: psychic experiences, powers of various kinds present themselves. Even as Jesus is picturesquely portrayed as being tempted by Satan to display powers, to gain power, name and fame in the world, so are we tempted. We may not have a man with pointed ears and all in red standing before us, but he may as well be. He stands before us with a silver platter asking if he can interest us in any of his wares; all we need do is bow down to him and we may take. Of course, we may even think such abilities are a sign of spiritual advancement! Tricky devil. We must exhibit the utmost integrity and surrender all such powers, knowing that to the sincere yogi these are detours that will take us off a cliff, not to the mountaintop.
Communion in God makes a bond of one with one another; not simply through personal psychic connection, but through the purity and disinterest of God-experience. Then, what is transferred, what is known is of the highest and best for everyone concerned. Such communication is uplifting, purifying and edifying on every level. The receiver of God-consciousness is switched on, you feel the pulse of Divine Life throughout all creation, you realize these spiritual rays have always been in and around you, only you did not have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. (Matt 13:43) Become an active receiver, realize the universal truth of what Jesus says, “Lo, I am with you always.” (Matt 28:20) Let us go within and commune with our Infinite Beloved, and through Him with all.